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What was your favorite band in High School?

  Van Halen
  The Cars
  Motley Crue
  Bon Jovi
  The Steve Miller Band
  The Doors


•   Johnnie Bacate  1/12
•   Gary Reid  9/10
•   Dayne Nelson  8/15
•   Jon Montgomery  6/15
•   Craig BrOoks  3/18
•   Kristi Sellers (Banister)  2/17
•   Kelly Speegle (Holmes)  11/4
•   Gary Noles  5/20
•   Jody Hayes  10/2
•   Jennifer Skinner (Sparkman)  9/28
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

85 live in Alabama
2 live in California
3 live in Florida
5 live in Georgia
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in Missouri
1 lives in Nebraska
1 lives in New York
1 lives in Ohio
6 live in Tennessee
2 live in Texas
1 lives in Virginia
1 lives in Afghanistan
1 lives in China
1 lives in Sri Lanka
1 lives in United Kingdom
72 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome to the Cullman High School Class of 1988 web site.

We are planning a 20th High School Reunion and this is your source for information on the Reunion. Please spread the word about this website and be sure to fill out your profile, include photos and visit the Message Forum!

To fill out your profile, go to the Classmate Profiles link and select your name. It will prompt you to sign up and complete your profile.

The Reunion is Scheduled for Saturday, October 11th at Terri Pines Country Club in Cullman, Alabama. There will be other planned events - including an informal gathering at the CHS football game on Friday, and a family picnic on Saturday at Heritage Park.

Be sure to contact your classmates that have not filled in their profiles and let them know to visit the site.

We Need Your Pictures!!!

We are planning to put together a DVD to show at the Reunion with photos from our High School days. We would love for you to send your photos so we can include them. Please email your photos - scanned at 300dpi - to Rebecca Brown Davis. You may also send reprints or doubles of your photos by mail. Contact her through the "Contact Us" page on this site or through her profile and she will provide you with an email address/mailing address to send your pictures. (It has to be done this way to avoid her getting spam email).

Please Send in Your Pictures!!!


We will be raising money for the Danny Ashley Memorial Scholarship Fund that has been set up by Danny's family. They intend to award a $1,000 scholarship yearly to a CHS senior. If we give generously, we will be able to fund the scholarship for years to come. Our class will present a check to his family at the CHS football game on Friday, October 10th.

If you have any information on the following classmates, please contact Marissa Rakestraw Mitchell through her profile on this site.

Timothy Friedrich
Frankie Gonzalez
Tammy Hall
Lynn Johnson
David Kilpatrick
Susan Morring
John Mullins
Denise Nelson
Dena Parker
Billy Joe Perry
Rodney Sirvio
Jimmie Tolbert
Bobby Weathers
Erica Willemsens
Karen Kit Man Yip
