Classmate Profiles

     User has created a profile: 42
     Profile contains photos: 18
     In Memory: 11
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 8
     Military Service: 6
   Restricted to Classmates only


Show by:    A-Z    Last Updated: 42    Newest Members: 42    Latest Comments: 27  

Terry Altom    
Paul Russell (Rusty)…     
Marva Beede (Branstetter)   
Becky Blanks (Watkins)    
Todd Bolin   
Ray Bowman   
Dennis Branscum
Susan Bristow (Fleischer)    
Sue Brown (Maple)
Donna Candler (Trewyn)    
Michael Candler    
Wee-She Cantrell (Wieboldt)    
Jerry Chastain
Steve Clark    
Ron Davidson   
Denise Davis   
Rick Engstrand   
Martin Evens
Bobby Garlin   
Teddy Harris
Duane Hudson
Kirk Hutson
Scott Hynes    
Tommy Jernigan    
Gail Kever (Reeves)   
Darla Leiblie (Wright)
Tina May
Pat McDonald
Martha McDoniel    
Jacqui Miller (McSpadden)   
Eddie Milligan     
Vickie Mitts (Rollins)   
Penny Mize (Clayton)    
John Moore   
Kurt Mourer   
Ronota Newberry (Woodbridge)    
Michelle Owens (Watkins)    
Terry Ozanich
Tammy Polk (Guffey)
Rebecca Richardson (Hemphill)
Andy Robey
Kim Rogers (Graves)
Tommy Russell   
Roger Schnyer    
Lynn Smith (Pitts)    
Kim Sturch (Ferguson)   
Danny Thomas
Darlene Thompson  
Marcia Trotter (Young)    
Dale Veatch   
Janet Wallace
Tammy Weatherford (Verser)
Robert (Bobby) Wells    
Trudy Womack (Hightower)   
Keith Young    

Guest Members

Melissia (Ann Gray) (Larsen)   
Melissa Altom (Maas)
Mary Amos
Lance Anderson   
Clive & Carol Blount   
Pauletta Ciamaricone (Waugh)
Bert Clevenger    
Crystal Foshee (DeWeese)   
Lisa Foster (Noell)
Star Hawkins (Simpson)   
Mike King    
Cary Lampp    
Doris Lillard    
Kevin Mansfield     
Cindy Nelson   
Lorin Richardson   
Sandra Robbins (Williamson)    
Ben Sewell    
Scott Stephens    
Sue Stroh (Dawson)
Shelia VanWinkle (Lindsey)    
Beverly Young (McIntosh)

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