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•   Suzy Denton Ratcliffe Merritt Denton (Merritt)  7/8
•   Tom Muxfeld  7/2
•   Phil Hershey (Hershey)  5/13
•   Thomas Moore  4/19
•   Mike Quinn  3/26
•   Ward "Corky" Snearly  1/4
•   Ronald Ratcliffe  12/9
•   Sharon Huffman (Tepper)  3/6
•   Sonja Jones (Davis)  12/25
•   Ronald Rebman  10/6
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•   John Schwulst  9/22
•   Jane Wallace (Isenburg)  9/22
•   Edd Marks  9/23
•   Sandra Cox (Thompson)  9/25
•   Byron Tucci  10/2
•   Camilla Wills (Travers)  10/2
•   Patti Perry (Daubs)  10/4
•   Arlene Wellenreitter (Linder)  10/10
•   Jackie Lewis (Wohlwend)  10/12
•   Judith Eikenberry (Cone)  10/13
•   Mary Stoutamoyer (Purkey)  10/13
•   George Davies  10/17
•   John LeVar  10/17



Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alaska
9 live in Arizona
5 live in California
8 live in Colorado
1 lives in Connecticut
17 live in Florida
2 live in Georgia
101 live in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
1 lives in Iowa
4 live in Kentucky
2 live in Maryland
1 lives in Michigan
1 lives in Minnesota
1 lives in Mississippi
5 live in Missouri
2 live in Nebraska
1 lives in New Jersey
3 live in New York
3 live in North Carolina
3 live in South Carolina
1 lives in South Dakota
2 live in Tennessee
9 live in Texas
2 live in Virginia
2 live in Washington
5 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in Ontario
1 lives in France
12 location unknown
122 are deceased

Bloomington High School
Class Of 1962

Bloomington, we love thy name. We will bring thee greater fame. We’re for you, yes, everyone. ‘Til the victory is won. Rah! Rah! Rah! All for Bloomington, our cry. All for B.H.S. or die. Come stand as one and all your praises sing, For Bloomington the echoes ring.




Class breakfast is the second Wednesday morning of every month. Meet at Shannon's at 9am for a good meal and great company.



Bloomington High School Loyalty Song

B.H.S. is always loyal

To the violet's bright hue.

We will wave our colors royal;

To the purple we'll be true.

We will raise our triumph high, boys

Over orange, red or green.

We will show to all beholders

That the purple is the queen.



50th Reunion



The Message Forum is a version of a Chat Board. It's for having fun and sharing lives and experiences. This is your site, use it to have fun and gain information. Most of our communication will be done through the Message Board so check it each time you come in here and by all means, talk on it. 


First time users, look to your left and see the menu board. Click on Classmate Profiles. Scroll down to your name and click on it. Fill in your profile with whatever you want to share. Include at least city and state. Then at the bottom of the page is the level of security you desire. You can keep your entire profile open to the public or you can lock out everyone but member classmates. After that don't forget to hit Save. Then you are in and welcome to your site.








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