Connie Monahan Monahan

Profile Updated: December 31, 2020
Connie Monahan
Residing In: North Bend, OR USA
Spouse/Partner: Joe Monahan
Occupation: Domestic Violence Advocate
Children: 2 grown children. The oldest, Kelly is a High School teacher in Rocklin, CA married to Jason and they More…have 2 beautiful boys (2 & 6) My son, Bo is a life timer in the Airforce, married one year to Terra, also in the Airforce. They are expecting a baby boy this Dec.
Yes! Attending Reunion

Since 1970, wow that was so long ago...married in 1971, two wonderful children, divorced 25 years later. Lived in Tahoe for 20 years, Grass Valley for 14, moved to Lodi then back to Tahoe. Still not cemented down, moved to Coos Bay Oregon. Been here for 7 years. Met my new husband and we were married June 18th this year. I work in a Women s Crisis center, Domestic Violence advocate. Sing with a Barbershop quartet, DJ Kareoke, walking

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Connie Monahan Monahan has left an In Memory comment for Fred Nelson.
Apr 20, 2020 at 12:33 PM

Fred cared so deeply for others, expecially family and friends.  He was a dear friend during a hard time in my life.  He was a hard worker and truely enjoyed helping others.  Like so many others, I will miss him! 

God Bless You, Connie
