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02/07/24 12:39 PM #112    


Leslie Merrill

UPDATE from Duane Francis on the Golf Outing for the Reunion:

"For anyone planning on or interested in joining us for our 50 year reunion…..let’s tee it up! We’re planning on a fun, good natured golf outing for anyone up for some fun on the links. All are invited. Braves, Bravettes, all handicaps. The only requirement is a desire to have a good time. 
We are planning to play on Friday September 13 at a time and course TBD (Btfl. area). I’m hoping to get a rough idea of the number of interested golfers for planning purposes.
We will be playing a 4 person scramble format focusing on having fun. Players should plan on a morning tee time with a lunch after so we can socialize and bestow world class prizes. We don’t know the final cost for the event yet but we will make it as reasonable as possible.
Feel free to DM me if you are interested. Also, spread the word about this GREAT EVENT! You can also contact Brian Carmack or Paul Folsom 
Thanks, Duane Francis"

02/14/24 11:32 AM #113    

Bobbie Chasen

Hello Bountiful High Alumni

Just a quick post...Gail Vogler passed away in May of 2022. She had a couple of chronic illnesses that put her in the hospital where she got MRSA, according to a friend of hers. She left the hospital, went home and went to sleep and never woke up. She was a childhood friend of mine. We stayed in touch off and on, but the last time I spoke to her was in July of 2021. She lived in Murray Utah. She is survived by her older sister Katie and her dog. RIP Gail.


02/14/24 01:55 PM #114    


Leslie Merrill

Thanks Bobbie! 

I just found her obituary and posted it. If you have a photo that she would have liked please send it and I'll post it. 

Hope all is well with you

02/26/24 04:43 AM #115    

Bobbie Chasen

Thanks for posting Gail's obituary, Les. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of her. However, if I find ne, I will text it to you so you can post it.

03/28/24 09:52 AM #116    


Leslie Merrill

A Big THANK YOU! to everyone that has recently updated their profile. It is very helpful in making sure that the information YOU want to share is provided accuratley! 

Recently I asked Cameron Hess for assitance in comparing the members of our Two Facebook pages against the list of classmates on this site.  Through his efforts we cleared up a few duplicates and found that there are a number on the Facebook pages that have NOT entered their contact information here.  That's OK!! We are posting everything on BOTH Facebook pages as well.  THANKS CAMERON!

As to the "In Memory" section, we've added everyone we are aware of that has passed away.  With over 300 still "Missing" I'm afraid we only have about 50% of those that have passed on. As the reunion is now less than 6 months away please contact everyone in our class that you know and ask them to reach out and let us know where they are and how to contact them.  Also, please check the In Memory section to make sure we have not missed anyone from our class. 

Thank You!   

03/31/24 11:09 AM #117    


Leslie Merrill

BHS Class of ’74 Golf Outing Update

June 17, 2024

Attention all golfers wanting to participate in the golf outing for the 50 year reunion for the BHS class of 1974!!!!!

We are all set to have a wonderful time, renew friendships and get reacquainted while having a lot of fun! Anyone wanting to have a great time is invited to participate. No matter what your golfing skills are, you are guaranteed to have fun.

We will be playing in foursomes with a “scramble” scoring format. Essentially  this means everyone in the foursome hits from where the best ball lies all the way into the hole. That score is then recorded for the whole team. Men and women are invited to play.

Here are the details for the event:

Date & Time: 

Thursday September 12, 2024 @ 10:00 AM


Eaglewood Golf Course - 1110 East Eaglewood Dr., North Salt Lake, UT


$65 per player. Includes golf cart, range balls and water in a cooler on the cart.


Awards and social event BBQ luncheon after the round of golf. Includes a buffet luncheon of house smoked pulled pork, chicken drums and all the fixins with no-host bar $20 per person.


There will be prizes for the top three teams as well as door prizes given out during the luncheon. If you can’t stay for the social event you can pay for golf only but you will miss out on some great food & fun!

Critical Dates: 

August 29, 2024 – Final commitment to play. All funds must be paid by this date. We need a final count for the golf course.

September 5, 2024 – Foursomes will be announced. If there is someone you want to specifically play with confirm with them and let me know by the August 29 deadline.

Other Info:

Tournament Commissioner – Duane Francis ( with a ton of help from Brian Carmack )                                       

Send funds for golf & the luncheon via Venmo to Duane (@DWFUTAZ)

Be sure to include names with payments!! By Aug. 29th!!!


BHS Braves Golf Scramble

September 12, 2024

Eaglewood Golf Course

  • 4 person teams. Scramble format (all team members play the best ball on each shot until the ball is in the cup).
  • The “best ball” score is recorded for each hole.
  • Each member of the team must use at least 2 tee shots as the “best ball” during the round.
  • Women golfers always play from the forward (red) tees.
  • Men play from the white tees.
  • If the team scores a birdie or better on any hole, the men tee off from the blue tees on the next hole. If the team scores a bogie or worse on any hole all players tee off from the red tees on the next hole.


06/21/24 11:00 AM #118    

Debbie Davis (Capps)

Sadly, I won't be in attendance for the big "50" year reunion, have had a big trip planned for over a year and it can't be changed.  I would have loved to have participated in the golf event.  I'm hoping people will take lots of pictures and post them.  It's always fun to see old classmates and see if you can figure out who they are before reading their names.  Hope it's a great turnout, enjoy!

06/24/24 09:43 AM #119    


Leslie Merrill


Your trip sounds fun! Sorry you won't be able to join us. Be sure to use the message center to connect with any of our old classmates.  

Travel Safe!

06/25/24 05:24 PM #120    

Robert Oswald

Not sure if I will make the 50th. All I want to let you all know is that my experience at BHS was one from a Lu Lu song: To Sir with Love. 

06/28/24 07:32 PM #121    


Cameron Hess

Class of 1974, its been more than half a century since we were shown the permanent exit door of our Bountiful High School nest and expected to use what we learned to spread our wings and successfully take flight into adulthood.

During our time at BHS, some students thrived and had great experiences, leaving them with fond memories and lifelong friends. Other students struggled just to survive, and not just because the coursework may have forced us outside our comfort zones. The teenage years are difficult for most adolescents, but one’s environment can make things even harder. High School was a time of trying to figure out who we were and the person we wanted to become. For many, it was a time of trying to decipher the unwritten social rules, figure out how to navigate the social networks and hierarchy of fellow students, cliques, groups, how to keep your head down, blend in, NOT stand out, become accepted by peers, or at least NOT become a target. Some classmates were kind to everyone. Some were not. Some tormented, bullied, and belittled classmates who were perceived as different or vulnerable, making their lives miserable.

I’m confident that all of us can remember at least some of those who were relegated to the bottom of the pecking order or social class. They were considered by many to be the untouchables, those with whom it was socially taboo to associate with or even interact with, except to deride or torment them.

On occasions, I was guilty of joining in on the name calling or disrespectful behavior towards classmates in a selfish attempt to not have the spotlight rest on me. Over the decades, I have felt remorse and regret for my behavior and have attempted to reach out and apologize to some of these individuals. Unfortunately, I have not been successful in contacting everyone. Some I cannot find. Some of those I wish I could apologize to are among the 50 or so classmates who have left us. My memory of some past events is spotty. If you can recall a time that I cannot, in which I was unkind to you, I offer a heartfelt apology and ask your forgiveness.

Before even more of our classmates depart this life, I invite anyone else who likewise feels regrets and remorse to unburden themselves and extend an apology, either in person at the reunion, or by some other medium, to those we would wish to treat better if we had a do-over.

And PLEASE, teach your grandchildren to be KIND!


Cameron Hess

06/29/24 09:38 AM #122    

Michelle Wheeler (Keddington)

Thank you Cameron for this thoughtful and heartfelt post. Based on my memories of you, it''s hard for me to imagine  you were ever anything but kind. I think most of us look back on our lives and remember times we were less kind and wish we would have done better and been "better". Kindness really does matter. Thanks for reminding us!


06/29/24 12:02 PM #123    

Robert Martin

Well said Cameron!!

06/30/24 06:33 PM #124    

Eric Welling

Well said, Cameron. I share many of the feelings that you so eloquently expressed. There are many experiences and conversations that I've often felt like I wanted a "do-over."  What worries me is that I only remember some of these experiences and interactions. I suppose that there are many other experiences that I adversely affected a classmate but was to naive, immature or insensitive of the hurt that my actions or words may have had. Nevertheless, the damage was done. I only hope that after half a century the words have faded and are not remembered. Nevertheless, I, too, am sorry and appreciate the friendships and impact that each fellow student had on shaping my life. 

06/30/24 06:55 PM #125    


Randy Ford

I hope I was not that bad but wish I had stood up more for others. Thank you Cameron.


07/16/24 11:47 AM #126    


Cameron Hess


On page 147 of the 1974 Bountiful High School Year Book is a photograph of Honor Society members who heard the public address announcement and showed up at the appointed time to have their picture taken for the year book.  I was always envious of these smart colleagues and exceptional students and wished I could be like them; however, my GPA was closer to 2.5 rather than 3.5.because I had the flawed notion that I should strive to earn B's, and then if I missed my goal (which was often), I received C's...or sometimes worse. 

As I recall, on the day of the photograph I happened to be walking down the stairs and turned the corner and saw a large group of students on the stairs. I realized that this must be the aforementioned gathering of the Honor Society. On a spur of the moment lark, I decided to remain standing on the back row when the photo was taken. Even though my name was listed in the photo, someone on the yearbook staff was smart enough to know that I did not belong and did not list me for that photo in the index.

Among active duty or retired military, there is a very frowned upon practice known as Stolen Valor, where people claim or wear uniforms, accolades, achievements, medals, ribbons, and commendations they did not actually earn or deserve. I never compounded my error in judgement by falsely listing High School Honor Society membership on any application or resume. And while my inclusion in the Honor Society yearbook photo is probably not quite as bad as Stolen Valor, it was Stolen Honor and I am embarrassed none the less and apologize to my fellow alumni and especially to those who ACTUALLY earned their membership in the Honor Society. 

07/17/24 11:41 AM #127    

Ted Tueller

otd Dear Cameron 

You are the nicest person! I laughed when I read this post when we were in high school all of us use to think we were  indestructible!  I use to do funny things like that part of being a teenager I think!  I totally forgive you and love you told us about it!  BHS class of 1974 Braves are the best... grateful  for our friendships all these years! See you all at the reunion in September!   Sandy Duerden Tueller 










07/17/24 12:04 PM #128    


Randi Powers (Reyes-Daley)

Your post makes you honorable. There you have it. :)

07/17/24 09:49 PM #129    


Charles Treft

Well Cam; we all did some dumb thing, but, What makes us bigger men is when we admit to it. Stay Strong!

08/06/24 09:59 AM #130    


Leslie Merrill

Thanks for everyone that responded with updates on our "Missing" classmates yesterday!

We found contact information for 13 of those on the list!  Thanks Again!

08/13/24 03:01 PM #131    

Sheri Collier (Adams)

I remember liking everyone I came to know. It was very tough to go to Bountiful High and feel included.I spent most my time just riding my horse alone.I tried hard to be included in any group.Im sure I wasn't nice all the time to everyone. I am sorry if I offended anyone ever also.I loved each of my friends that I made along my high school journey. Thank you to all who accepted me for the way I was and I still have contact with many classmates and friends. High school was a real trying and rewarding time in my life. I am going to try to come home for the 50 year reunion and I know things will be wonderful. Thank you to all who put in such a tremendous effort in making this a positive experience.We all grew and changed and just tried to fit in and be a part of Bountiful High School. Long live and love you 1974 BRAVES!!!!

08/13/24 04:29 PM #132    


Leslie Merrill


Thank you for sharing your experiences.  I had the opportunity to connect a while back with Danielle Dunn, someone I knew since 6th grade.  I'm so glad that I was able to chat with her before she passed away.  It's these types of experiences that I hope we can all feel at this reunion. 

To anyone that I offended, please consider this my heartfelt apology. 

08/25/24 07:21 AM #133    

Cynthia Talbot (Holz)

Sheri Collier - Such fun to see your post. I remember visiting your place and meeting your horse. He was pretty special. And so big! I am always reminded of you when we visit our 15 year old granddaughter in Washington, she too loves and is divotoed to our grandhorse Buddy. She shows and competes with Buddy in bareback, English and is starting to master dressage (sp?). I have shared with her how big and scary I thought horses were back in the day. Now we can't get enough "Buddy" and stable time (I hang in as long as my allergies allow but my husband David would spend all day at the stable if he could). Cynthia Talbot (Cyndy)

08/27/24 02:39 PM #134    

Wade Fenn

I was really looking forward to our 50th class reuninion this year. I have been following the posts and updates as they have come a long. Sounds like it will be a great experience for those who will be participating. 

Unfortunately my wife, Karen Fenn (Severin) and I will be out of town during the time all of the activities will be taking place. I really wanted to re-connect with members of our graduating class. I don't know when the next reunion will take place but I hope we are around to be part of it.

ENJOY!!! God Bless!

Wade Fenn

08/28/24 02:17 PM #135    

Holly Petersen (Urbancic)

Just reading people's names has brought back so many memories! High school was both wonderful and so very hard. Cameron is right. There are many things I wish I could do over, be kinder.
Unfortunately, I will not be able to make the reunio sadly. My husband is extremely ill and he can't travel far from home or be left alone. Have a wonderful time all!

09/06/24 10:47 AM #136    

Nancy Dalton (Evans)

I loved attending Bountiful High and loved all my classmates! I have such great memories of being a Bountiful Brave! I am heartbroken that we can not make it to the reunion due to prior committments. Take lots of pictures and post them please. Thanks to all those that have made this reunion happen - you are awesome! Hope to be at the next one!  Love, Nancy Dalton (Evans)


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