Highland Park High School
Residing In: | Dallas, TX USA |
Spouse/Partner: | MICHELLE Wife 2012 |
Homepage: |
Occupation: | Retired International Businessman, Retired |
Children: | Eternally Grateful that God has extended my life thus far. I am most thankful that despite the painful More… |
Military Service: | United States Marine Corps |
RONALD's Latest Interactions
Happy Birthday, Gene, Have a special Day...Ron Weiland
Dear Janet, This is for all the birthdays I missed. I have not kept up with birthdays, I've noticed all the lovely well-wishes you have sent including the last one. I wish we could have gotten to know each other better in HPHS but such is fate. Happy Birthday to you and I hope not to miss your next one. Take Care, Janet. Ron Weiland
I crossed paths with Sam 3 or 4 times since High School. Oh Yeah, Sam was a unique individual. Sam loved life and lived it to the fullest. I ran into Sam by accident one day on the Santa Cruz wharf, in Santa Cruz, California on a Saturday afternoon. We both were eating seafood at the same Cafe and did not discuss business, just Highland Park Times, he was in my homeroom and Ted Repsholt was our Teacher.
I follow Sam for years in the financial world as he was the original Founder of the concept of REIT. It was a unique and quite a safe sound investment, Real Estate Investment Trust, where you could buy shares in a multitude of Comercial Properties and High Rises and as the properties and Buildings appreciated, so did your share price. He made a fortune when he sold after 30 years.
It is amazing how our tastes change in people and friends as life goes on, I never thought of such admiration and deep appreciation we have now with people we used to know. I admired Sam for his uniqueness. I saw a movie once "Motorcycle Diaries" about and during the Che' Guevara days and it was truly what Sam did, you would never know just how Sam was so Diverse and unique, we had a great class of winners and nice people.
Another one, Marty and now Samual, is such a loss of truly high-quality Men, self-starters, and winners from old HPHS.
The Same goes for our little girls, as I read their life resumes I am astounded to have been surrounded by such super achievers, and lovely Women, greatness is abounding as I get emails from girls I thought I would never meet after we all departed into the great unknown of life. Truthfully, today losing Sam makes me feel weird, wish I could do it again knowing what I know now, but for me, I was a slow starter, the Marines gave me character and a value system of meeting real men for the first time from every state, got advanced education late in life with scholarships due to finances but I just turned in my information to the Veteran Cemetary which is a must, I could only plagiarize, coping Sinatra, "ol blue eyes" HE DID IT HIS WAY"
Bye Sammy and Marty, see you soon Bro's
Hi Roger, it has been an eternity. I want you to enjoy your birthday and include all your family and friends. I lived in Marin County for 25 years and Silicon Valley for many years so I miss the weather much... I saw it was your birthday and could not pass it up to wish you well. I'm a Retired Marine so at this time I live in a great Marine Complex with fellow Marines and they are my Family now, My wife passed so I am happy to be able to laugh and have a good time. I have been to Santa Barbara many times and stayed at the same place, the Marriott on the beach. I can remember playing in volleyball tournaments. Take good care Roger, Love you, buddy, and have a great special day.
Marty was a winner, from Day one. We met my freshman year in High School and met formally at an open house in Ravinia. Our Dates were best friends and Marty and I sat in the back of a convertible drinking beers and exchanging real stories about our personal lives. For some reason, we just connected and throughout our lives, we always communicated. his choice of buddies was his, some I did not care for but we still managed to have a personal bond that felt unique. I remember distinctly when I lived in Sausalito he called about a business matter with his shell enterprises and we talked for about 2 hours and he hung up thanking me for sharing my thoughts with him.
He called me every year inviting me to the Reunions and I never had the inclination to attend, but the thought of him calling me was classic Marty. When I received my Diagnosis of Pulmonary Hypertension and was told it was always fatal I called him and of all the calls I have had his life wisdom stuck with me, especially through some dark days.
This insidious Disease gives me 4-6 months to live, but I have heard that for the past 2 years. I told Marty that along with a few other parallels, we laughed our asses off.
When I read this my eyes welled up 2-3 times that day, I wish we could go back and spend time with people who truly mattered, I would Meet Marty at a reunion.
God Bless Marty and all who loved him like I did and still do.
Rest in Peace.
Ron Weiland
Posted on: Mar 04, 2023 at 1:33 AM
Posted on: Jan 04, 2023 at 3:22 PM
My Dear Gail. I want to wish you an early Happy Birthday. I hope you are super healthy and planning a fun Birthday event, Life is getting shorter so do something nice for yourself. I hope to see you again Next year. Ron Weiland
Happy Birthday, Mike, I admire your activities after Graduation from HPHS. Your Military service I can appreciate and your job descriptions are very impressive. I have lived and spent much time in Carmel by the Sea, so special there. Mike, I hope you are healthy and have great plans for your birthday. Your organized skills with HPHS all these years are very impressive and I am thankful to keep us altogether. Friend, Ron
Posted on: Oct 04, 2022 at 12:14 PM
I thank God that the " Big Red Wave" is approaching soon. With this massive hurricane in Florida, along with the Potential War in sight, the open borders, allowing terrorists by the hundreds to cross our border, and 3 million Illegals being distributed within our communities, I am personally thankful for the Potential change in leadership. Politics is only frowned upon as Conservatives are in the 10 Percentile of our class of '59. I am amazed that "educated folks like our class" are adverse to anyone whose specific interest is Politics. Anywhere is the proper Forum when subjects like our mere existence are at stake. I feel it might enlighten those that are too busy that just might read an opinion that will prepare them to ready themselves for anything that might affect their families down the road. We have an incoherent President, and the liberal press calls him "Mashed Potatoe Brains," which is unkind. Still, in my opinion, the Leader of the Free World cannot remember members of his party who are alive or just died recently. We need the Best person when our adversaries use the word Nucular every week; I am a big proponent of cognitive tests for our leaders before running for office. Indeed, the 25th amendment is there for a purpose. Most of my wonderful classmates will be around after I am gone. I feel pleased that I can write something that might help a few of my classmates open up their minds to being more open-minded. I am well aware most of my brothers and sisters are of the liberal persuasion. I am pleased we are a diverse group [, whwather the [ercentages of being liberal or conservative, it matters not to me so that I have my right to express my concerns. Your choice to read my post is yours. I consulted with a Liberal turned Conservative who is probably the most successful of all of us financially and a free thinker, and we talk weekly. His remark is Ron. this is America, you know the first amendment, act accordingly, others judging you and resentful is good because perhaps you woke up a sleeper cell in their brain. I love America, and I served along with many other classmates, and they choose to gossip and talk about their dogs; I choose to discuss my personal thoughts about our failing economy and America and its geopolitical standing. God Bless America and God bless each and every member of my class of "59
Read his Bio, another Great success from HPHS. The class of 59 produced some real winners.
Cant, you remember feeling the greatness when we were roaming the halls, one winner after the other?
We had no REAL facility superstar, they were all competent, it was a bonding of all of us rubbing off on each other picking up knowledge, style, class, and freedom to think and create. We have had everything from Famous Doctors, Authors, Home Builders and of course my favorite I still watch on youtube,
Mr. Sam Zell, I use to tip him over in his chair in homeroom, I loved Sam he was always destined to be great, starting with one Apartment in Mighigan to buying every apartment in the Universe, I love Sam, he's a Radical creative out of the box thinker. I use to talk to Mavor at Hals Drive in, he was a quiet guy and a very nice guy. Look what he created in Utah, he did something incredible with his life, another creation, from a patch near hwy 41 to greatness in Utah. God Bless you brother, see ya soon. Ron W.
Posted on: Jul 07, 2022 at 9:48 AM
Hi Ron, last time we talked I was living and working in Yellowstone...always been an out of doors gal living in Sherwood forest - the other side of Hwy41 (skokie Hwy and the train tracks - so guess I came from the other side of the tracks as the saying goes...ha ha.....) thus not many Ravinia etc. friends during HPHS days, but you and I go back to Immaculate conception until 4th grade then off I went to Westridge - other side of the tracks again - ha ha and on to Edgewood till HPHS...I've lived a life of wandering and wonder and completed my bucket list before too old to accomplish...and now I'm in Cedarburg WI near family and only a couple of blocks from the "interurban" biking/walking trail that once was the "North Shore" train I often took to Chicago...guess I'm back close to "home".....devastated as others to the unbelievable tragedy this past week at the 4th of July parade....prayers to all who lost their lives and families grieving...also to our country - USA - which of late seems to have challenges we never dreamed would happen.....take care and keep taking those trips around the sun........semper Fi hugs, gail p.s. here's the road to keep following the sun......
Posted on: Mar 14, 2022 at 10:02 AM
Hi Penny, i enjoyed your update, wonderful Family.
You have always been the # 1 in the TopTen beautiful Sweetheart's in class of 59.
You never new it but back in the day, if i saw you coming down the hall, after you passed I would do and about face and watch you walk to your classroom. Really! No! I was not creeping you out, just setting my Standards for my lafe after the days of “59”…..
When I read about Rick Tears came to my eyes. I knew him in 59 but never got close with him. I just knew he was super intelligent but one of the good guys who had a variance of friends including myself.
When I first found out I had Pulmonary Hypertension and had two open-heart surgeries and a new heart valve I wrote that on my page here.
Rick immediately wrote me and gave me advice and new information about this disease, although I knew there was no cure and fatal. At that time I had 2-3 years to live. Rick told me to just push myself and do not accept that and although I am in bad shape, on oxygen most of the time, and living in a U. S. Marine Wing of a Veterans Hospital. I am now into 5 years. I am happy with my young buddies who are incredible heroes. Rick used to ask me if I had close friends who had terrible facial injuries, now I know what he was thinking, being a Vet himself he wanted to come over and be on a team to help out my buddy Carter who is missing half his face from a bomb in Iraq. Carter has refused Surgery as he has withdrawn from any society but us as he is ashamed.
Out of nowhere, he wrote me short and sometimes long regular emails telling me never to lose hope. I began to love this guy. I now read about his dedication to Animals and love of gardening. In closing now I know what his wife meant when she said he was kind, that is my last words now for this Man, a Real Man, he was so Kind. I will miss you, Dr. Rick..............
Thank You Gail for thinking of me. I'm just fine, why complain. I"M in a U.S. Marine Complex in Dallas, Texas. It provides me with free Medical Care as I have advanced Pulmonary Hypertension and just survived a bout with CCP Chinese Communist Party... Virus. COVID, yes I made it through thanks to the brilliant physicians we have from UTTexas Southwestern, a famous Medical Complex here in Dallas. I hope your ok, you have always been an active rugged girl, and I suspect you have a soft warm heart. Merry Christmas Gail, be happy and enjoy that cool fresh air. God Bless You.