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•   Greg Trimm  8/1
•   Grant Goodrick (11th Grade)  10/4
•   Shawn McLellan (7th Grade)  2/9
•   James Meyer  3/6
•   Lori Ebke (Adams)  1/6
•   Michelle Arntt (Horinek)  10/28
•   Tony Ackerman  10/23
•   Nancy Kroeger  10/9
•   Debra Samland (Santee)  8/20
•   Becky Beetley (Trimble)  8/18
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
1 lives in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
1 lives in California
2 live in Florida
1 lives in Indiana
5 live in Kansas
2 live in Minnesota
2 live in Missouri
29 live in Nebraska
1 lives in Oklahoma
3 live in Texas
1 lives in Wyoming
109 location unknown
4 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 31.3%

A:   50   Joined
B:   110   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


•   Ann Meininger  10/1
•   Grant Goodrick (11th Grade)  10/13

Welcome to the Fairbury High Class Of 1980 website. This site has been created in preparation for our 30th High School Reunion and to help us to keep connected.

We spent many years together from elementary school, through high school and in some cases through college and beyond. There were other common bonds through church, little league, swim team, 4H and many others.

It is hoped that this website will help us to renew and continue friendships that were forged so many years ago.

Explore! Find your profile page which already includes your yearbook photo. (Hint: check the "Show Yearbook Photo" box at the top to see all photos on one page.)  Tell us your story and add plenty of pictures! Let everyone know where your path has led you since 1980. 

This site also provides a "Guest Member" category.  If you have a sibling, spouse or friend from another class, they can  join and have their own profile complete with pictures.  That goes for teachers, coaches and other friends of the class.  Just have them email me with their name and affiliation.

Please note the "Check Messages" link.  There you can send and receive private email like messages from a specific person or groups of classmates as long as they are signed up on the site.

Make sure you check out the "FHS Photo Montage" link on the left. 

By all means, if you know the whereabouts or email addresses of anyone in our class please let them know about this site.  Even if you know of a sibling, parent or friend of a classmate who might provide a lead please follow up the best you can.

We know of four of our classmates who are deseased.  There is an "In Memory" link.  There you can go and write personal messages and rememberances.  They are gone but not forgotten by their friends.  If you know of anyone else who has passed away, please let me know.

If you need any assistance with this site please don't hesitate to call me at (402) 203 9738.

Email -

So we don't have to spend money on an easy to remember website address please copy and paste and bookmark the home page now and visit often to check for updates.

Our class reunion is scheduled for July 23, 24 and 25, 2010. Hope to see you there!


Oh... and one more thing.  A lot of us are on Facebook now.  There is even a FHS Class of 1980 page with 14 members.  Find out who by clicking the link.  Can you guess which member was not in our class?

Consider joining.  It's simple, fun and free.



Donna Ruhnke Paneitz, Jim (Geese) Giesick and Greg Trimm reunite at the MAC Center in Council Bluffs on December 11th 2009 at the KISS concert.