Alumni Event Photos


Alumni Weekend April 3-5, 2009
April 3, 2009 - Basketball Game


These photos submitted by Deana Sampson '89.































































































































































































 These photos submitted by Johnny Watts.

































































































April 4, 2009 - Black & White Party


These photos submitted by 





April 5, 2009 - Picnic


These photos submitted by Deana Sampson '89.





















































































































































Deana Sampson's '89 Birthday Party 3-14-09


























































































































































Birthday Party for Johnny Watts 12-27-08
















































Alumni Party 12-12-08

Freddie Jebousek '89 & Deana Sampson '89


Conrad Perry '90, Jason Hutchins '89 (in back) & Jason Brooks



Conrad Perry '90, Shelly Kelley-Brooks '88 & Jason Brooks



Mark Dziedzic '89 & Deana Sampson '89



Deana Sampson '89



Deana Sampson '89 & Shelly Kelley Brooks '88



Becky Atchison Welch '89, Mark Dziedzic '89 & Deana Sampson '89




Shelly Kelley-Brooks '88, Mark Dziedzic '89, Shawn Van Dyke '90, Harry Welch, 89, Marla Palomarez '90



Hope Ojeda-Smith '89 & Tina Thibodeaux-Bolten '89



Mark Dziedzic '89, Brenda Schleski '89 & Deana Sampson '89


Hope Ojeda-Smith '89 & Deana Sampson '89



Jason Brooks & Shane Gill '90













































































Alumni Party August 15, 2008

Jonel Bishop, Deana Sampson, Raquel Sanchez, Jenny Davis
& Arnold Villareal


Terecita Cantu, Hope Ojeda, Teffanie Oconnor & Raquel Sanchez


Terecita Cantu & Deana Sampson


Becky Tindel & Reginald Patterson


Herb Frazier & Deana "Ralph" Sampson (that was for you Herb!)


Elizabeth Garza, Nina Esparza & Dawn Mendez


Percy "Beau Thibodeaux & Deana Sampson


Shelly Kelley-Brooks & Jason Brooks


Reginald Patterson & Greg Solise


Gene Villareal, Raquel Sanchez-Villareal, ?, Percy "Beau" Thibodeaux,
Deana Sampson, Terecita Cantu, Martha


Percy "Beau Thibodeaux, Deana Sampson & Hope Ojeda


Terecita Cantu & Deana Sampson


Juan Diaz, Gene Villareal, Raquel Sanchez-Villareal &

Deana Sampson & Erin Lemely

Tenora Smith, Herb Frazier, Cedrick Burks & Reginald Patterson


Deana Sampson & Percy "Beau" Thibodeaux

Paulette Leija, Miguel Sanchez, Joe Banda, Eloy Cardenas, Gustavo Velasco & Greg Solise


Teffanie Oconnor, Deana Sampson, Hope Ojeda


Terecita Cantu & Deana Sampson


 Stacey Mitchell & Stephanie Oconnor


Stephanie Oconnor, Hope Ojeda & Dawn Mendez


Jonel Bishop & Deana Sampson


Harry Welch & Deana Sampson


Percy "Beau" Thibodeaux, Erin Lemely & Deana Sampson


Percy "Beau" Thibodeaux & Shelly Kelley


Joseph Longoria, Erin Lemely, Deana Sampson, Percy "Beau" Thibodeaux & John Sparkman


Percy "Beau" Thibodeaux & Deana Sampson


Percy "Beau" Thibodeaux & Deana Sampson


Jeremy & Martha


Juan Diaz, Gene Villareal, Raquel Sanchez &


LaDon Pate-Solise & Deana Sampson


Gene, ?, Raquel, Deana, Percy, Terecita & Martha


Erin Lemely & Joseph Longoria


Shelly Kelley & Deana Sampson


Becky Atchison, Deana Sampson & Hope Ojeda


Deana Sampson & John Sparkman


Brandi Mack & Deana Sampson



































Class of 1987 Reunion - July 2008





Alumni Picnic - April 4, 2008

Thank you to Natasha Bush '89 & Denise Blouin '88 for sending me these photos.  If you have photos from this event, or you can help with names of the alumni in the photos, email me:

Stephanie Ellis & Herbert Frazier




Felicia, Stephanie & Solia


Solia Gallieon, Rina Peavy & Felicia Rice



























Alumni Party -  March 21, 200808









































Alumni Party February 21, 2008
Deandria Ford '86 & Moniqe


Harry Welch '89 & Deana Sampson '89


Jason Hutchins '89


Jason Hutchins '89 (in background) & Stephani Mitchell (Meineke) '90


Stephani Mitchell (Meineke) '90 & Traci MacDonald (Pike) '88


Harry Welch '89 & Erin Lemely (Ziebell) '91


Deana Sampson '89 & Jason Hutchins '89



Class of 1988 "10 Year Reunion" - 1998






Michele Spivey, (name?), (name?), (name?), Stacey Harris, Kristi Roberts, (name?),
Arthur Banks, Kent Cauley, Stacey Wathen, Kim
