Missing Classmates

We really need your help to find our missing classmates. This is not an easy job. The job gets even harder trying to find female classmates after all of these years since many do not carry their maiden name forward. Please pick a name on this list and do some digging. All we need is an email address to get the ball rolling.

If you can't find an email address but have a lead on a missing classmate please go to the "Missing Classmate" thread on the Classmate Forum and post a message with the information you have on a missing classmate.

Margery (Peg) Moran Backstrom (Taylor)
Frederick Parker Blair
Evelyn Martin "Marti" Borgman
John Cox
Margaret Anne Croteau
John Michael Geer
Richard Grossman
George Harrison
Robert Henderson
Phillip John Henkel
Margaret Ann Hinkle (Simeneta)
Frank Alton Honkanen
Jill Meredith Johnstone
Katmarina Kautzki
Candace Hughes Kelsey
Sharon Anne Knotts
Mary Kay Kramer
Richard John Leahy
Joyce Marie Lee
Suzanne Elizabeth Linker
Pamela Loiacano (Hubbell)
Donald Bruce MacDonald
David Martin
Cynthia Carolyn McHugh
Gloria McKay
David Weston Meier
Raymond John Morrow
Forest Edward Moyer
Margaret Ann O'Halloran
Linda Resmondo
Sharon Lee Richardson
Ronald Gary Ricketts
Pauline Lutfia Sarkisian (Schoeneman)
Janie Videllen Sayer
Susan Scanlon
Dona Lee Scott
Kathryn Marie Shreeves
Kenneth Henry Sievers
Phil J Skover
Mary Louise Snelling (O'Brien)
Warren Edward Taylor
•Nancy May Thomas (Horner)
Joyce Lynn Thomsen
John Thomson
Mike Thornton
Jean VanLoan
Thomas James Walters
Bryon Warnick
William Douglas Watkins
Lawrence Reeves Weir
Allen Richard Wilson
Patricia Jean Zimmerman

Guest Members

Linda (Stewart)
George Carlson
Arthur DelVero
