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Forum: Outside Activities


Stage Crew

Created on: 04/09/09 10:38 AM Views: 1444 Replies: 2
Stage Crew
Posted Thursday, April 9, 2009 05:38 AM

This was a small group of boys who would help set things up when the auditorium was used.  It was run by Bill Tokar.  We would meet in a little room near the stage.

John Herrold
Somewhere in Arizona or Michigan

Edited 04/09/09 08:13 PM
RE: Stage Crew
Posted Sunday, July 5, 2009 12:06 PM


When I look back and think that we had a teacher whose sole responsibility was managing the auditorium and a stage crew I realize how good we had it. 

By the way John, thanks for the nice notes you've sent me. 

Regards, Dwight Rogers



RE: Stage Crew
Posted Sunday, July 5, 2009 12:56 PM

I never thought Bill Tokar was a certified teacher.  Does anyone know if he was?  We were a rather motley group of boys.  Mr. Tokar used to smoke, along with some of the boys in that back stage room we used.  I never cared for the smoking  portion of the job as I did not smoke.

During one of the concerts I wanted to record the band and orchestra on my own equipment.  I had a tape recorder I bought with my Free Press route money.  Since I had access to the stage, I set it up before anyone else was there.  Mr. Fenby had also hired a professional sound guy to record the concert.  This was unknown to me.  I got into some trouble over this, as Mr. Tokar said I had moved one of the stage lights so it pointed out into the audience when I set up my microphones on the overhead boom that also held the lights.  

Later Mr. Fenby was stern with me, but he gave me the benefit of the doubt & said I meant well.  Just as the concert began I was ordered to shut off my equipment and I never got to do the recording.  Mr. Tokar was not so kind with me.  Hey, but I deserved what I got as I never asked anyone for permission.

Ah, the Stage Crew memories.  


John Herrold
Somewhere in Arizona or Michigan

Edited 07/13/09 07:57 AM
