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1978 Glenbrook SouthHighSchool
Sexagenarians |
Thank you for those that attended
Agreat time was had by all

Mike, Mark and Audra - 30th Reunion

31st Reunion

Mark and Audra, Shirley, Denise 40th Reunion
They're about Lifelines
It's about reconnecting with our friends from some of the best years of our lives...
It's about caring for our classmates, teachers and their families - our families!
♦ Recoginize ♦
We're not getting older...We're becoming a classic!
Make plans to reconnect with someone today,
Life is fleeting...
You Know You Are Getting Old When:
Greg, Moira,'Wild' Bill Lanham, Jay
Mike Novick

Dave, Laura, Nanette
Ken Helberg (1977 Illinois State Qualifier Mile Relay) and Laurie
Ken and Karen
Cost of Living 1978
How Much things cost in 1978
Yearly Inflation Rate USA 7.62%
Year End Close Dow Jones Industrial Average 805
Interest Rates Year End Federal Reserve 11.75%
Average Cost of new house $54,800.00
Average Income per year $17,000.00
Average Monthly Rent $260.00
Cost of a gallon of Gas 63 cents
1LB of Bacon $1.20
Dozen Eggs 48 Cents
Mr. Ganzer, Don, Frank
Chris, ?, ?

45th Year Reunion 2023 Alum Tom Dolson
Michael, Melanie, Lisa, Linda
Jeff, Chuck, Chris
Andrea, Karen, Tim
Karen and Tim
Ken and Diane, Scott Meyer*
(this is the 'below')
How great we all look!
Everyone had a laugh in the Photo Booth
Some were naturally photogenic!
Frank busting a gut
I'd bet $10 this was Karen's idea!
The Wonder Years
GBS alum in this video are:
Barb, Dave, Kirk
Thank You Tim Ryan!
Erin, Joe (GBS Homecoming Game 2008?)
Maureen and Joe
Marty and Nick?
Mary and Melanie
Dave, Mike and Bob
This is what Renions are for!
Renions aren't the same without 'U'
Dave, Julie and Mark
'Wild' Bill Lanham and Jay
Moira and 'Wild' Bill
Scot and Cheri at the 10th Year Reunion
(that's 36 years ago in sexagenarian language)
?, Scot, Ken
Youth is a circumstance you can’t do anything about.
Chuck, Scot and Patricia
Coach Faulkner at the 30th
Thanks for attending!
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains.
The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.
~ William Arthur Ward
Dan and Rich
Kurt and Tom
Frank and Mike
Chris.?, ? (names-we need names!!)
Avis Truska (Jason) & Dan Santeler
Dr. Mike and Kay Sopocy (guest of honor)
Parade 1978?
Debroah, Jim, Bob, ?
Ken Brown, Theodore Neiweem, Scot Lewis please sign in!
The Sexagenarians of 1978 are looking for you...
Stanley Field Jr. High
Years in which we will lose;
Friends will part ways
'Wild' Bill Lanham
Mike, Mark and Audra
Thanks to everyone who helped out!
Theresa and Nanete (sitting at the check-in table)
Lisa,?,?, Erin smiling, Ralph waiting patiently
Chaz, Moira, Karen, Scott*
?, Peter, Sherrie
Ken and Diane at the 10 year Reunion
Ken and Dave talking Packer shop no doubt, (notice the tasteful ties)!
Having our 'Professional Baby Sitters' attend was our greatest endeavor!
Mr. Ganzer and Mr. Faulkner
...Then Guess What?
We will Be New Classmates!
Linda, Pat,Tom, Carol
Lisa, Sharon, Karen, Carol, Meg
Joe and Coach Davis 'Spud'
Muchmorh (sp)
Coach Rabeor 'Rabes', Zaven, ?
Booters aka: Soccer Players
Swim Gymnastic Team
Big Shout Out to Tim Ryan! Thank You!
Sock Hops
Send us your 'BIG 60' photos!
Answer on the bottom
verb rem·i·nisce \ ?re-m?-'nis \
Synonym Discussion of reminiscence
memory, remembrance, recollection, reminiscence mean the capacity for or the act of remembering,
or the thing remembered. memory applies both to the power of remembering and to what is remembered.
noun rem·i·nis·cence \ ?re-m?-'ni-s?n(t)s \
Definition of reminiscence
1 : apprehension of a Platonic idea as if it had been known in a previous existence
2 a : recall to mind of a long-forgotten experience or fact
b : the process or practice of thinking or telling about past experiences
3 a : a remembered experience
b : an account of a memorable experience —often used in plural
4 : something so like another as to be regarded as an unconscious repetition, imitation, or survival
5 : what you will do at a GBS Sexagenarian Party!

Class of 1978 on Youtube
Did you know that there are 6 different Glenbrook South Classes
- Class of 1965
- Class of 1968
- Class of 1973
- Class of 1974
- Class of 1978
- https://www.classcreator.com/Glenview-Illinois-Glenbrook-South-1983/
Glenbrook South High School or District 225
This is a private web site for the GBS Class of 1978
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Unlike other online platforms, privacy—not profit—is our main concern.

We wish to Thank the ClassCreator Team for all their help!
If you would like to build your own web site for any kind of reunion

Do You Know Me?
