University Of Massachusetts-Amherst
Class of 1967
Norm Ephraim
Residing In | LINCOLN, MA USA |
Spouse/Partner | Eve Rassiga |
Homepage |
www.waterfallstjohn.com |
Occupation | Psychologist |
Children | 1 daughter Arelai, born 4/15/92 |
I've been a psychologist for many years in private practice all around the Boston area. We now live in Lincoln, MA. My wife and I traveled a lot when young and now spend more and more time in our home in St John, V.I. I've included a video of our home and would welcome "Umies" to enjoy it. Our rental manager is www.vivacations.com
I loved UMass and found great connection and support in my fraternity Sigma Alpha Mu- Sammy. I've always loved music and one my proudest moments was that I directed our fraternity in the InterFraternity Sing and we won first place. UMass was small then and it's been hard to return ( as we did when my daughter was looking at colleges) and the campus looked so large and impersonal. But my memories are strong- especially of my first girlfriend Annie and UMass will always occupy a warm place in my heart.
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