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07/05/20 01:56 PM #231    


Glenn Gonzalez

Hi Pam, thanks for keeping us informed.  Cancelling the Rendezvous at the Inn of the Mountain Gods this October is the right decision.  Hopefully, things will be better next year.  Hope to see you then, if not sooner in Fredricksburg.  Take care and stay cool.

12/04/20 08:10 AM #232    


Jerry Barrett

How to manage your virus risk

From the New York Times

The most effective public health messages don’t merely tell people what not to do. They also tell people what they can do with only a small amount of risk.

This sometimes feels counterintuitive, because it gives people permission to take some risks, rather than urging maximum safety all the time. In the long run, though, a more realistic approach is actually the safer one, many experts say.

Human beings are social creatures. Most aren’t going to sit inside their houses for months on end. And pretending otherwise tends to backfire. It leads people to ignore public health advice and take needlessly big risks. “We need different, more nuanced, and more practical messaging about coronavirus safety,” Sarit Golub, a psychology professor at Hunter College, has written.

(Federal officials took a step in this direction this week by shortening the recommended quarantine period after virus exposure.)

Today, I want to give you a three-step guide to risk minimization. It’s based on a Times survey of 700 epidemiologists as well as my conversations with experts and colleagues, like Donald G. McNeil Jr.

1. There is one behavior you should try to eliminate, without exception: Spending time in a confined space (outside your household) where anyone is unmasked.

Don’t eat indoors at a restaurant or friend’s house. Don’t have close, unmasked conversations anywhere, even outdoors. If you must fly, try to not to eat or drink on the plane. If you’re going to work, don’t have lunch in the same room as colleagues. Group lunches have led to outbreaks at hospitals and elsewhere.

2. This next set of behaviors is best to minimize if you can’t avoid it: Spending extended time in indoor spaces, even with universal masking.

Masks aren’t perfect. If you can work out at home rather than at a gym — or do your job or attend religious services remotely — you’re reducing your risk.

3. Now the better news: Several activities are less risky than some people fear.

You don’t need to wear a mask when you go for a walk or a jog. Donald, who’s famously careful, bikes without a mask. “I consider keeping six feet distant outdoors more important than wearing a mask,” he told me. “If I had a birthday candle in my hand and you’re too far away to blow it out, I can’t inhale whatever you exhale.”

You can also feel OK about doing many errands. About 90 percent of the epidemiologists in our survey have recently visited a grocery store, a pharmacy or another store. Just wear a mask, stay distant from others and wash your hands afterward.

The big picture: I find it helpful to think about the notion of a personal risk budget. I don’t spend any of my risk budget on supermarket shopping, because grocery delivery works well for my family. But I do take occasional unmasked, distant walks with one or two friends. They help keep me sane as we head into a long, very hard winter.

For more: The survey of epidemiologists — done by Margot Sanger-Katz, Claire Cain Miller and Quoctrung Bui of The Times — has much more, including how they’re thinking about a vaccine.

04/16/21 12:07 PM #233    


Pam Davis (Cotten)

The annual "Ruidoso Rendezvous" always proves to be an unforgettable special time of reuniting with friends of various classes.

It's now April ....... And So far, we're definitely planning on this year's 2021  multi-class mini-reunion (if COVID-19 conditions continue to improve like we all hope).   Some of our '66 grads  have already been attending each year, and we look forward to seeing you again and the entire class of '66! 

Contact Bryson ('61) or me ('62) with your contact information if you plan to attend.  But remember it's a "no-host" event, so be sure to make your own hotel or RV park reservations at the place of your choice.  This year we'll offer a "Stump the Irvin Alumni" photo contest, and we hope you'll choose to join in the fun.  If so, in advance send    (via email or U.S.mail) a Jr. high or early high school photo of yourself to Bryson's email or his U.S. postal address in Las Cruces.  In the Ruidoso Rendezvous flier on this site, scroll down for more info about the contest.  It should be lots of fun! 

Hoping to see you at the Inn of the Mountain Gods next October!

04/17/21 11:00 AM #234    


Glenn Gonzalez

Hi Pam, thank you for the reminder.  John and I will pass the information to our '66 classmates and hope they can attend.  As for Marge and me, I am not certain at this time if we will attend.  Marge's recovery from covid and other pre-covid ailments is taking longer than expected.  I will let you know for sure later.  Of course, you know I love to attend these gatherings.  You and Marston, take care.  Saw Almost Patsy a few weeks ago at Alstadt Brewery.  Hope to see you soon.  Glenn

04/18/21 11:04 AM #235    


K. Gail Browne (Phillips)

Hope to see photos of Roundup! One of these years...the good Lord willing and the creek don't rise. Have fun!

04/19/21 09:10 AM #236    


Pam Davis (Cotten)

K.Gail & Glenn ~ Thanks for the comments re: your interest in the next mini-reunion.  You & Marge have been at every one, if I remember correctly.  It's always understandable when people must miss the "Ruidoso Rendezvous" because tof contingencies regarding many variables.   I've had to miss a couple of them. Big hugs for Marge as she continues to battle COVID & other medical conditions. We miss seeing the two of you at Fredericksburg events. We've been avoiding gatherings for over a year now, as you know.  But I think that as more people become vaccinated, the better conditions will become.  Let's hope so.

04/19/21 02:01 PM #237    


Glenn Gonzalez

Hi Pam, thanks for your understanding.  We'll continute to monitor Marge's health and our country's covid situation.  Hopefully, everything will be better, and Marge and I can attend after all.  I'll keep your and Bryson posted.  Take care.

05/07/21 07:09 AM #238    


Jerry Barrett

I just made my 2021 Rendezvous reservation by phone at the Inn of the Mountain Gods in Ruidoso. The dates are October 18-21, 2021. Members of all Irvin class years are welcome ... encouraged to attend!

I asked the clerk why the Internet reservation system showed no availability. All he said was that their website has problems. He did not offer any insight on if or when it would be fixed.

I do hope to attend this year - looking forward to it! I hope to see you there!

Call Center is open daily from 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM Mountain time

Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort and Casino
287 Carrizo Canyon Road
Mescalero, NM 88340
Toll-Free: (800) 545-9011
Phone: (575) 464-7059

05/08/21 02:56 PM #239    


Glenn Gonzalez

Hi Jerry, thanks for the reminder on reserving a room at the Inn of the Mountain Gods for the Oct. 21 mini-reunion.  I also recently made a reservation for Marge and me, though we are not sure Marge's health will be good enough for traveling at that time.  Earlier I was not sure we could attend because Marge's recovery from covid was going slowly.  However, we now have an additional reason impacting her travel.  She is now suffering from pain caused by compressed fractures of four lower vertebrae.  She is receiving heaving dosages of pain medications.  But that's not the best solution.  We will soon see a back/spine specialist in a few days.  Assuming we can get her pain under control, we plan to attend.  Nevertheless, if anyone is considering attending, please make a reservation.  You can always cancel it later.  This little reunion is lots of fun.  You'll see your usual friends and classmates and meet new classmates.  Have a blessed day.  Glenn

05/16/21 09:01 AM #240    


Jerry Barrett

I plan to attend the 2021 Rendezvous.

10/03/21 10:45 AM #241    


John Schmidt Jr.

Teri Wiley visited New Braunfels, TX last week.  Vikki McCoy, John Schmidt, Teri Wiley, Glenn Gonzalez and Toni Sim went dancing at the Watering Hole Saloon & Dance Hall in New Braunfels.  We all had a great time.  It was nice to see Teri again.


10/03/21 10:52 AM #242    


John Schmidt Jr.

The fun continued again this weekend at the Watering Hole Saloon & Dance Hall with Toni, Glenn and Toni friend Charlie.. 


Toni and 

10/04/21 10:26 AM #243    


Glenn Gonzalez

Hi John, thanks for posting the pictures.  We thank Vikki, Teri, and Toni for coming to the dances in New Braunfels.  What great fun.  The girls look great, but the picture of me and pretty Toni shows my thinning hair.  No problem.  Personality and humor is more important than hair.  Right?

10/04/21 12:21 PM #244    

Teri Stanley (Wiley)

Thanks for posting the great pictures John of our visit to new braunsfel. Got my new boots on the dance floor 2 nights in a row. So much fun !! Miss all of you. Spring fling??,sign me up !!

10/06/21 01:06 PM #245    

Teri Stanley (Wiley)

Yesterday was susi Condit 's birthday. She would be 74 .. still miss my very best friend every day

10/07/21 06:19 PM #246    


Mary Allen (Lambert)

Everyone looks great

03/13/22 03:58 PM #247    


Jerry Barrett

Thread from the Irvin 63 website.



Does this jog anyone's memory? I thought so...


03/11/22 06:24 AM #1552    


Clark W. Schadle

Pretty neat picture of the B-36 and I like the car line up too!!!!!!



03/11/22 01:04 PM #1553    


Shirley Kennedy (Adams)

I don't remember that, but I do remember the 1st hijacking at the airport.


03/12/22 05:26 AM #1554    


Dolores Turner (Turner)

I didn't move to El Paso until the 60"s but I also remember the hitching of the plane.  My Mom and some friends drove as close to the Airport  as we could get to see if we could see anything.


03/12/22 07:19 AM #1555    


Clark W. Schadle

I still have the newpaper front page from that Hijacking at El Paso Airport.  I was a big deal when they shot the tires out on the jet so it could not takeoff.



03/12/22 03:01 PM #1556    


Richard W. Henderson

In 1956 or 1957 a B-36 took off from Biggs AFB, had a problem and flew into the Franklin mountains just above downtown. We were living in Hacienda Heights at the time. My Dad and a neighbor (both pilots) were talking in the front yard and heard that monster coming. When we saw him, my Dad let out an expletive and the two of them took off running down the street with me in hot pursuit. That plane cleared the telephone pole in our back yard but no more than 50 feet!!! If he had turned east instead of west, he may have made it. Today there are still pieces of the wreckage up there.

About the same time, they launched an old German V-2 rocket out at White Sands Missile Range for testing and research. The thing went goofy and the emergency shut-off failed. It landed in the cemetery in Juarez, Mexico. Scared the dickens out of a little old ladiy visiting her late husbands grave!!!

And then a few weeks later (my Dad used to laugh about this until he passed) the mayor and the chief of police in Juarez were having lunch in one of the restaurants when some guy walked in , pulled his Colt 45 out and killed them both! The city council called a special meeting and passed a new law banning 4" pocket knives!!! True story!!! Like I said, my Dad laughed about that all of his life! It sounds like something our congress would do today...

Memories...some good, some not so much.


03/13/22 07:53 AM #1557    


Clark W. Schadle

If you are intested here is more on the B-36 crash at El Paso






03/13/22 01:35 PM #1558    


Shirley Kennedy (Adams)

My dad was called out to the airport on the hijacking and last thing he said to me stay away from the airport.  I had errand to do and where was the 1st place I went??????  I drove back later and all the tires had been shot and flat.

There were also several military jets that crashed in EP in later years.  Mom and dad were sitting in restaurant on I-10 on eastside when they say jet flying low.  Can't remember where they said it crashed but it scared them.

When I went to Burgess, I loved to watch the B-52's come in with the parachutes to slow them down.  The next year was Austin High and finally Irvin opened.

So many old and good memories.




03/13/22 01:46 PM #1559    


Shirley Kennedy (Adams)

Clark, how interesting.  I was not aware, but then we didn't didn't transfer to EP until 1957, and even though we lived there, I was still unaware until you shared this.  Thank you.


03/13/22 02:01 PM #1560    


Joseph R. Mays

Another plane crash at Biggs happened in 1959. My uncle, Hank Chouteau, who was the Chief Test Pilot at Northrup, was flying the first flight of an experimental plane from Orlando to Salt Lake, CA. He decided to stop in El Paso to refuel and visit our family. The next morning we went to Biggs AFB to see him take off. The plane never got off the runway and he broke his back. He stayed with us for 4 weeks until he was able to fly back to CA. His wife, my father's sister, stayed with us as well. He continued to be the Chief Test Pilot for another 25 years. He was the one who first flew what is now the F-5. There was little in the papers about this because it was an experimental aircraft.

08/14/22 02:29 PM #248    


John Mackley

Hello everyone.  While looking for our classmates and where they are now, I just discovered the passing of Juanita McRae.  Here is Juanita's obituary.  So sorry to learn of Juanita's passing.  

Juanita (Nita) Lynn McRae was born July 29, 1948 in McAllen, Texas, the daughter of Ogden and Joyce (Eddy) McRae. She passed from this life July 30, 2021, in Round Rock, Texas at the age of 73.

Juanita had lived in this area since 2018, moving here from El Paso, Texas. She had worked as an Administrative Assistant for the US Army and attended Fellowship Church. Juanita had many hobbies including crafting, reading, shopping and gardening. She enjoyed water aerobics and dancing. She was known for her personalized gift wrapping skills and making beautiful door wreaths. Juanita loved to bake for her family and especially for the holidays. She will be remembered for her signature dishes, including lemon meringue pie and frito pie among the family favorites. 

Juanita was preceded in death by her parents, Ogden and Joyce McRae, Davy Bryant and grandson, Gabriel Langdon. She is survived by her children, Stephanie Burcham and husband, Richard; James Langdon and wife, Alana and Lindsay Howard and husband Brian; siblings, Steve McRae and wife, Joie; O. Brien McRae and Frank McRae; grandchildren, Tristyn Millikin, Shealynn Bryant, Mikenna Burcham, Braden Howard, Elizabeth Howard, Haden Langdon, Amara Langdon and Lucas Langdon; great-grandchildren, Fischer Millikin, Lane Millikan, Hayes Bryant, and Baby Bryant on the way; and a host of nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.

Funeral services were held Tuesday, August 3, 2021 at 2:00 P.M. at Weed-Corley-Fish Funeral Home, 1200 S. Bagdad Road, Leander, Texas. Interment was at Cedar Park Cemetery.

08/15/22 08:20 AM #249    


Jerry Barrett

John, thanks for posting. I too am saddened to hear of Juanita's passing. If I had known of this sooner I would have attended the services. Rest in peace Juanita.

01/11/23 03:20 PM #250    


John Schmidt Jr.

We are currently planning on having an Irvin Alumni Mini-Reunion/Rendezvous 20-23 October 2023 in El Paso if enough folk’s sign-up.  While it is primarily open to the Irvin classes of ’60-’73, any Irvin Alumni are welcome to attend.  The host hotel is the Marriott (the Class of ’61 held their 50th Reunion here) close to the El Paso Airport. It is really a plush setup at the Marriott with a lounge that has a sizeable seating area for Happy Hour or after dinner get together. There is also a Bistro for breakfast and a very nice restaurant in the hotel. The Cattle Baron and Appleby’s restaurants are within walking distance.  The plan would be to try and get a tour of Irvin on Saturday. Like the Irvin Alumni Rendezvous we have been conducting since 2016 in Ruidoso, this is an informal affair with the primary event being the Happy Hour each evening at 5PM and meeting up after dinner in a hospitality room or the lounge.  If the response is great enough, we may also try to plan events during the day such as everyone meeting somewhere for lunch or tour Old Mesilla.  The room rate is $109+tax per night (normally $149+tax per night) if we have enough folks staying at the Marriott and we can block a minimum of 30 rooms.  We hope you will consider attending. If you would like to sign up, please let me know as soon as you can and I will put you on the distribution to keep you informed.  I hope everyone is doing well.  Take care.  Bryson McCool ‘61   575-973-0732 or 575-652-4029

02/02/23 02:38 PM #251    


John Schmidt Jr.

60 –’73 Irvin Alumni Anniversary Reunion

1.  Attendees: Primarily Irvin Alumni who have celebrated (or about to celebrate) their 50th Irvin High School Reunion and friends or any Irvin Alumni.

2. Host Hotel: Marriott El Paso Hotel in El Paso, Texas | Marriott El Paso

3. Dates: 20-23 October 2023

4. Planned Events (so far):

• Happy Hour each evening at 5PM at the Great Room Lounge and Bar located in the Marriott.

• Tour of Irvin High School Saturday (being planned)

• Hospitality room(s) for socializing after dinner (if groups wish to have them)

• Other events if anyone would like to set them up

5. Dining Possibilities near Marriott:

• Great Room Restaurant (Marriott)

• Red Rim Bistro – Breakfast (Marriott)

• Cattle Baron Restaurant and Bar (within walking distance)

• Appleby’s (within walking distance)

6. Block Room Rate: $109 per night plus taxes.

7. Block Hospitality Room Rate: $199 per night plus taxes

8. Planning Committee Contact: If you are planning on attending, please contact Bryson so you will be on the Reunion email distribution. 575-973-0732 575-652-4029

** Must use special Marriott Group Reservation Link to get block room rates.

Book your group rate for Irvin High School Alumni '61-'7

02/07/23 02:16 PM #252    


John Schmidt Jr.

Please see 2023 Irvin Alumni Rendezvous tab to your left to see who has signed up to attend.

05/08/24 07:12 PM #253    


Jerry Barrett

Alan Van Velkinburgh, class of 1968, is hosting an Irvin all 60s classes mini-reunion at his home in Cypress, TX (NW of Houston) on September 14. Details are in the information below. If you plan to attend, please respond by June 1 at his email address below or via a text message to him.

ATTENTION CLASS OF 1968 and Classes from the 1960's

Back in June 2019 several of us attended a Mini-Reunion in Houston. Gary and Mary McGarr were kind enough to host the event at their home.

Well……………………we feel it is time for another Mini and we want to let you know of our plans and gauge your interest in attending.

Our Mini Reunion event will be held Saturday, September 14th in Houston. Alan and Gayle will host the event at their home in Cypress (Bridgeland), 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM.

More details will follow depending on the number interested in attending. Please note that we need to know the total number of attendees by June 1, 2024. You can reply/respond to the names and numbers below.

This will be a wonderful opportunity to catch up with classmates and friends. And we want to invite everyone from all classes who attended Irvin in the 1960s.

Wow, 56 years since we graduated, and September is a great month to hold a Mini. If you recall, school used to start in September, after Labor Day.

Please reply to:

Alan Van Velkinburgh: or text at 281-802-0226

Gary McGarr: or text at 713-907-9401

Karla Onick: or text at 915-355-9285

Hope to see all of you soon!

06/02/24 11:32 AM #254    


John Schmidt Jr.

See link below for more info for the reunion at Alan Van Velkinburg home in Cypres, Texas:





09/11/24 04:11 PM #255    


Jerry Barrett

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