Profile Updated: April 20, 2010
Yes! Attending Reunion

Well, let's see. After high school I did a lot of drinking, which got me nowhere. In '79 I went to Essex Aggie for a degree in fashion retailing. My DECA experience in high school was so positive, that's what I thought was my niche. Wrong! Was good at it, but hated it! hmm I went back to drinking and wasting my life away which I will always regret, but I managed to "find myself" in '88 when I met my kids' dad, John. I'm going to condense here for space sake. In Jan 1990 my son Joshua was born. 3 months later our house burned down, March 26th. One year later, March 26th, my son Nathan was born! (we thought the condoms survived the fire!) Yes, I still have a warped sense of humor thank you! Both my boys have special needs. Both are autistic, bi-polar, ADHD,seizures, yadda yadda. Nate. I was told would be in an institution by age 8, as he could not speak at 5 and was very aggressive. I said hooey.(I found my 'niche') I researched and read and went to work on all kinds of therapies. (Long story short-he graduated high school last year!!) I decided to go to college and get paid for doing what I did for my 2 sons. I got my 1st degree in Social Work at Hesser, then went to Springfield College. John and I split,he couldn't handle the pressure of 2 autistics. Eh. I worked for several agencies that assisted battered women. I also did a year working at a detox place. Soon after, I met and married Yvonne. We bought a house in Manchester so I could be closer to work. I managed group homes with disabled adults for 4 years,while doing foster care for 2 disabled men for 6 years. They lived in our home with us. That was wild!! It was rewarding and so much fun! We traveled quite a bit to NY city, Niagara Falls, Florida, N.Carolina etc. The stress n strain took it's toll, again, and Yvonne and I split. I've been single for 5 years now and it's not so bad! I amuse myself quite nicely!!! My brother Paul moved in with me and the boys in November last year. My kids adore him, and we have many laughs! We constantly recall back to growing up in Kensington and Exeter. Some of the truly stupid things we did!! Like playing chicken on Drinkwater Rd with no headlights on in the middle of the night....Deb Currier!!! Or flying back from the mountains cuz Brian had to be at work...we are going 90mph and Brian turns of the ignition!! Anywho....life is good. When, and if, my kids are on their own, I may go back to working with people who need my help.

School Story:

Oh my goodness there are so many! The school store...that 6 or 8 of us were used as guinea pigs to see if we could make it work. Well we did! That store was a major success. Which led to the now enormous DECA and business programs at Exeter High School and throughout the U.S. Cool eh?! I remember at the end of the school year, we had to sell or get rid of left over candy,notebooks, supplies, etc. We had a bunch of boxes of tampons, so being the smartass I am, I put up a sign that read, "Free tampons-No strings attached".
My truly most embarrassing thing I did in high school was....I left the lunchroom one day, went out to the smoking area by way of the football field. On my way back I found this thing that I thought would be cool to put on my ear and immitate the radio guy on laugh-in. So I go bee-bopping thru the lunchroom, full of kids, singing away with this thing on my ear. Until one friend of mine said loudly......"Karen!!! Thats an athletic cup!!!!!" So, that's enough for now, more later.....

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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 1:01 AM