Schoth-Based Scoliosis Rehabilitation


    You notice a different contour to your child's back. You take her to the doctor who takes x-rays and says, "Looks like you have scoliosis." You say, "Well, what can we do about that?" The doctors response might be, "Well, it's still mild. Let's wait and see. Come back in a year for more x-rays and we'll see if she needs surgery yet." 

              WHAT? Is there nothing we can do?

  Well, my colleagues and I at Advance Physical Therapy in Chapel Hill, NC ( have gone through advanced level training (see "Certifications") to empower people with Scoliosis. 

Schroth-Based Scoliosis Rehabilitation consists of specially designed asymmetrical exercises designed to use position and breath to open up flattened areas and improve posture. Patients we work with obtain an increased awareness of their body position, awareness of where their weight is shifted, and how to use their muscles and breath to improve or halt curve progression.

This is achieved with the use of active Pelvic Corrections and Belt Traction Exercises: 

Typical Posture

Performing Pelvic Corrections

Holding New Posture


We use Belt Traction with pads for phyiscal curve correction. The belt helps to elongate the spine while the client focuses on growing tall in the corrected position and using breath to open specific areas. 

With the help of gravity, hanging exercises allow further opportunity to elongate and straighten the spine while actively opening flattened areas, directing breath, and using under-used muscles.  

It is critical to start early when children andteenagers are still growing. A scoliotic curve can progress the most during times of rapid growth. An early start can prevent worsening of a progressive curvature. 

Further, we have found that when we combine the asymmetrical concepts and exercises of the Postural Restoration Instutite® (PRI) with the Scroth-based Scoliosis Rehab techniques, we see even better results!  Please see my clinic's website:
