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Richard Ronald Brabant

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07/28/09 05:22 PM #1    

Ken Barna

Richard was not a close friend, and I actually met him through some of my closer friends, and he had a very rough time from probably the age of twelve on. He was the only friend I knew at the time whose parents were divorced, and he was raised by his mother in very poor conditions. He always had to work through high school and did not have opportunities like the rest of us to participate in school activities
Richard was loyal and could be counted on if you needed his help. Qualities not necessarily found today.
He was a heavy smoker and that is what led to his death of cancer, but he made a nice life for his wife and children as a union painter for the city of Detroit. He never complained about the cards he was dealt, and should be remembered for his perseverance to make a good life for his family.

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