Minutes 2008 - Honalulu, HI


Honolulu, HI

The annual business meeting of the USS Robert L. Wilson (DD/DDE 847) Association was conducted during the reunion held at the Holiday Inn Waikiki, Honolulu, HI on September 20, 2008.

Acting President Marty O’Brien called the meeting to order at 0920.

Pledge of Allegiance

The colors having been posted, the assembled members recited the Pledge of Allegiance.


Richard Utyro gave the invocation.

Reading of Last Year’s Minutes

Acting President O’Brien directed last year’s Secretary/Treasurer to read the minutes of the 2007 meeting, which was held in Las Vegas, NV.  Frank Esposito read the minutes of the 2007 meeting.  Mike Loveall made a motion to accept the minutes as read; the motion was seconded by Robert Smith and passed unanimously.

Member’s Report

The Member’s report was not available

Deceased Report

The Deceased report was not available


Correspondence to the Association was not available

Current Officers

Acting President O’Brien directed the Acting Secretary/Treasurer to call the roll of current Officers:

List of officers

President                                              Clayton Coleman                               Absent

1st Vice President                                      Marty O’Brien                                               Present

2nd Vice President                                      Robert Orndorff                                  Absent

3rd Vice President                                      Jack Scully                                      Absent

Master-at-Arms                                          Roger Novak                                      Absent

1st Asst Master-at-Arms                      Frank Esposito                                  Present

2nd Asst Master-at-Arms                     Robert Smith                                       Present

Secretary/Treasurer                            Bob Mason                                     Absent

1st Asst Secretary/Treasurer                     John Banahan                                               Present

 2nd Asst Secretary/Treasurer             Richard Utyro                                                Present

Chaplain                                                Dean Thomas                                                Absent

1st Asst Chaplain                                        To be appointed by the President            NA

2nd Asst Chaplain                                        To be appointed by the President            NA

Past Presidents

Acting President O’Brien directed the Acting Secretary/Treasurer to call the roll of Past Presidents:

   Co-Chairman                   1982                Ryland Garris                   Absent

                                                                 Leon Pacquette                  Deceased

   President                     1983                Hansel Hester                   Absent

   President                     1985                Cecil Hendrick                  Deceased

   President                     1986                Mike DeFrank                    Deceased

   President                     1987                Ryland Garris                  Present

   President                     1988                Angelo Domico                  Deceased

   President                     1989                Joe Ryan                        Absent

   President                     1990                Earl Stubbs                     Deceased

   President                     1991                Dwight Friend                   Absent

   President                     1992                Robert Rudy                     Deceased

   President                     1993                Larry Eggert                    Deceased

   President                     1994                Ray Espin                       Absent

   President                     1995                Stanley Johnson                 Absent

   President                     1996                Richard Utyro                   Present

   President                     1997                Dorney Wilber                   Deceased

   President                     1998                Willard Meeks                   Deceased

   President                     1999                Bernard Cadden                  Absent

   President                     2000                Bob Bollinger                   Deceased

   President                     2001                Jim Hamond                      Absent

   President                     2002                Bob Arndt                       Deceased

   President                     2003                Stengel Watkins                 Absent

   President                     2004                Roger Novak                     Absent

   President                     2005                Jack Scully                     Absent

   President                     2006                Don Karaus                      Absent

   President                  2007                Clayton Coleman             Absent


New attendees.

There were no new attendees

Old business 

  • Last year the Association voted to pursue becoming a non-profit organization. 

                        No report available at this time

  • John Banahan reported on donation to USN and USCG academies.  He finally received a letter of thanks…however the girl not interested in the Navy at this time.

Due to continuing changes in personnel it was difficult to get clear answers and to decide whether to donate or not.  Banahan decided not to donate until clear communications could be established. Banahan asked to continue because these are both worthy causes.  If straight communications are established Banahan asked for approval to donate.  It was moved by Robert Smith, seconded by Richard Pryor and voted unanimously.

  • Waiver for group was discussed.  Not signed this year.  Banahan took role call of those who were willing to sign the waiver as written last year.  All nine members present said yes.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s report was not available.

Richard Utyro asked about this year’s finances.  Frank Esposito explained he paid for everything and when all receipts are in he will let treasurer know if money is due him or not.  Any money left over will go to the Association.  Frank’s guess was that money will go to the Association after registration and the raffle takes place.

Recessed 10:10

Reconvened at 10:25

  • 2010 reunion site.

            Frank Esposito proposed San Diego and volunteered to be man on ground

            Proposal from Bob Mason about Newport News was presented

Marty O’Brien proposed West Point and volunteered to be man on the ground

Mobile AL was suggested by several members

            The runner up from last year was Myrtle Beach

            Five names were first voted on in secret ballot and the results were

                        Myrtle Beach              1

                        San Diego              4

Newport News            1

West Point                2

Mobile                            1

The first vote eliminated all but West Point and San Diego.

Another secret ballot was taken and the final vote was San Diego 5 West Point 4

San Diego was selected.  Further discussion ensued about benefits of having the reunion alternate between east and west coast.  While not official, all members present thought it was a good idea.

With Roger Novak serving out his term as Master at Arms, the billet for the 2nd assistant Master at Arms was open.  Mike Lovell was nominated and voted unanimously 

Thus, the slate of officers for the U.S. Robert L. Wilson Association for 2007 is as follows:

     President                                              Marty O’Brien

     1st Vice President                                      Robert Orndorff

     2nd Vice President                          Jack Scully

     3rd Vice President                                      Roger Novak

     Master-at-Arms                                         Frank Esposito

     1st Asst Master-at-Arms                      Robert Smith

     2nd Asst Master-at-Arms                      Mike Loveall

     Secretary/Treasurer                         Bob Mason

     1st Asst Secretary/Treasurer                 John Banahan

     2nd Asst Secretary/Treasurer                Richard Utyero

     Chaplain                                                Dean Thomas

     1st Asst Chaplain                            To be appointed by the President

     2nd Asst Chaplain                            To be appointed by the President


New business

            Given that last year we voted to use a waiver each year, it was moved by John Banahan, seconded by Mike Loveall and voted unanimously that a waiver be included with reservation beginning with 2009 reunion.

There being no other business matters to be discussed, Robert Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting, the motion was seconded by Frank Esposito and was approved unanimously. 

Acting President O’Brien adjourned the meeting at 1055.

Respectfully submitted by

John Banahan, 1st Assistant Secretary/Treasurer,

Acting as Secretary/Treasurer