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•   Roger L. Hall  5/22
•   Ellen J. Dickinson (Campbell)  4/27
•   Shelley Ambrozy (Pardini)  4/27
•   Stephen G. Ellis (Ellis)  12/8
•   Margie Mathes (Glennon)  11/25
•   Dee Zinkel (Stayner)  12/25
•   Kevin H. Wirth  12/30
•   Eileen Lindstrom  12/29
•   August "Gus" Cattaneo  3/4
•   Michael L. Connolly  10/23
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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 43.8%

A:   226   Joined
B:   290   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


•   Kim M. Walbrecht (Johnson)  9/21
•   Jimmy J. Levie  9/23
•   Bob Jacobsen  9/25
•   Ann K. Abbott (Burton)  9/30
•   Sharilyn Van Zandt (Thompson )  10/1
•   Kathleen M. Russell (Cooney)  10/8
•   Charles J. Ashmore  10/9
•   Glenn A. Cameron  10/10
•   Francine Gonzalez  10/10
•   Janet Blucher (Johnson)  10/18
•   Christine Johnson (Riske)  10/19
•   Shirley Schneider  10/19
•   Kitty M. Allen (Beckmann)  10/20


Who lives where - click links below to find out.

5 live in Arizona
2 live in Arkansas
365 live in California
15 live in Colorado
1 lives in Delaware
1 lives in District Of Columbia
3 live in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
2 live in Hawaii
1 lives in Idaho
2 live in Illinois
3 live in Indiana
2 live in Iowa
2 live in Louisiana
1 lives in Maine
4 live in Maryland
2 live in Massachusetts
2 live in Michigan
2 live in Mississippi
1 lives in Missouri
9 live in Nevada
1 lives in New Hampshire
1 lives in New Jersey
4 live in New Mexico
2 live in North Carolina
3 live in Ohio
1 lives in Oklahoma
19 live in Oregon
2 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in South Carolina
1 lives in South Dakota
3 live in Tennessee
3 live in Texas
6 live in Utah
3 live in Virginia
18 live in Washington
1 lives in Wisconsin
1 lives in Australia
1 lives in Costa Rica
10 location unknown
32 are deceased


Thanks to everyone who has contributed generously to support this site!

Hosting for this site is currently paid up until:

August 1, 2015

Our generous sponsors are:

Annual cost of domain name has been paid for by Kevin Wirth (2009-2013)

Feb to March '09 - Kevin Wirth
April '09 - Rich Stone
May '09 to June 09 - Ellen Dickinson (Campbell)
July '09 - Jim Barrett
August '09 - Dyane Silva (Janney)
September '09 - Dyane Silva (Janney)
October '09 - Charles Challstrom
Nov '09 to Oct '10 - John Nill
November '10 - Marcia Van Sandt (Rapier)
December '10 - Suzanne Epting (Brierley)
Jan '11 to Dec '11 - Gus Cattaneo
Jan '12 to Feb '12 - Sarah Lichtman
Mar '12 to Jul '12 - Jimmy J. Levie
Aug '12 to Oct '12 - Barbara Carpenter (Gant)

Nov '12 - Debra Mannhalter
Dec '12 to Nov '13 - Gus Cattaneo

Dec '13 to Jan '14 - James C. Vaughn

Feb '14 to Sept '14 - Kevin Wirth

Oct '14 to Aug '15 - Gus Cattaneo





Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

San Carlos High School
Class Of 1969


Welcome to the official evergreen San Carlos High School Class of 1969 web site. We're glad you're here.  We hope you have a great time renewing old friendships and exploring new ones with other classmates!  Please make yourself at home and get ready to explore all the great features available to you on this site.  Please scroll down this page to read more...


Want to stay in touch with SCHS students across ALL classes?  Well, there's a Facebook site for that:

click HERE


Updated June 26, 2013


SCHS  PLAQUE DEDICATION event on June 23, 2013

Wish you could have all been there for this all-classes get-together.  It was terrific to see so many folks from all the different years, including some of our own (see the picture below).  Not depcited is Janet Wilson, who I also spoke with at the event.  


             Greg Bottini, John Maltby, Harriet Scobie (Erbes), and Kevin Wirth

Just over 100 people attended, and we were treated to some of our former teachers (can you identify them all?)


                      Photo Courtesy of Darcy Benson

Here is a Google Maps view of where the plaque was installed at Highlands Park in San Carlos right across from where our school once stood.


For more photos and info, you can visit the all-class SCHS Facebook site here.



In tandem with that event, Kevin Wirth has begun the rather challenging project of re-creating the campus in digital format so we can all walk the halls and investigate the campus once again.  If you'd like to be involved with helping to make the objective of this project a reality, then please contact Kevin Wirth at (360) 990-5422 or you can reach him at  For project status, or to read the project plan, please visit the San Carlos High School all-class Facebook page HERE.




Terzich-Miller redux!

Mike Terzich and Cindy Miller return to their iconic class-of-1969 Senior couple photo - a do-over just for fun after all these years! 











New Web Site Features

Updated Classmate Map

The Show Classmates on a Map feature has been updated. New features include:
1) Geocoding, which allows us to more accurately plot national Classmates at Zip Code center. For privacy reasons we don't plot to street level, but the new system gives a better general idea of Classmates' locations.
2) Much improved international Classmate plotting.
3) Showing all Classmates in the same location under 1 bubble. It's no longer possible for a Classmate to be buried behind another Classmate and not clickable on the map.
4) Inclusion of Classmate Master Photo and link to Classmate's Profile.
5) New look and improved formatting.

Live Chat

Now it's easier than ever for our classmates to communicate with each other.  A new "Live Chat" Feature has just been implemented.  Click on the "Live Chat" link on the left.  Once you do that, click on the text "LIVE CHAT INSTRUCTIONS" at the upper left of the Live Chat window. 

Many people have asked how to send out instructions for the Live Chat feature in a class wide email. The Live chat feature is elaborate and does many things that can be missed without some pointers. If you would like to email Live Chat instructions to your Classmates, full instructions for doing so are available in this Help Forum thread:

If you click on that text, this is what you SHOULD be able to see:


If you DON'T see this text, then you'll need to upgrade to Adobe Flashplayer.  To upgrade with Adobe Flashplayer (a safe and free software tool), click here (make sure you UNCHECK the default checked box for the Google toolbar if you don't want it...). 

Have fun exploring!


Just a few photos from our 40th Class Reunion - August 1, 2009, hailed by many classmates as the "best ever"  Almost everyone had a grin on their face the whole time...

  Phil Althouse, Kitty Rea, Greg Bottini, Gerry Lancaster

Steph Herrington

Pat Lucatuorto, Debbie Long (Carpenter)

Bob Neal, Louise Marie Portal, Jeb Johnson, Gordie Burton, Ann Abbott

(to see more, click on the "Reunion Photos 2009" link on the left)

  *   *   *   *   *   

ANNOUNCEMENTS.  Do you have an announcement you'd like to post for all classmates to read?  Well, you can - and it will show up in the blue shaded section below.  Just go to the FAQ's link on the left side of this page and read up on how to do it. 



Share your reunion and other photos in your profile!







FEEDBACK - If you have any questions or feedback on our web site, we'd be delighted to hear from you!  Just contact Kevin Wirth at (360)990-5422 or email him at

GET STARTED! - The first thing you need to do is update your profile and bio information so others can contact you and see what you've been up to recently.  A special profile page has been created for you on this site, and you'll need to make it current.  To do that, click on the "Classmate Profiles" link to your left, find your name on the list, click on your name, and then register and edit your profile information. To update your profile in the future, just click on the "Edit Profile" or "Edit/Upload Photos" links. 

RECONNECTING - There are lots of ways you can reconnect with classmates.  If you already know a classmate, then no introduction is really needed, just reach out!  With others you might not know very well, you can read their profiles and find something of interest to the both of you and start emailing one another.  And if you see someone has a birthday, why not drop them a line? 

FORUMS - We've just recently started to create some forums here (click on the 'SCHS69 FORUMS' link on the left side of this page), but if you have an idea for a forum you'd like to launch, please contact Kevin Wirth for help in getting it set up.

CLASS PHOTO ARCHIVE - We've started collecting photos of classmates from our days at SCHS and also from Clifford, Central, White Oaks, and McKinley, etc., so if you have any you'd like to scan and share with us, we'd be happy to post 'em!!!  You can see what we've got so far by checking out the "Class Photo Archive" link on the left. 

TECHNICAL OR OTHER SUPPORT FOR THIS WEB SITE - If you need assistance, please contact site administrator Kevin Wirth.

DONATIONS FOR THIS WEB SITE.  You'll notice most of the features over on are also here, with one BIG exception: the cost for this site is a pittance in comparison.  Thanks to some generous donations from many of our classmates, this web site is now paid up until 2013.  Since we are so far paid up in advance, we are no longer accepting donations for the monthly cost of keeping this site online, however, donations are welcomed for the ongoing maintenance of this site.  Any donations made after August 10, 2009 will be designated for that purpose.

Referrals using the Affiliate Program. You can help generate money to sustain this site simply by letting others know about the software tool we use (Class Creator).  Any time you feel like bragging about our web site and want to show others what we have, please be sure to send them the two links below (one of them is our unique affiliate link).  When you do this, if the person you referred to Class Creator signs up using our affiliate link, we get a referral fee (which is then applied directly to the cost of keeping this site alive). 

Thanks for helping out! 

CHAT.  We have our own private online chat room, if you'd like to enage in conversation with anyone from our class.  Just enter your first and last name and have at it!  You can invite as many people as you want to engage in a conversation with you. 

Enter the SCHS Class of '69 Chat Room

PLAYLIST.  Welcome to our Music Playlist -- we hope you enjoy these tunes.  Please note that if you click on the "POP-OUT PLAYER" button at the bottom-middle of the playlist box, it will open a separate window for you to play our tunes even when you log off our web site.  By the way, it's a free tool -- you can go to and create your own custom playlist of up to 200 tunes (but if you need more than that, you can just create another playlist).  Have fun!

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones
