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Franklin High School
Class Of 1972 |
We had a wonderful time at the Birthday Party for all of us who have turned 70 or will turn 70. Here is the legend to the picture. Not everyone’s faces could be seen in one shot. Paula Buchanan is behind Jane Carter in one picture and then in the other picture Paula is in full view. I’m counting 28 classmates in the picture. There are 3 spouses (Gretchen, Paula and Mitch) making a total of 31 in the picture.
1st Row (Left to Right):
Felicia Robbins Stalder
Debbie Herald Morris
Jane Carter Coleman
Debbie Smith
Barb White Upton
Christie Shewbridge (CA)
Jackie Banks Nock
Michele Egelston Takacs
Patti Pursley Atkinson
Mary Robbins Starkey
Patty Hubbard
Leslie Smith Coffey
Joyce Reagan Shillinglaw
2nd Row:
Larry Downing
Gretchen Donisi (CO) (behind Jane)
Paula Buchanan
Donna Cole Linville
Pam Keith Landrum
Bill Nock
Danny Hause (NC)
Tony Mayer
Patrick Dugan
3rd Row:
Wade Buchanan
Tony Donisi (CO)
Ken Coffey
Ron Vanhoose (TN)
Mitch Carter
Mike Janeway (VA)
Mike Levangie
Terry Monk
Jim Dishman
Hello Everyone! I have been wor king on finalizing a date and location to celebrate our 70thBirthday Party. After a ton of phone calls, emails and discussions, here’s the plan. The date of the birthday party will be:
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Knights of Pythias Lafayette Pond
7555 Frankin Madison Road
Middletown, Ohio
It’s going to be a big picnic and a very relaxing day. You can show up at any time during the day but we can start arriving at 10:00am if you want and we can stay all day and night. They have built a new building where we can put food, crock pots, and any other items we want to keep out of the weather. There are two bathrooms inside this building and there are other bathroom located on the site as well.
If you remember, we held a “Fall Festival” at this park on Sat., Sept. 24, 2016. If you look at our Facebook page and scroll way down, there are quite a few pictures posted of all the fun we had. There is a covered area with picnic tables, You can bring a camper and stay all night if you want. There is a lake for fishing and tons of room for games and lawn chairs.
We need to bring a lot of food and games (corn hold for sure!), wood for a bonfire, lawn chairs, flashlights, fishing gear, blankets, extra clothes, coolers with ice and anything else you can think of to spend the entire day and night if you want.
I hope this meets with everyone’s satisfaction and you can make plans to attend that day. As the date gets closer we can have a meeting beforehand to plan the day with anything special we might want to do. Let me know any ideas you may have.
Knights of Pythias has a Facebook page too.
Here is who has RSVP'd that they attending:
Lisa and Steve George
Pam and Ron VanHoose
Debbie Smith and Tony Mayer
Pam Hunter and Mike Levangie
Patti Pursley Atkinson and Greg
Jane Coleman Carter and Mitch
Annette and Mike Janeway
Christa Shewbridge and Richard, her brother
Patty Hubbard and Gary Hunter
Felicia Robbins Stalder and Rick
Jim Dishman
Donna Cole Linville
Connie and Terry Monk
Gretchen and Tony Donisi
Debbie Herald Morris
Donnie Millar
Pam Keith Landrum
Debbie and Larry Downing
Barbara White Upton
Wade Buchanan and wife
Joyce Reagan Shillinglaw
Mary Robbins Starkey
Danny Hause
Leslie and Ken Coffey
Patrick Dugan
Mary and Ken Wagner
Jackie Rowland Briscoe and Bill
The 50th Year Class Reunion for the Franklin High School Class of 1972 was held on Sat., Sept. 24, 2022 followed by a picnic the next day.
1st Row L to R – Patti Pursley Atkinson, Ron VanHoose, Teresa Martin, Diane Hayslett Cornelius, Mike Griffith
2nd Row – Sandy Boyds Walter, Jane Carter Coleman, Paul Scott, Debbie Herald Morris, Sharon Sparks, Donna Cole Linville, Larry Downing, Jim Dishman
3rd Row – Ron Myers, Marlene Combs Temple, Leslie Smith Coffey, Joyce Reagan Shillinglaw, Cindy Chamberlain Akers, MaryLou Robbins Starkey, Sharon Hatton Maple, Pam Keith Landrum, Marketta Heron Egelston, Mike Levangie
4th Row – Felicia Robbins Stalder, Ted Young, Greg Wells, Betty Caudill Landrum, Michele Egelston Takacs, Karen Mato Morningstar, Donna Steinbach Donaldson, Nelson Crout, Patty Hubbard, Barbara White Upton, Danny Hause, Vicki Becraft, Tony Donisi, Debbie Smith
5th Row – Keith Perkins, Sue Newkirk Philpot, Kathy Chasteen, Linda Raleigh, Wade Buchanan, Josephine Coleman Jordan, Meredith Reese Barrett, Patrick Dugan, Odos Banks
6th Row – Steve George, Jerry Ridener, Wes Harrison, Tony Mayer, Rick Turnmire, George Kenerly, Terry Monk
Not in picture - Terry Spencer (We believe he hid in the bathroom during the picture taking! Baby!)
The Franklin High School Class of 1972 will celebrate their 50 Year Class Reunion on Sat., Sept. 24, 2022 at Amvets in Franklin, Ohio and gather again on Sun., Sept. 25, 2022 at Armco Park for a picnic. We are currently trying to update our address/contact list for the class so we can get the word out. Please join or update the class website at https://www.classcreator.com/Franklin-OH.../class_index.cfm. More details to come as we have more planning meetings and get closer to the date. For those of you who are not local, we hope you will travel to join us in marking this very exciting milestone in our lives. We typically have a good turnout but let’s make this the best reunion ever!
Hello everyone! I would like to schedule a second Committee Meeting to plan for our 50th Class Reunion in mid-February. For all of those who attended the first one, please come back and anyone else who wants to join us, you are welcome. I am looking at Sat., Feb. 26, 2022 @ 2:30pm at Amvets in Franklin. If this does not work, let me know and I can change it. At the last meeting we had some assignments so when you come to the meeting, please bring an update if you can.
We were discussing holding the class reunion on Sat., Sept. 24, 2022, at Amvets in Franklin and a picnic the next day on Sept. 25, 2022 at Armco Park. If no one has any objections to this we can finalize this date at the meeting. After this meeting we will let you know any other details that are discussed (e.g., costs, dinner, picnic details, etc.).
What a great event this will be for all to attend. You couldn’t possibly have second thoughts! If you have any ideas or are unable to attend planning meetings, please share your thoughts in FB or contacting any committee member.
Hello Classmates! We held a well-attended committee/planning meeting on 9/25/21 to discuss ideas for the 50th Year Reunion for The Class of 1972. Thank you to those who attended and they were: Patti Pursley Atkinson, Donna Linville Cole, Jim Dishman, Roger Gray, Wes Harrison, Tony Mayer, Karen Mato Morningstar, Debbie Herald Morris, Debbie Smith, Michelle Egelston Takacs
Many topics were discussed on how to approach such a milestone in our lives including the date of the event, location of the reunion, funds, activities at the reunion, attendance, food and drinks, locating classmates, websites, decorations, memoriam and many other logistics. We will confirm at a later date but keep in mind we are looking at having the reunion on Sat., Sept. 24, 2022, at our old Jerry’s Drive-In stomping ground (Amvets) and a picnic the next day on Sun., Sept. 25, 2022 (Armco Park). This should be familiar territory for everyone.
One thing that would really, really help us out is you signing up at the franklin72.org website, https://www.classcreator.com/Franklin-OH-1972/class_index.cfm, and update your information (address, email, telephone number, etc.) or join the site. Of course, I have a list of addresses but if you have moved or know of someone else’s information, then we are requesting for you to let us know. You could also join the Franklin High School – Class of 72 – Franklin, Ohio Facebook group for our class, https://www.facebook.com/groups/215007981892899.
We will have another meeting perhaps by the end of the year. Anyone can be a member of the committee and not have to attend every meeting. We just need your input and as the event gets closer, we will need physical assistance in helping with something. We also need donations and that can start at any time by simply mailing me a donation. Someone handed me $50 several weeks ago. We currently have a little over $400. This is one fund now to cover reunion costs and flower fund. Yes, we will have a fee to attend the reunion for the classmate and guest(s).
We are starting this a year ahead of time to have you “Save The Date” and really, really think about joining us if you have never attended. Let’s face it. We have all changed. We may or may not have fond memories of years we spent together in school, but everyone is different now. We are all interesting people who want to see old friends, share what we have been doing for the last 50 years and make new friends “again” for the coming years. Please absorb all of this information and keep it in the back of your mind this is only a year away. Personally I can’t wait. Again, we will keep updating you. Please join the website and FB and send a donation if you can. Remember – You can never have too many friends!!!
Thank you for listening! Debbie Smith
50TH YEAR CLASS REUNION OF THE FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATING CLASS OF 1972! Sat., Sept. 25 @ 2:00pm at Amvets Post 120, 605 S. Main St., Franklin, Ohio.
Hello Classmates! This is your invitation to join everyone who is interested in starting to gather ideas and make plans for the 50TH YEAR CLASS REUNION OF THE FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATING CLASS OF 1972! Sat., Sept. 25 @ 2:00pm at Amvets Post 120, 605 S. Main St., Franklin, Ohio. Amvets is located at the corner of 6th Street and Main Street. This is also where we held our 45th Class Reunion. We need a good turnout of classmates to assist in getting plans underway, to share ideas, and to talk about how we want to celebrate this landmark in our lives. We need your support to get us started! Hope to see you there! You don’t have to but you could post here online if you plan on coming as an encouragement to others. How fun is this going to be? To those who have not attended a reunion for a long time or who may have never attended – you have no idea what fun is in store. You cannot miss this one! I’ll see you next Saturday! Thank you! Debbie Smith
Today we celebrate our 65th Birthdays for the Class of 1972 and Friends at the Deer Run Lodge. Please show up for an evening of fun, laughter and great food. We get this party started by arriving at 4:30pm, dinner at 6:00pm and actiities to follow. Don't miss out on our group picture and help us finish up a fantastic evening around the bonfire.
The plans for the 65th Birthday Party for the FHS Class of 1972 are in full swing. This note is to tell you we are playing a game at the party to guess who’s who from their youngest baby picture.
This is a shout out for anyone who wants to participate to send to me (and only me) the youngest baby picture you have of yourself. Don’t send your kindergarten picture but send the newborn baby picture or when you were younger than 1 year old. Don’t send the obvious because you DON’T WANT anyone to guess who you are. I will copy the picture and create a poster to display at the party. Email a picture to me by scanning it. If you don’t have a scanner, mail it to me and I’ll take very good care of it and get it back to you. Take a good picture of your picture with your phone and text it to me. Call me and I’ll come and get it, BUT don’t miss out of this fun game. There will be a prize for the person for the picture who has the least correct guesses. C’mon get it to me by the first week of September so I can get it ready. Of course, you need to be present to accept your prize.
I am also working on sending out postcards with all the information about the party at the beginning of next week. If you think you need to send me your address, then let me know. You can also update your address on our class website at www.franklin72.org . Private message me to send me an updated address or to check if I have the correct address. Private message me if you need my phone number or email address. Don’t post your baby picture on Facebook but you can send me your picture in a private message as an attachment.
This is going to be fun. I hope you will participate. Remember – Send the youngest picture you have!
Thanks. Debbie Smith
Thanks to everyone who attended the Franklin High School Class of 1972’s 45th Class Reunion on Sat., Sept. 23, 2017 and the picnic on Sun., Sept. 24, 2017. We invaded our old stomping grounds at Jerry’s Restaurant. As far as I can tell everyone had a lot of fun, reconnected with old friends and we had a great dinner. We had a total of 50 classmates and 27 guests in attendance. We can compare this with the 40th Class Reunion where we had 62 classmates, 1 instructor and 31 guests. I am often asked how many classmates were in the class. If you look at the yearbook there are 202 pictured, 33 not pictured and there are many exceptions. Here are some of the exceptions:
Some people did not want their picture taken.
Some people had to wait to take a summer course to graduate.
Some people moved away but still come back to celebrate reunions with us.
Some people did not graduate but we still consider them part of the class.
and there may be other reasons so the number varies.
Thanks to the reunion committee for giving me a beautiful bracelet that I will always cherish and for all the hard work and enthusiasm put forth. There were so many hours spent working on a plan and then the contributions that followed to make it all come together. I do not know if we can top this reunion but we are already thinking about the 50th Class Reunion in 2022. Also, watch for information in the coming years for a get together to celebrate our 65th birthdays!
If you did not come to the reunion or picnic, we missed you. I wish everyone much happiness in the years to come but more than anything, I wish all of us good health. To those of you who are battling with any type of issue, just remember. Keep in touch with your old friends and we will pray for you and support you in any way we can.
Who’s real tough? You know who. It’s the Class of ’72!!!
Once a Wildcat, Always a Wildcat! May the force be with you.
Much Love, Debbie Smith
Here is a list of the classmates who attended the Franklin High School Class of 1972's 45th Class reunion:
Ken Alexander
Teresa Barnes Burns
Sandy Boyd Walter
Wade Buchanan
Jane Carter Coleman
Cindy Chamberlain Akers
Jim Dishman
Georgia Frisch Gorsuch
Steve Fry
Sharon Gambill
Dave Gibbs
Roger Gray
Mike Griffith
Kathy Hackney Cassidy
Wes Harrison
Danny Hause
Diane Hayslett Cornelius
Kathy Hedges
Wanda Hensley Mullins
Debbie Herald Morris
Patty Hubbard
Pam Keith Landrum
George Kenerly
Trena Kidder Pierce
Mike Levangie
Donna Linville Cole
Teresa Martin Sturgis
Karen Mato Morningstar
Tony Mayer
Roger Mills
Paula Murray Clark
Ronald Myers
Sue Newkirk Philpot
Bonnie Patla
Phyllis Pennington Clark
Patti Pursley Atkinson
Joyce Reagan Shillinglaw
Meredith Reece Barrett
Felicia Robbins Stalder
Mary Robbins Starkey
Gary Roberts
Jackie Rowland Briscoe
Paul Scott
Debbie Smith
Leslie Smith Coffey
Sharon Sparks
Ronnie VanHoose
Ruby Vaughn Graft
Greg Wells
Barbara White Upton
The Franklin High School Class of 1972 will hold its 45th Year Class Reunion on Saturday, September 23, 2017 at AMVETS Post 120 at 605 S. Main St., Franklin, OH. The doors will open at 4:30pm to check in at the Registration Desk. One Person Registration is $25; Two Person Registration is $40. Walk ins are welcome on the night of the event but to get the best price for the buffet we need to have a count of who will be attending no later than September 16, 2017.
A "Classmate Questionnaire" is available to fill out and mail with your registration or scan and email to Debbie Smith. You can type in the answers or print it out and write in the questionnaire. Please return this by September 16, 2017 as well.
A photographer will be at the reunion to take a group photo at 7:30pm. To receive a copy of the group photo bring $12 cash for an 8”x10” or $15 cash for an 11”x14”. The photo will be mailed from the photographer to you at a later date. Other items will be available to purchase and donations toward the class fund will be accepted.
There will be a cash bar. No alcoholic beverages may be carried in.
Make checks payable to Debbie Smith. Send the registration fee and the Classmates Questionnaire to:
Also, please visit: https://www.facebook.com/groups/215007981892899/
A picnic will be held the next day on Sunday, September 24, 2017 at Armco Park, 1223 OH-741, Lebanon, OH starting at 12:00pm – 7:00pm on Site #29. Signs will be posted in the park for directions to the site. Leftovers from dinner the night before will be available. Please bring a dish to share with everyone. Bring your family, friends, chairs, games, blankets, drinks and whatever you want. It is sure to be a fun day!
The 45th Class Reunion will be held on Sat., Sept. 23, 2017 at AMVETS Post 120, 605 So. Main Street, Franklin, Ohio. A planning meeting will be held this coming Saturday, April 22, 2017 at AMVETS at 2:00pm. If you plan to attend, please enter through the blue back door. Bring your ideas, suggestions or just come and visit to see the venue. We would love for you to join us!
The Class of 1972 celebrated everyone turning 60 years old at Deer Run Park Lodge on Sat., Sept. 20, 2014. We danced, played games, sang our favorite songs, chit chatted, hugged, laughed and reminisced. We had a lot of wonderful music and tons of food. Sonny (Felicia Robbins) and Cher (Jim Dishman) provided entertainment. The bonfire was incredible and the weather was perfect. We had classmates who traveled a long way to join us. We will post some pictures soon. It was great to see such a wonderful turnout and we look forward to many more gatherings in 2015.
Thanks to everyone who attended the
"Class of 1972"
40th Year Class Reunion on
Saturday, September 15, 2012
62 classmates attended along with one instructor, Mr. Fred Pursley and 30 guests
Class Motto - It's the morning of our lives.
Class Colors - Royal Blue and Silver
Class Flower - White Rose
President - Debbie Smith
Vice President - George Kenerly
Secretary- Mary Lou Robbins
Treasurer- Paula Murray
• Marlene Combs (Temple)
• Michele Egelston (Takacs )
• David Gibbs
• Josephine Coleman
• Ken Wagner
• Sue Newkirk (Philpot)
• Barbara White (Upton)