This page contains links to files representing memorabilia of the Class of 1962. Such things as programs from school plays, dances and athletic events. Any artifact capable of being scanned that relates to our years at Athens High, or even earlier back in junior high or grade school is welcome. This reminds me of a playground cheer from those old days, one with which most of my high schools classmates will disagree: "East Side, West Side, Putnam is the Best Side!" I think Bill Harmon may have come up with this gem! :-)
Any classmate who has other memorabilia to share can either scan it and send it to the administrator (Carl J. Denbow), or send the original to him which he will scan and then return to the owner.
Link to Baccalaureate Service Program
Link to "Showboat" Senior Dance Program
Link to Christmas Assembly Program (Dec. 18, 1959)
Link to Junior High Promotion Program
Link to Rufus Putnam Elementary School First Grade Yearbook