Welcome to the Chillicothe High School Message Forum.


This web-page has been created solely for the purpose to help us keep in touch with each other over the years.    You can communicate with one or more of your classmates, as you so chose.  Make announcements, share information, update your personal page to include your past achievements, your personal goals, your family history.  Share old class photos, share current family photos - tell us about your life.

Forums work when people participate - so don't be bashful!   Click the "Post Response" button to add your entry to the forum.

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06/20/12 05:24 PM #1    


Kelley Mick (Deavers)

Welcome to the Chillicothe High School Class Of 1973 forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

11/13/12 05:06 PM #2    

Ralph E Guysinger, Jr

Thoughts and Prayers to Richard and his family.God Bless!

11/14/12 09:55 AM #3    

Rich G Liebe

Thank you sir. I appreciate the thoughts and prayers. God bless you and your family extra good.



02/13/13 10:52 PM #4    

Donald Seymour

     Happy Valentines Day  Ladies.........hope it finds each and everyone of you in a fantastic relationship.  Soixante Traise


02/14/13 07:13 AM #5    


Kelley Mick (Deavers)

Thanks, Donnie!

02/14/13 07:19 AM #6    


Kelley Mick (Deavers)

Please click on the Missing Classmates on the left panel;  these are classmates that have not yet joined our website.  Take a moment and look these names over - see anyone you want to reconnect with, invite them to the 45th reunion, just want to catch up with them?  

Do it here!  Do it now!  


Send them a message on our Message Forum!


01/02/23 08:08 AM #7    


Hugh & Nancy Sansom (Sansom)

Nice web site!  Thanks and much respect to everyone organizing and supporting the 50th. Whody

01/02/23 06:50 PM #8    


Kelley Mick (Deavers)

Thank you, Whody!  We are hoping for the very best 50th year reunion!!  Looking forward to seeing you and Nancy this year! 

01/02/23 06:52 PM #9    


Kelley Mick (Deavers)


Please click on the Missing Classmates on the left panel;  these are classmates that have not yet joined our website.  Take a moment and look these names over - see anyone you want to reconnect with, invite them to the 50th year class reunion, just want to catch up with them?  

Do it here!  Do it now!  


01/03/23 01:25 PM #10    


Tawna J Fine (Rogers)

Looking forward to seeing many of my classmates at the Reunion! I'll be celebrating my 46th on the 25th! I don't know about y'all but it's hard to believe this is the 50th 'cause I don't feel that old! I'll just make believe it's the 25th!
Happy New Year!!🎉🥳

05/02/23 11:57 AM #11    


David Barada (Barada)

Great website - It's been a long time since I've kept in touch with old school mates. Look forward to touching base with old friends! I hope to attend the 50th reunion....God bless to all the families that have lost a family member, RIP to all those classmates that have gone before us. 

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