Galt High School
Class Of 1970 |
With sadness I have to report that Diane Prince Robbins passed away January 31. Please keep her family in your prayers.
What a great time we had at our 50th reunion! If you weren't there, you were missed! We will be posting pictures soon. Such a wonderful time catching up, eating, playing jeopardy, and laughing at memories. We don't want this to be our last so give us a shout out. Let us know how you're doing in this crazy time...let's all stay in touch!
It has been decided...we are definately going to be getting together again in 4 years, so if you missed this one plan on 2025! We know this year was hard for people with the last two years of Covid and all that it affects, travel, etc. So save those pennies because time is flying by....can you all believe we are 70ish!
signing off for now😁
Some pictures are up, more to come. Enjoy!
We pray that everyone is keeping safe in this strange time.
If you have sent a donation for the website and if I have forgotten to get back to you....thank you, my life is a bit busy right now. You are all great classmates!
There are some people we are looking for, if you can help us locate any of these people please email so we can get them our information.
Classmates With Unknown Locations
If you know classmates who haven't joined the site yet, please encourage them to do so.
Please share if there is something that the class can pray for and keep you in our thoughts if you feel like you can.
Thanks to those people who hear of those who have passed and let me know so I can add them to our memory list.
It is fun keeping up with some of you on Facebook; what you are doing, your grandkids, travels and sorry to say ills, but life goes on for all of us.
Thank you to those who have sent in their birthday donation to keep the website are the best!
Sorry, I guess it wasn't evident, but I'm (administrator) for now so you would write the check to Melody Parks and I will deposit into the class account. Thanks everyone! My address is 13831 Christensen Rd. Galt