In Memory

Barbara Wade (Wolburn)

Barbara Wade (Wolburn)

Barbara lived on Alpine Way.  She was a 7th grade cheerleader at EJ Brown and a Little Colonel at CWHS.  I remember walking to grade school with her and Bonnie Puterbaugh. We all lived on Alpine.  Barb married Louis Wolborn (CWHS band trumpet), her high school boyfriend.  It has been years since she left us but I can still see her beautiful smile and remember quite distinctly her ability to greet everyone as a long lost friend. 

Sure wish she was still with us to celebrate 50 years! 

Marcia Kramer Deddens

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12/05/10 07:59 PM #1    

Bonnie Puterbaugh (Smith)

Barbara and I were friends since kindergarten, living on Alpine Way.  She was always my best friend in grade school and high school.  

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