In Memory

Bill Phillips

Bill Phillips

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03/13/13 01:51 PM #1    

Susie Daube (Howell)

Bill--words cannot express my sorrow that you are no longer here.  It seems like all through our school career we were ALWAYS friends with each other.  Wherever we were we used to always take the time to chat.  I'm just sooo sorry that I can't tell you yet one more time how much I appreciated having you as my "buddy"  friend.   Susie

05/12/13 11:24 AM #2    

Ken Carroll

Bill came to work for me in St. Pete after he wandered into a business I owned at the time.  He had a bicycle and a backpack.  I knew him but he did not remember me from Bogie.  He worked with me for nearly 2 years and rented an apt. from me.  He was a great loyal employee and seemed happy.  His life in the Army had scarred him and left him on Social Security.  He started talking about hiking the AT and I said yes on your vacation it sounds ok.  He got into his head that he wanted to spend a year hiking and bought the necessary supplies and then one day said goodbye.  I wished him luck.

I never heard from him again.  A neighbor contacted Bill's parents in Kentucky after 6 months and they informed  him that Bill passed away.  We never knew the circumstances.

Ken Carroll

05/25/13 03:12 PM #3    

Donna Schultz (Hamilton)

You always had a smile and a wave for me, and sometimes we would stop and chat....I'll always remember that.  You were one of the nice guys, and you truly were taken from us too soon.  Rest in peace my friend.

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