"Blue and White"

Mid the hills of old Ohio
Where his valley smiling lies,
And the placid, still Scioto
Bears the blue of summer skies.
In the proud unsullied memory
Of years sped in their flight,
Chillicothe, Fair in glory
Guards the peerless Blue and White.

Stalwart sons and fairest daughters,
Gather ever 'round her shrine,
While youth's happy sunlit water
Ripple o'er the shoals of Time.
May her firm course never falter -
Still her cause be just and right -
Laurel bound those brows be ever
Striving for the Blue and White.

As the red rose leaves uncover,
So Time's portals open sway,
As the red rose leaves shall wither,
So our school days pass away,
But though withered, sore and faded,
Still they bear their perfume light;
So our hearts with long years weighted,
Shall yet love the Blue and White.

-George L. Rinkliff, CHS Class of 1905 - Lyrics
-Russell Squire, CHS Class of 19xx - Music
