Pediatric Physical Therapy - With a Twist is a fun way to say that my practice of physical therapy is different! The advanced, cutting edge techniques I use to empower and to treat children lead to improved body mechanics, reductions in pain, better posture, and more coordinated movements!

The "TWIST" actually has a few meanings:

1. With my specialized training and 15 years experience, I offer a different approach. The techniques of the Postural Restoration Institute®  (PRI) are cutting edge, unique and effective. See the "Postural Restoration Institute®" page. 
     2. Twisting is what happens to spines when scoliosis is present. But in this case, the spine gets stuck and can't twist back in the other direction. By combining PRI and Schroth-Based Scoliosis Rehab techniques, patients are empowered to take control of their spinal curvature. See "Scoliosis Rehab" for more information.
      3. Twisting to both directions is an important movement for the human body to use spontaneously. Another word to descibe this is rotation. Rotating the shoulders in the opposite direction of the hips and back the other way helps blood flow, helps air move, helps digestion, helps to decrease muscle tone, and helps to balance muscle activity. It also contributes to motor coordination, muscle balance (to prevent the development of mechanical pain) and sensory perception in a developing human system. 
This is especially important for the child with Cerebral Palsy. See "Brain Injuries/ CP".

     I have been uniquely trained to use asymmetrical, triplanar exercises to achieve goals of no pain and improved function/performance and improved posture/alignment.  These techniques can apply to bodies of all ages and diagnoses. For more information and clinic location, go to, click on programs, and then pediatrics. You may also use "Contact Me" or "Ask the Expert" for more immediate reply.

