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•   Charles Hillon (1952)  11/20
•   Jennie "Becky" Jordan (1951)  3/8
•   Mary Marie Mitchell (1948)  4/1
•   Ronnie Deese (1959)  1/23
•   Frank Capps (Capps) (1955)  10/14
•   Neal Alexander (1948)  2/14
•   James M. Rhyne, Jr (1961)  8/1
•   Don(Donald C. ) Neal (1947)  7/2
•   Bill Thomas (1954)  7/1
•   Betty Snyder (Darnell) (1951)  12/23
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Arizona
2 live in Florida
4 live in Georgia
58 live in North Carolina
14 live in South Carolina
1 lives in Virginia
35 location unknown


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Welcome to the Harding High Classes Of  

1938-1965 web site.

To the Members of HHSAA – January 23,  2023

    Over the past two years or more, our membership has fallen due to Covid, members growing older and many moving in with family / Assisted Living or passing on. Because of this, it is very hard to find members who can take on the duties of the HHSAA Board. The members on this board have worked at keeping the Association going for the past four years and with some of the board members as long as 19 years.  

    We want to thank you for supporting the Alumni Association which enabled it to accomplish many things in the past 27 years. The Harry P Harding Scholarship Fund has helped HHS students attain their dream of attending Appalachian State University. At our bi-monthly luncheons, we have been so fortunate to be with friends and share old memories and make new ones. Our newsletters have kept members informed of class news and other information about HHSAA. It is amazing that this many people who shared their youth have been able to continue to share their lives into their senior years. A big thank you to those in the in the class of 1940 for starting the HHSAA in 1986.

     It is with a sad heart that the Alumni Board has decided to no longer accept yearly dues. This was the only way to wind down the events of the Association.  Our final luncheon will be held on Wednesday, June 21st of 2023 at Pritchard Memorial -South End Church. We hope that you can attend and that your class will continue to meet and have your own luncheons.  We will send a newsletter out before the June Luncheon.

     We would like to thank everyone who has supported the Association Boards in the past!  Class Reservationist and Class Reporters have been wonderfully active through the years and without their participation the Alumni Association would have struggled. We thank the many members that have worked hard to make this Association function smoothly for the past 26 years such as the Luncheon, Program, Membership and Scholarship Chairmen. We also thank the Decorating Committee for their creating a lovely environment for our luncheons. Thank you to our Photographer who has kept the website for the Association and for the members who signed us in at our luncheons. Special recognition and thanks to Gayrie Case-Lorick, who has served us in many roles since the beginning of the group including Editor of our HHSAA Newsletter. It really takes a lot of people to make this organization work.

    There is currently $9, 021,27 in our bank account. This will fund church expenses, any unforeseen  luncheon expenses, and the June Newsletter. The remaining balance will go to Ann Miller who is our liaison with ASU. She will see that the balance is placed in the Harry P. Harding  Appalachian Scholarship Fund.

    This board has enjoyed working with the membership and working with each other. We wish we could continue but for different personal reasons, we cannot. Our wish was that someone could take over, but we understand how difficult that might be for others.

    We look forward to seeing you at the June 21st, 2023 luncheon.

                                Bill Weddine – Tom Wimbish – Gayrie Case-Lorick – Lynn Teague                                     

                                   Melissa Miller – Marie Benton Rich – Betty Darnell – Harriet Frazier     



Welcome to the Harding High Classes Of 1938 - 1965 web site.


If you would like to support this web site and newsletter. Send donation check payable to HHSAA to: Lynn Teague, Treasurer, 1001 Marina Village Dr, Apt. 402, Mt. Holly, NC 28120


If you haven't paid your dues, PLEASE DO IT NOW!

CHECKS PAYABLE TO: HHSAA.  MAIL TO: Lynn Teague, 1001 Marina Village Dr, Apt 402, Mt. Holly, NC 28120

If you are not a member and would like to join HHSAA, download application below. 

Click here to download Application Form














See December 2017 Luncheon images


June HHSAA Newsletter

Click to read Newsletter

Harding West Reunion at Ocean Drive Beach

Click on image




Jimmy Brown (1952)  9/26
Joe E. Brown (1953)  10/15