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•   Roderick Colborn  10/18
•   Jeff Linder (ClassOf-61)  6/24
•   Michael Belman  6/22
•   Michael Cornelissen  6/18
•   Clinton Soutter  5/24
•   Terence Dowdall  1/13
•   Arthur Godbeer (Class Of '63)  5/23
•   Dave Altshuler  11/10
•   John Micklewood (Micklewood)  11/9
•   Dennis L Schauffer  2/2
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Who lives where - select from the dropdown to find out.


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 63.2%

A:   60   Joined
B:   35   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Welcome to the Durban High Class Of 1960 web site. It was created to assist in organizing the 50th Matric Reunion of the Class of 1960 held at the school on Friday April 23, and the Virtual Online Reunion held on the same day.

Hopefully it will now serve as a means of renewing and maintaining contact during our "retirement" years!

Life Magazine 1960 ... Jan 11, May 30August 29, Dec 29

"Old" is when ....  Click to find out!

For New Registrations:Go to the "Classmate Profiles" header at the top of the list on the left side of this page.  Find your name on the list, and click on it.  Then follow the instructions to create your own personal password and update your information. (Be sure to check the appropriate boxes to ensure that your information is available only to your classmates)

Important: Please Whitelist "" to make sure you receive all messages from this website.

How to Use this Site - FAQ's

  • Explore the content of the website regularly, as it updates virtually daily with new registrants and information.  Simply click on any one of the headers on the left.
  • In the Classmate Profiles section you can click on any name that has the information icons against it and send a private message. If you know the address of any classmate not yet registered or missing you can send him an invitation yourself by entering his e-mail address in the "Missing Classmates" section.
  • The 50 Year Reunion 2010 will contain a record of the Reunion held at School on April 23, 2010.
  • In the Photos section you will find class photos not only for DHS, but also for DPHS.  Please help in matching names with faces - the software will allow you to make the edits yourself, otherwise please drop Michael Bame or myself a note. If you have photos you would like to contribute please do so!
  • Visit the User Forums and add your comments / stories to the topics that are there, and/or start a new topic on another subject.
  • The DHS Herald contains the latest editions to enable you to keep abreast of what is happening at the school today.
  • The 1960 Yearbook contains copies of pages kindly made available to us with a wealth of information including the time achieved by Peter Brereton for the mile (5m 4.7s), photos of First Rugby and Cricket Teams, Swimming teams, and poems and essays.
  • Please visit the "In Memory" section and add your personal comment to Classmates who are no longer with us.


 This software has the capability of conducting Polls and Surveys - please don't hesitate to make your requests to Jeff Owen, Mike Bame or Michael Cornelissen, together with any other suggestions for improvement, additions, or deletions.  

The Member Functions section is yours and enables you to edit your personal profile/information or password, keeps a record of all private messages sent and received, and allows you to post announcements.


I am the "Root Administrator" of this site for the time being because I set it up, and have paid for a year's subscription to the software and the domain name.  Mike Bame and Jeff Owen are Co-administrators.  Please let me know if you would like Administrative access to any portion of this site to take ownership of it. I am more than happy to pass this task on to anyone who is better positioned, or wishes to take on this responsibility!

Michael Cornelissen