Mark G McIntyre

Profile Updated: August 1, 2019
Mark G McIntyre
Residing In: Greensboro, NC USA
Spouse/Partner: Lisa Graham Newman
Occupation: Retired (IUPAT) Union Educator/ Instructor
Children: Daughter, Greer
Son, Ryland
Yes! Attending Reunion
Do you plan on attending the 50th Reunion in October of 2024?



Greetings One and All!
In some ways this fifty years has happened in a blink and in other ways it seems like light years since I exited PHS for the last time. I have enjoyed each and every reunion over the years and I've attended them all.
I have lifelong friends as a result of being a student at PHS for only my Junior and Senior years.
As Class of '67 Contact Person for the 50th Reunion in October 2018, I want to extend my thanks to all that have worked so very, very hard over the years to help us stay in touch.
Please reach out to me if you have questions about or 50th!
Very Best Wishes to All!

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Aug 01, 2019 at 4:04 PM
Jan 31, 2018 at 1:39 PM

Hey John, you made it! Glad it worked out. Were you able to get to Brent and Carl for date updates? I had to leave a message for Carl about the changes. Hope you are able to attend and all works out in Florida. Look forward to seeing you and hopefully meeting Laurie

Mark G McIntyre changed profile picture. New comment added.
Aug 01, 2019 at 4:10 PM

Posted on: Jan 08, 2018 at 1:24 PM