45th Class Reunion 2020!

Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic. the Baker High School 1975 45th Class Reunion has been cancelled. 


Our Reunion planning commitee has decided to cancel our 45th Reunion scheduled for Augst 22nd.  Now our plans to meet at. T.J. Chumps patio on August 21st (6:00 Pm) have also been cancelled.  TJChumps had to cancell the reservation due to the state of Ohio restrictions on large gatherings of more than 10 people.  The Covid Virus Has been difficult to maneuver around and we have done our best in making our decision.  Thanks for your understanding.  We will consider celebrating our renuion next year.  keep checking this web page for details.  

Anyone that has already paid for the reunion party will be reimbursed by Randy Shaw soon.  

If you have any questions you can contact Karen Kearney (Lee) at karenplee337@gmail.com 

Thank You!

the 1975 Class Reunion Planning Committee. 
