Carl Denbow
Thanks again for your donation. Actually, until that last week or so this has been an unusally cool summer here in the hills of Southeastern Ohio. Evening temperatures have regularly been down in 40s and 50s. My wife is a big swimmer, and she reports that only in the last few weeks have the outdoor pools in the area gotten up to their normal temperatures because of the cooler than normal evening temperatures. Having said that, if this week's weather continues, we are in for a hot summer from here on out! ;-(
We are having a family vacation in Bethany Beach, Delaware, the second week of August. Both of our daughters and their families -- one from NYC and other from San Luis Obispo, California -- will be there, as well as our son who still lives with us in Athens. Also, our youngest daughter's father-in-law, a widower, will be joining us. This is a location that we've been going to for vacation for a number years, as my aunt (and now her son, my cousin) have a cottage there that they rent to us for a "relative rate."
I was hoping to get to San Diego for the OHIO-SDSU football game in August. However, the timing of our Delaware trip is making that next to impossible. I may have told you that I have some 1st cousins who live in and around San Diego. Their last name is Burrows. They are the children of my father's sister, Anne, who passed away about ten years ago now. Maybe I can make it out there some other time.