Old Pictures

If you have any old pictures or items (e.g., old school programs, awards, banners, etc.) and would like to see them posted, please scan and email them to dsmith2056@cinci.rr.com or marys616@aol.com .  We would enjoy seeing more pictures of the class of '72.  If you don't have a scanner you can send the original picture or item to our home addresses.  We will scan them for you, get them posted and return them unharmed! 

Tony Donisi, Vicki Becraft, John Jesse, Kathy Gray, Mike Griffith, Mary Lou Robbins, Jack Broughton, Sharon Gambill 


Mrs. Larick's AM Kindergarten class in 1960 @ Schenck School -  LtoR - 1st row:  Debbie Campbell, Vinetta Myers, Jimmy Tewell, Mary Lou Robbins, Lisa Leckrone, Paige Tutt, Debbie Woods, Gary Kessler, Billy Knutson.  2nd row:  Tommy Kidwell, Charlene Reynolds, Tim Claborn, David Holsinger, Kurt Koons, Barbara White, Bruce Stewart.  3rd row:  Cathy Hackney, Jackie Kirby, Terry Spencer, Tomi Crouch, Mike Stewart, Mark Lickliter, Sue Newkirk.  4th row:  Sally Alhap, Chuck Brandenburg, Kathy Gray, Debbie Smith, Emily Libecap, Eddie Harbach, Donnie Ewing, Steve George


Larua Farrell AM Kindergarten - This picture was contributed by Gregg Rodehaver who was trying to read his mother's writing on the back of the picture.  So, if you see anything that needs revising just email us. LtoR - 1st row: Delores McConnon, Bobby Moons, Alfea Jones, Wesley Harrison, Gregg Rodehaver, Ricky Burger, Rhonda Mays, Marla Lucas, Marie Lucas.  2nd row: Debbie Seaga??, David King,  Meredith Reese, Vickie Kelly, Craig Anderson, Jimmy Tinch, Mrs. Dalton.  3rd row: Ginny Marshall, Debbie Collins, Tim Eltzroth, Debbie ??, Scottt Hatfield, Mike Brown, Ronnie Platter.  4th row: Debbie Mount, Mickey Watts, Nancy Sharts, Mark Down??, George Kenerly, Marc Wallic?

Anthony Wayne AM kindergarden (Donated by Joyce Reagan) -  LtoR 1st row: Richard King, ??, Sharon Nickell, ??, ??, ??, ??, Willie Turner.  2nd row: Clark Wittmer, Larry Downing, Joyce Reagan, Alan Buchanan, ??, ??, ??, Vicki Becraft.  3rd row: Teresa Martin, ??, ??, Marilyn Adams, Mike West, Bill Jones, ??, ??.  4th row:  ??,  Danny Thomas, ??, Debbie Smallwood, Scott Philabaum, Steve Robison, James Wilder, John Jesse, Jackie Banks.



See, you can find pictures at your parent's house.  Someone found this picture of Sharon Gambill this past weekend.  Look at those legs!  This was at someone's childhood home on Bryant Street in Harpland.  Sharon, originally from France, is modeling one of the latest outfits from Paris. (submitted by Debbie Smith)



 "The Schenck Gang"

LtoR - Mike West, Paul Allen, Tommy Kidwell, Steve George, Rick Turnmire, Tim McGuire and Doug Sebastian (submitted by Debbie Smith)


My mother, Fleeta, went to New Mexico on a business trip and she brought back this authentic, handmade Mexican dress.  Kathy Gray decided to give a twirl.  You can see my dresser (which I still have today) in the background with a small red and white wildcat banner pinned to my bulletin boad.  (submitted by Debbie Smith)

Debbie Smith & Kathy Gray at Lesourdsville in 1969


Love those pants and expecially love the Mustang.  Alberta Whitehead, Gary Roberts, Theresa Roberts. Does anyone want to guess what year this was?


David Irving in maybe 1975?  (submitted by Debbie Smith)


This was taken at a Senior Recognition Pep Assembly on Nov. 12, 1971 for the last football game of the season.  All of the seniors drove in a caravan to the game and we all sat together.  We had won the "spirit head".  That's me, Debbie Smith, and George Kenerly in the background. (submitted by Debbie Smith)


Rick Hawkins and Sharon Nickell - Oct. 1, 1971  (submitted by Debbie Smith)


Taken at Schenck School in Harpland - LtoR - Sue Newkirk, Bard Hedrick, Barbara White, Mrs. Cauldwell, Jackie Kirby, Debbie Smith, and I think that is Pat Byrd. (Nov. 1966)  (submitted by Debbie Smith)


A group of girls at Schenck School - I need help with names if anyone knows.  I have a bad memory.  LtoR 1st row - ??, ??, Angie Throckmorton, 2nd row - Shelly Murray, Barb Hedrick, 3rd row - Sheila Thompson, ??, Sue Newkirk, Debbie Turnmire, Jackie Kirby (submitted by Debbie Smith)

Debbie Smith, Sue Newkirk, Barb Hedrick, Jackie Kirby at Schenck School (Nov. 1966)

Barb Hedrick, Sue Newkirk, Angie Throckmorton (Nov. 1966)

 Sue Newkirk, Angie Throckmorton, Barb Hedric and Jackie Kirby at Schenck


Rick Turnmire. Now isn't that the cutest little thing you've ever seen?


"I am the head cheerleader and you will do as I say!" (Sharon Nickell) (submitted by Debbie Smith)


 Georgia Frisch (submitted by Debbie Smith)



(Doesn't that look like Felicia Robbins in the background?)

(submitted by Debbie Smith)


Leslie Smith attempts to burn a hole in someone's back with her glaring stare but she accidentally burns off another person's lips.  (submitted by Debbie Smith)



 This newspaper article was submitted by Tomi (Crouch) Brandenburg.  This is a great find, Tomi!  Thanks!


 6th grade camp @ Camp Kern - LtoR - Ginny Marshall, Tomi Crouch and Treva Robinson

(submitted by Tomi Crouch Brandenburg)


 6th grade camp - Kathy Gray, Jackie Kirby and that's Marie or Marla Lucas sitting on the log.  That might be Sharon Nickell looking down at her on the right in light blue.

Debi Beatty (photo contributed by Betty Caudill)

Betty Caudill

Paula Carpenter and husband  (I hope!)

Thanks to Betty Caudill for these pictures taken at LeSourdesville Lake of her and Donna Bernard both around 16 yrs at the time.  I guess the digital cameras have taken all the fun we used to have from the old picture booths.

This is a birthday party at my house, Debbie Smith, on Bryant Street in Harpland in June of 1964.  LtoR - Diane Hayslett, Debbie Herald, Debbie Smith, Barbie Lyons, Sue Newkirk, Pam Baker, ??, Theresa Brogan.

Same birthday party - LtoR front - Diane Hayslett, Debbie Herald.  Back row LtoR - Teresa Brogan, ??, Sue Newkirk, Barbie Lyons

We know a cat who can really do the cool jerk!  This is another birthday party at my house.  LtoR - Jackie Kirby, Kathy Gray (red shirt), Debbie Smith (back in blue shirt), Sharon Gambill, (eyes shut), Sue Newkirk (with glasses on), Pam Faulkner (Is that a robot move, Pam?), Vonda Salyer (behind Pam).

Halloween party at Debbie Smith's house in the garage.  LtoR - Leslie Smith, Sharon Gambill, Larry Downing, Debbie Smith (profile w/glasses), Debbie Herald, Kathy Gray.  I think we were playing a game for prizes where my mom had us eat saltine crackers and we couldn't drink anything.  The first one to whistle was the winner.

Same Halloween party - front row LtoR - Joyce Reagan, Kent Hollek, Debbie Herald, Vicki Becraft.  back row LtoR - Terry Spencer, Tony Donisi, Kathy Gray, Sharon Gambill, Larry Downing, John Jesse, Debbie Smith, Leslie Smith

John Jesse (Halloween Party @ Debbie Smith's house 11/1/69)

Halloween Party 11/1/69 @ Debbie Smith's house.  Bottom row LtoR - Larry Downing, John Jessee, Steve Samons, Danny Hause.  2nd row LtoR - Mike Janeway, Dave Irving, Jeff Patrick, Allan Daniels.  Top row LtoR - Kent Hollek, Paul Gibbs.

Vicki Becraft, who had just been to the dentist, is showing off her pearly whites.

Sandy Blair and Cindy Chamberlain in a heated discussion about whose outfit is shorter.

Trena Kidder and Karen Mato.  Sharon Nickell is a cheerleader in the background and I think that is Georgia Frisch to the right with her back to us.

LtoR - Sharon Gambill (posing again), Debbie Smith (with eyebrows), Debbie Herald (love that vest!)

Debbie Smith, Vicki Becraft, Cindy Berry (10/3/71)

Karen Mato & Tomi Crouch

Our Beloved Ginger DePew (10/8/71)

Bridget Holweger, Cathy Hackney & Patti Hubbard (9/2/71)

Edsel "Butch" Mollahan at Germantown Dam

Kathy Hedges (in the middle)

The ever smiling Pam Keith (10/2/71)

Allan Daniels & Debbie Smith - This was a New Year's Eve party on 12/31/71.  Allan was celebrating by drinking beer with raw eggs!

Same New Year's Eve Party on 12/31/71.  LtoR - Mike Shockley, Ken Alexander, Randy Kuhn, Carla Synder, Bill Hounshell, Pam Kuhn, Tim Shockley and Eddie Harbach

"If one more person walks their dog where we practice cartwheels, I'm gonna blow my whistle!" Georgia Frisch (9/6/71)

Karen Mato (maybe at Homecoming)

Mr. McDade and his secretary?

Prom beauties Joyce Reagan, Sharon Nickell and Denise Gadd

Ron "Pepper" Myers and Jackie Banks

Sue Newkirk and Pam Faulkner (6th grade camp).

Rhonda Owsley & Debbie Herald @ 6th grade camp

Debbie Herald, Mr. Selman & Terri VanHoose at 6th grade camp (Camp Kern).

Trena "Homecoming Queen" Kidder

Senior Prom - LtoR - Debbie Herald w/husband to be Richard Morris, Sharon Gambill, Paul Gibbs


George Kenerly (10/2/71)

By the look on her face, Felicia Robbins is probably on her way, AGAIN, to the principal's office.

Terri VanHoose & Basketball Coach Judith Throp

Slumber party at Debbie Herald's sister's house. LtoR - Paula Murray, Sharon Gambill, Debbie Herald, Sue Newkirk (submitted by Debbie Herald)

Same slumber party - LtoR - 1st row - Sue Newkirk, Paula Murray, Debbie Herald.  2nd row - Diane Hayslett, Debbie Smith, Kathy Gray, Jayna DeHart, Sharon Gambill.