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Kathleen Wallace Mellet

Profile Updated: March 5, 2009
Kathleen Wallace
Residing In:
Birmingham, MI USA
Spouse/Partner - wedding date:
July 15, 1967
Edward Wallace Mellet, born June 12, 1972
works at GM in new auto engineering
Amanda Jane Mellet, More…born March 28, 1974
works in London, UK with assylum seekers
Current Occupation:
Counseling service with 5 other women.

Ed has 2 children; Kaleigh 4 1/2 yrs and Tyler James 1 1/2 years

About My Career:

I started teaching for 5 years. Two years were in Detroit and 3 years in Clawson MI. After early years with kids, I got an MA in guidance and counseling at WSU and worked in several teaching and counseling positions. They included, alternative education in Oxford MI, counseling & teaching in the Macolm County Jail, psychotherapy at St. Joes Outpatient Behavioral Med.
I first retired from that job 3 yrs ang and am now working on developing a counseling practice, part time, with 5 other women called Coaching and Counseling Services for Women and Children. We have a web site. Each of us have an area of specialty including coaching, grieving, depression, nutrition, living with autistic children, etc. My areas are relationships, anger options and mid/late life transitions.

Redford Memories:

I remember getting a ticket for j-walking across Grand River and going to traffic court with my Mother. Senior year I skipped lunch for a few weeks in since I thought 1st - 8th hour because of a science lab was unfair so I skipped with a friend named Gayle (can't remember her last name.) She didn't get caught.

We had to choose between gym and music as electives. I always chose gym but regret missing out on music that I really enjoy.....basketball and tennis team, yearbook staff memories.

There was a yearbook staff party at the sponsor's home near Kensington Park. He had several acres, a barn and horses. My good friend, Sally Hay thought she could ride a spirited horse and we watched in horror as she was throwned into a fence.

Education after Redford:

I went to Albion for a year, 2 years at Wayne and 2 more years at U of M. Graduated with a BA in Social Studies and a teaching certificate in 1964.
In 1974, I got an MA in counseling at Wayne.


We did alot a camping as a family when the kids were young. Jim was teaching then and had summers off. We had a great 5 week camping trip to the West coast when the kids were about 10 & 12.

We moved from Birmingham to Royal Oak to Ortonville then Rochester and back to Birmingham. In Ortonville and Rochester we lived on 10 acres and had farm animals and for a while, boarded up to 17 horses in Rochester.

We've travelled to US quite a bit and made 3 trips to Ireland where my daughter lived for 5 years. She lives in London now but I haven't made it there yet.

There is a small place in Bonita Springs, FL where we spend some time in the winter.

Mandy has li


Always lived in MI, in several different spots.

Do you spend part of the year at another address?

A few weeks in Florida.
Citrus Park
25501 Trost Blvd. lot 7-41
Bonita Springs, FL 34135

same e-mail

What grade school did you go to?
