It's been a fun trip so far. I graduated from the U of Utah in 1975 in engineering. I spent 10 years working at Sperry Univac and one year working for a small company in Puerto Rico. That ended up being one of the most interesting years of my life. I'd never lived in a foreign land, never lived by the ocean, never lived through a 'warm' winter, and I didn't initially speak a word of Spanish. No matter, a great year.
In the '70's I learned to sail and bought a boat on the Great Salt Lake (or is it the late Great Salt Lake now?). I spent many summers sailing there which took me away from the wonderful ski slopes. Eventually I wanted to sail on a bigger pond (and quit shoveling snow) so I took a job in Santa Barbara, CA in 1984 and have been here ever since. It didn't take long to discover that the little boat that I brought down from Utah was too small for this Pacific ocean thing so I got a larger boat that I've had for the last 30 years until selling it earlier this year.
My hobbies now include occasional sailing, tennis several times a week, swing dancing if we ever get back to normal, and skiing (though I REALLY prefer Utah snow!).
I retired in 2018 and am still in the process of figuring out what I want to do when I grow up...