Minutes 2017 - Columbus, GA

USS Robert L. Wilson DD/DDE 847 Association

Meeting Minutes – September 23, 2017

Columbus, GA


President Gary Barnett convened the meeting at 9:35 AM

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present

Gary Barnett called a moment of silent prayer for deceased members, especially Marty O’Brian who passed away earlier this year and for our brother and sister sailors of the U.S. Navy who lost their lives on the USS McCain and USS Fitzgerald.

Gary Barnett welcomed everyone and thanked those involved in planning this year’s reunion

Minutes: Secretary/Treasurer Jack Scully read the minutes of last year’s meeting in Myrtle Beach, SC. The minutes were approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: Jack Scully reported our pre-reunion balance was $1583.69. Current balance after most reunion expenses is $2813.55. The major contributor to our income this year came from the lifetime membership income. We are in pretty good financial shape.

Correspondence Report: Gary Barnett and Jack Scully read the correspondence received since the last reunion.

We had cordial communication with the other Wilson group, which has an ageing, diminishing group. We extended an open invitation to all of them to re-join our group.

Roll Call of Officers:  A roll call of officers was as fellows

President                        Gary Barnett                        Present

1st VP                              Leon Smolenski                Present

2nd VP                                  Larry Trahan                        Present

3rd VP                                   Mike Loveall                        Present

MAA                                      Judy Smolenski                  Present           

1st Asst MAA                        Sherri Leggett                     Absent

2nd Asst MAA                        Open           

Secretary/Treasurer               Jack Scully                       Present

1st Asst S/T                              Roger Novak                    Present

2nd Asst S/T                              Open


Old Business:

Roster Update: Gary Barnett and Jack reported on our roster that is maintained by Jack. They discussed the importance of reporting any changes to Jack so he can attempt to keep the roster up-to-date.  An effort will be made by several volunteers to make phone calls to update the roster.

Several members, including Cathy Popehn, Sandy Harrison, Judy Smolenski and Ann McGarrah volunteered to make phone calls to members we have not heard from in a long time to update their record in our member roster.

NextGen Program: Several new members were added to our association through the NextGen Program. Bob McGarrah reported that the USS Caperton had a similar program and that it was very successful in gaining additional membership.

Lifetime Membership Program: Jack Scully reported that several members chose the lifetime member option this year. All lifetime members are listed on our website.

In answer to questions concerning deceased member Harold Holbert, Roger Novak explained our colorful relationship with Harold.

Phil Dilloway reported that his grandson’s school trip to Hawaii last year was memorable and expressed his and his grandson’s thanks for our donation.

Phil  Dilloway reported on the paver project at the Robert L. Wilson memorial in Centralia, Il. Pavers are still available.

Roger Novak reported on the status of planning for 2018 reunion: Three cities were chosen in 2016. The cities selected were Galveston, TX, Gettysburg, PA and Northern VA area.

Roger has done extensive research on all three cities and found the cost of hotels to be very expensive ($120-$155 Per Night). Because of this high cost and the possibility of joining another association, Roger is researching other locations. One possibility is Virginia Beach. It was decided to leave the site selection to Roger.

New Business:

2018 Reunion Considerations: Roger will research the following cities for the 2018 reunion with consideration of room and banquet costs. The cities are Gettysburg, PA, Branson, MO, Chesapeake, VA and Chincoteague, VA. By the end of this year, Roger will advise us on his choices of the three cities he suggests for consideration by the members for the location of 2018 reunion site.

A motion was made and seconded to amend the by-laws to allow the date of reunions anytime of year. The motion was voted on and passed. Jack Scully will make the changes to the by-laws.

A motion was made and seconded to leave the site selection of our reunions each year, after selection of three or more sites at our meeting up to Roger. The amendment was voted on and passed. Jack Scully will make the changes to the by-laws.

Election of New Officers: The following members were nominated:

President                        Leon Smolenski

1st VP                              Larry Trahan

2nd VP                             Mike Loveall

3rd VP                             Judy Smolenski

MAA                              Sherri Liggett

1st MAA                          John Banahan

2nd Asst MAA                Open

Secretary/Treasurer      Jack Scully

1st Asst S/T                   Roger Novak

2nd Asst S/T                   Tom Popehn

Chaplin                            Dean Thomas

Reunion Planner             Roger Novak


The president moved that the secretary cast one ballot for the slate. Roger Novak seconded. Approved unanimously.

The president adjourned the meeting at 11:30 AM.

Respectfully submitted by Jack Scully, Secretary/Treasurer.