Deceased Classmate: Patricia Ann Headrick
Obituary Link: https://www.tributes.com/obituary/show/Patricia-Ann-Ekenberg-106940004
Date Of Birth: 04-10-1944
Date Deceased: 03-10-2019
Age at Death: 74
Cause of Death:
Classmate City: Sonoma
Classmate State: CA
Classmate Country: USA
Survived By:
"Patricia was born on April 10, 1944 and passed away on Sunday, March 10, 2019. Patricia was a resident of Sonoma, California at the time of passing." --------- Also: https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/sfgate/name/patricia-ekenberg-obituary?id=1974482 FUNERAL HOME Duggan's Mission Chapel 525 W Napa St Sonoma, CA Patricia Ann Ekenberg March 9, 2019 Gone from this life, but in our hearts forever. Our beloved Patty, so rich with wisdom, wit, myriad talents, and appetite for life leaves bereft, yet inspired, a vast circle of family and countless friends. A Mass will take place April 26 at St. Francis Solano Church in Sonoma, followed by a gathering at her Sonoma home. To share fond memories and for further details, contact Duggans Mission Chapel, Sonoma, CA.