David "D.J." Hoeft Jr.

Profile Updated: March 10, 2017
Residing in Rapid City (Elk Rapids), MI USA
Occupation: Own a boat dealership
Spouse/Partner: Wendy
Children (birthdate if known): Dillon 23, fully employed, Mercedes is a Jr at Pitt pursuing a double engineering degree
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What is your marital status?


How many times have you been married since graduating THS?


Grandchildren (birthdate if known):

none yet


Liv'in large and lov'in life.

Remarried Dec 23, 2012

My wife and i have most of the winter off so we travel quite a bit.

How many times have you moved since graduating THS?


What other cities have you lived in since graduating THS?

Traverse city,Torch Lake and now Elk Rapids

What are your favorite memories from THS?

Mr. Thorne and His wife chaperoning the "Senior Cruise"
The "Lot", the "Rail".....Arm benders and a "waterfall of beer caps going down the Senior stairs"

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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:55 AM
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