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06/24/20 10:45 AM #4619    

Beth Green (McConnell) (1973)

Hi Judy, Funny you should ask if anyone else cans.  My daughter and I put up 12 pints of my Mom’s Bread and Butter pickles this weekend. first time we’ve done that together and it was a special link to the past for me. I didn’t grow the cukes but bought them from Dilorio Farmer’s Market in Hempstead and they were f-r-e-s-h! Of course, we picked up a Hempstead watermelon and a few other items.  The market is open air and big enough that we felt safe keeping our distance and wearing masks. I’m sure I’ll do at least one more batch because when the extended family heard I was making them this year, everyone dropped a little hint about wanting some. Now, if I could only find a source for fresh figs to make Mom’s fig preserves, that would be heaven.  I was spoiled growing up because we had 5 huge fig trees, 4 pecan trees, and my dad put in a big summer garden on the lot next to our house, which we also owned. There’s something to be said for living where there is extra land for planting.






06/24/20 01:14 PM #4620    


Caren Reynolds (Cates) (1965)

Don Henderson - I didn't have the privilege of having you at Sam, since I graduated before you arrived, but we had a lot of great teachers that were truly interested in us as students.  Wanda Johnson, Frank Thornton, Miss K, Mr. Williamson, to name a few were wonderful teachers that were respected by most students and that I cherish to this day.  They not only taught us about their subject but were examples of good moral character!  Many wonderful memories were made in the halls of Sam Houston!!

You mentioned that your wife was in the class of 1965, would you give us her name and tell her "hi" from a fellow grad?

Connie, thank you so much for keeping this site active.  I love all the remebrances of our neighborhoods and schools.  

Blessings to all the tigers, stay health and safe, Caren


06/24/20 01:18 PM #4621    


Kathy Keels (Simmons Highsmith Jones) (1970)

Kathy Culpepper I can't stop laughing about your post! Judy Maxwell thank you for all of your posts. You're always so positive, upbeat and interesting. I was really nervous about going alone to the reunion in April. I don't want this to stop me from going to the rescheduled one.

06/24/20 02:58 PM #4622    


Martha Buchanan (Braden) (1971)

Hello Everyone,

I enjoy reading all the post here, since this is the second time recently I got on I would like to say again how much I appreciate Judy for keeping it going.  And again to Connie for be ahead of the times before FB and setting of a site for Sam Houston students to have a place to stay in touch.


Mr Henderson you were my biology teacher I remember you well, you look the same. 

My 17 yr old granddaughter probably does not even know what a hippi is!  

My son does know about having his mouth washed out with soap or rather have soap on a tooth brush and cleaned with soap! And he is a wooden spoon survivor!  His daughter has not experience either.

My mother had 4 kids 3 boys and a girl and we were all close in age I do not know how  she did it because the 2 younger ones were always aggravating me or tormenting my dates!  

It saddens the way of the world today that the future of our grandkids and their kids will not have the same freedoms we once enjoyed



06/24/20 03:04 PM #4623    


Katherine Newton (Courtland) (1968)

     Hello all,     Judy, what a blessing to still have your Mom around and she is cute and spunky looking too!  Kathy Culpepper, I had a great laugh at your joke, about the hippies.

Do you all remember in the mid to late 1960s at SHHS, we had what I would describe as three large groups many seemed to identify with: The Surfers (which also included the Hippies), the Cowboys (and Cowgals), and the Preps? Maybe the Hoods and Hoodesses were a fourth group. What was great was that some people might be associated with more than one of the groups and I dont think there was much exclusitivity to them either. It was just the hobbies or interests of those groups for things to do on the weekends that brought people together. Personally, my family had raised me with the idea of attending Baylor Univ as my sister had, 18 years ahead of me, so I was mostly in the Prep group. We enjoyed buiding our resume with after school clubs and stuff, going to Hermann Park on weekends and hanging out at Northline Mall or Baileys some. Of course exciting times were occurring downtown that brought in all the groups: Market Square with hippie hangouts all around, Luv Street Light Circus teen club above the square, and the Cellar or Domed Shadows for the more adventurous of us, not to leave out the Catacombs and driving down "Jack Rabbit Road" at night to see ghostly lights or the hermit.  

 I could barely surf but always envied those who were athletic enough to do that, and I did enjoy attending one of the smaller weekend rodeos with a good friend who turned Cowgirl our senior year, Debbie Whittaker. Also, some of the bad boys who enjoyed walking a thin line with some of their weekend activities were real attractive, but their tuff girlfriends were enough to ensure I never looked their way twice, ha! They never knew we referred to them as "hoodesses' I enjoyed dressing up and wearing makeup too much to ever think about trying out being a hippie but I did enjoy psychedelic pants in a club with 'black lighting'. Does this spring any memories for anyone?   Here is a link to some of the music venues in Houston back in the day!     Yours, Kathy Newton. 





06/24/20 03:07 PM #4624    


Judy Maxwell (1971)

Beth #4650 ~ Love the Hempstead market, have not been there in years. We do grow our own and I understand about people coming out of the woodwork for fresh canned items. I have a Friend in the Bastrop area that his Unbcle LOVES my Bread & Biutter Jalapeno's. It is a sweet hot and delicious. Then we made the mistake of sending a couple of jars to a close friend up North that decided "we" needed to go into buiness together on the peppers...Eveyone loved them he said and he just knoew he could sell a bunch so for ome to get busy canning anbd shipping to him to sell.....WRONG!! I told my husband Danny NO WAY! I do all the work and he just sells, no thanks!! Plus we grow them so I would need a lot more growing than what I have. My Sisier Shirley use to have Fig trees, she still has Pecan tress but not sure what happened with the figs, I know MOM would break out ina rash if she got near them. Good luck finding the figs. 

Caren~ You are so right we did have some great teachers at SAM. Some of my favorites, Ms. Bibee my Art teach and Mr. Lyons, Government and my homerom teacher. Mr. Terry!!

Kathy ~ Yes it was too crazy to have the reunion on the original date. Hope ll is good to go in October. I am class of 71 but my sister Shirley is class of 70 so there are several of us coming to it from 70 & 71!! I will be sure and look for you come October. Stay safe and hope to see you then,. Also I agree Kathy Ginderson's post is funny. Hippies win...Peace OUT as they would say!! 



06/24/20 04:20 PM #4625    


Bonnie Artale (1971)

OMgossh Kathy Newton--- I thought I was the only one who remembers the Catacombs and Jack rabbit road!  

We so should have been friends at SAM... Did any of yall know that I was a regular dancer on the Larry Kane show?  Kathy, your post really took me back.  I like to remember that I identified with the Surfers, but my family would remind me that I am still a Hippy at heart!  


06/24/20 06:15 PM #4626    


Judy Maxwell (1971)

Martha ~ Your Mom was a good Mom and she handled the 4 of you and me very well...I sure do remember all the tormenting your brothers did on you and sometimes me... and still are...Boy could we tell some stories!! I still get blamed for pushing Scott in the mud Christmas before last..... 

Katherine..... I agree with Bonnie,,,, we should have been friends in school....I Remember the groups you mentioned for sure.....I would have fallen into the "Hippie" group most would say, however had friends in the FFA and we would go to the rodeo stuff with them. and out to Gulf Bank and Hardy Rd to Circle H?? IS that where they did the bull riding?? Martha?? Your 2 younger brothers were in that group...And Scott was a surfer dude!! So I guess we hung with all of them and still today I live in the Country and LOVE it and LOVE country music.....but also love some good Rock & Roll and Shirley has me hooked now on current Pop!! Love to dance and my cousin and I use to go to Dome Shadows every week-end. I have a story about her Mom below.

Bonnie.....A regular on Larry Kane Show.....DO I have a story for you....My Aunt went on a date with Larry Kane....He took her to Galveston and they went swimming....My Aunt was so worried about the date. She was flat chested and she wore "Falsees" to pad her suit, I think that was what they were called....She said they were out in the water swimming and getting hit by the waves when sudden one of them came floating by.....She said she would have been worried about that and what he thought but that he had such bad body ordor she didn't want to go out with him again ...... He picked it up and said is this yours? ...She said she took it and said Yes it is and I'm ready to leave......The end of her date and crush on him.......Funny I have not thought of that in years.....



06/24/20 08:39 PM #4627    


Caren Reynolds (Cates) (1965)

Bonnie Artale - A regular on Larry Kane, I am impressed.  I was able to dance as a sub on that show in 1961-62.  It was a lot of fun.  I remember taking the Irvington bus downtown and transferring in order to get to the studio.  

Judy Maxwell - I loved the story about your aunt!  :)

Talking about preserves:  Do you remember the pear preserves at the Log Cabin?  Of course all the food there was delicious.  The fried chicken, dumplings, biscuits, could not be beat.  My children still remembers going there and talks about how wonderful the food was. They were cooked the pears to almost black.  I would love to have the recipe for those.  I have bought a lot of pear preserves but even comes close.  


06/24/20 11:35 PM #4628    


Judy Maxwell (1971)

Kathy Newton ~ Dome Shadows...My cousin and I went there every weekend and a few times during the week...Did a lot of Dancing on the light up dance floor. Link Davis played there a few times. Many Memories from there. Mid to late 70's. From the left side of picture and the first full line of tables,..the third table from the bottom of the picture was our general place to sit. Close to the bar and the dance floor.

Does this look familar to ya?

06/25/20 12:18 AM #4629    


Judy Maxwell (1971)

Caren, I remember the perserves at Log Cabin...They were great, It was hard not to fill up on just them before the rest of the food came out. Everything I remember about the Log Cabin was great. Ate there growing up and as an Adult. Hated to see it go. Here is some History of it ~ kinda long but I thought intersting to read.   

The Log Cabin is a bit of Humble history and is remembered fondly by many long-time residents. It was a place where anybody from every walk of life felt welcomed and at home. Located 12 miles north of Houston on the Eastex Freeway, the Log Cabin was a very popular family restaurant frequented by locals as well as celebrities. A victim of the expansion of Highway 59, (the highway was expanded right through the dining room) the restaurant closed in December of 1990.

A.Z. Ward and his wife Relda began running the Log Cabin in 1946. Prior to 1946, the restaurant was run by A.Z.'s mother Beulah. The excellent reputation of the Log Cabin was not limited to just the Humble area. For more than five decades people frequently made the trip from the greater Houston area along the Highway 59 (which was just a two-lane road back then) just to enjoy the fried chicken, dumplings and, of course, A.Z.'s famous pear preserves and homemade biscuits.

Former patrons may recall red and green checked tablecloths with white tablecloths crossways on top. The dining room sat 300 people and the waitresses wore coordinating uniforms with starched aprons. The restaurant was open seven days a week and was only closed on Christmas Day. This saying was printed on the menu: A devoted wife who does the dishes should be granted these three wishes, a grateful mate, a well-kissed cheek, and a restaurant dinner every week.

"They served family style. They brought out platters and bowls of food. It was like sitting at the family dinner table," Mary Ellen Moore, a daughter of the Wards, remembered.

Humble Mayor Wilson Archer had this to say: "The Wards were great folks. Everybody in Humble loved to go there to eat. The Log Cabin had been a fixture in the Humble area for many years; I hated to see it go."

"Christmas Day was family time," said Linda Bement, another Ward daughter. "I remember one Christmas when the family was enjoying Christmas dinner at the restaurant. We must have had about 100 family members and friends there. We looked around and realized some of our customers did not notice the closed sign outside and had joined us!

"Mother was always at the front. She ran a friendly but efficient dining room. Her philosophy was, 'The customer is always right. If you were nice to people then they will be nice to you.' You could never be too good to wait on anybody," Bement stated.

Gertie Nealy, a resident of Humble since 1934, has fond memories of the Log Cabin. "The Wards were fine people; they contributed a lot to Humble. Going to the Log Cabin was special. When we took my girls there it was a treat. It was not like a regular cafe, you did not just get a plate. When you went to the Log Cabin you were served a complete meal. We really loved it."

According to Bement, then-Texas Governor Daniels and his limousine were frequently sighted at the Log Cabin. John Wayne ate there many times during the 60s while filming the movie "Hell Fighters." Mickey Gilley brought John Travolta to the Log Cabin while filming "Urban Cowboy." Travolta became so familiar with Relda he called her "Grandma."

"For years they fed a homeless man named Sam. Sam was served in the dining room just like everybody else. We were taught Sam was a fellow human being who should be treated with dignity, just like any other customer. If someone needed food they were never turned away," said Bement.

The Ward family was well-known in the community. A.Z. and Relda were married for 60 years and raised four children: Mary Ellen, Linda, Michalene, and James. The chimes at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Humble were donated by the Wards in memory of their daughter Judith. The four Ward children still live in the area and son James now operates a business on a portion of the property that was formerly the home of A.Z., Relda and the restaurant.

"My father was a very low-key person that did not look for recognition. He sponsored Little League teams and gave them a dinner at the end of the year. For years and years Dad purchased grand prize fryers from the Humble FFA and then gave the kids a dinner," Moore recalled.

Besides running the dining room at the restaurant, Relda also volunteered at school and was active in the PTA.

"He and my mother took part in whatever we were doing." Moore said.

Roy Schultz, a long-term Humble resident and family friend, remembers the Log Cabin accommodating a large number of civic events.

"Mr. Ward was so even-tempered. They lived a simple lifestyle. If you wanted quality for your dollar they were one of a kind. Their food was irresistible. We enjoyed unbeatable quality and service. Mr. A.Z. Ward was an honest man. He earned his place in life," Schultz said.

A unique era ended when the expansion of Highway 59 forced the Log Cabin to close its doors in 1990. The Ward children and generations of employees have worked at the Log Cabin, including six of the Calderon brothers who later joined the police department.

A.Z. and Relda moved to Forest Cove shortly after the closing. They both lived into their 80's and passed on this year within three months of each other. The Log Cabin, A.Z. and Relda remind people of a bygone time of family-run restaurants' personal family service and will be fondly remembered for years to come by the Humble and Houston community.

06/25/20 06:35 AM #4630    

Donald Bratton (1970)

We too went to the Log Cabin for Sunday family dinners.  Seems like it took forever to get there from Frisco Street.  My cousin, Joel Mueller married Linda  around 1964.  The reception was held at the L. C.  They met at Sam Houston State.  Linda currently resides in Kingwood.  

06/25/20 07:53 AM #4631    


Judy Maxwell (1971)


I meant to tell you, I Love that you put the Christmas picture of you, Scott, Jim and Tim on here. It's a great picture and I can't believe the one year I don't make it to Christmas, Santa shows up!! The 4 of you remind me of so many memories together....From bucking barrells in your front yard, dog attack before your Birthday Party, to summer camping at Patrick's Landing and Inks Lakes. Your Mom taking you to get your License to Drive, I go too of course and  I get my License intead of you....
LOL ...
Just a couple of the many things in our past and looking for several more years in the furture....



06/25/20 07:54 AM #4632    


Randy Tolman (1967)

Thank you all for the memories. The Log Cabin was great but it seemed so far away. In Humble! There was another eatery like it on Airline Dr. called The Windswept Inn. They served the family style fried chicken and sides. We held our Sam Houston FFA Father & Son banquet there in '66-'67. I was President of our FFA that year. I don't remember much about my days at SH except the Agg building and all the goings on that took place out there with Mr. Harvey & Mr. Cherry, the two teachers who came after long time Agg Teacher Mr. Sewert reteired. My brothers and I spent our Saturday nights at  Love Park in the Heights area, dancing the night away with the beautiful girls from Reagion & Waltrip, to the records spun by DJ's from KILT 610 Radio.

06/25/20 09:12 AM #4633    


John (Billy) Spies (1971)

I was a member of the Key Club my senior year at Sam. One of the reasons a few of us joined is that we got to eat lunch with the Kiwanis Club once a month at Log Cabin. We participated in service activities, but the fried chicken served family style was definitely a perk for a teenager.


06/25/20 09:47 AM #4634    


John (Billy) Spies (1971)

Mr. Henderson, didn't you teach an Oceanography class at one time and share a classroom/lab with Mr. Chappell?

06/25/20 10:07 AM #4635    


Kathy Culpepper (Gunderson) (1968)

Beth Green#4644. My friend in Willis has a hugh fig tree in her yard. She doesn't eat figs so they are left for the birds. I have picked and preserved some from there. I also have a smaller tree at my house in spring. If you live nearby we could go get some gigs if you give me a jar in return. I tried but was unsuccessful in making gigs as good as my Moms. Wish I could ask her what her secret was.

Kathy Keels Thanks. It is funny how things change 50 years later. Lol

06/25/20 10:27 AM #4636    


Kathy Culpepper (Gunderson) (1968)

Kathy Newton #4648. Hello. You walked me right down memory lane. My older sister Barbara 1965 could drive so we girls. Barbara, Shirley and I would go to the Catacombs. I loved the black lights and dancing was my life. Remember how visine looked under the lights. Streaked down your face and not knowing it! Lol. Also Bailey's after Junior Achievement on Wednesday nights. We girls had a lot of fun together. Sure do miss Barbara. She passed from cancer at 56 years old in 2003.
Also remember measuring dress lengths and making boys cut their hair if it touched their collars. That's why I thought that joke was so funny.Times have sure changed.

06/25/20 10:41 AM #4637    

Beth Green (McConnell) (1973)

Ooo, Kathy, that is a tempting offer. I have one of my dad’s gigs! We are still isolating, so we would probably have to just meet in Willis if we decide to go. Do you know if the figs are ripe now? I was thinking it is later in the summer, but that’s been a LONG time ago! I think a jar of preserves would be a small price to pay for you to hook me up with fresh figs 😉 

06/25/20 10:48 AM #4638    

Jacquelin Burnaman (Young) (1972)

Hey everyone, I don't post very often but the discussion about the Log Cabin brought up many memories. Even though I lived in north Houston until I married, my family never went there. My new husband and I started going there after church( since we lived in Humble ) a little while after we married. We often  went with friends at church and sometimes we ate at Windswept Inn after we moved to the Aldine area. Such good food and wonderful memories. I wish there were restaurants like those still around. They were such fun and had much better food than anywhere I know today.  Thank you Judy for the history about the Log Cabin. 

Jackie Burnaman Young 1972

06/25/20 11:17 AM #4639    


Kathy Culpepper (Gunderson) (1968)

Beth Keel The figs are not ripe yet. Still green. They are getting big so another month probably. I'll let you know when I see ripe ones. I live in spring so we can meet up and go to Cathey's house on the other side of Lske Conroe.

Judy maxwell The Long Cabin is where my Dad always held Scouting events, like the Blue and Gold Banquet. Also Mr. Bateman had a Sam Houston Band Banquet there. We went many times since my Dad was over 50 years active in scouting and was a silver beaver winner, which is their highest honor. I loved the food at Log Cabin. Who remembers San Jacinto Inn where you could get all you can eat seafood. It was next to the San Jacinto Monument. It burned sometime in the 90s. Those were my 2 favorite restaurants.

06/25/20 01:15 PM #4640    


Linda Downey (McKnight) (1967)

Kathy Culpepper, weren't you in the band? I was in the band and I remember you! I ran across a Sam Houston Tiger Band annual picture recently. I think it was my junior year. I graduated in 1967. Do you remember Mary Bates? She was a year behind me as you were. We got new band uniforms and mine was made exactly for me. Fit perfect!

06/25/20 02:42 PM #4641    


Martha Buchanan (Braden) (1971)


We had so much fun and you and the boys had a lot of fun at my expense!!! Bucking barrel! Funny you mention the driving license l was telling that story the other day. 

Let's plan a trip to the lake soon when Scott and Vicki are up there 



06/25/20 04:24 PM #4642    


Judy Maxwell (1971)


I'm ready tell me when and I will be there...

LIke my Dad always told you he Loves you that is why he picks on you,,,,,,OH and remember the year he asked for a school picture of you ....he wanted to put it in the window of the house to keep out burglars......I still remember you and him joking around about that. At least we both has parents with a sense of humor.


06/25/20 06:22 PM #4643    


Caren Reynolds (Cates) (1965)

Judy Maxwell - Thank you so much for the interesting Log Cabin, information!  I think the secret to their fried chicken was the fact that they used small chickens.  Some of their relatives opened a place close to Normangee with the same concept, friend chicken family style with vegetables.  We ate there a few years ago; however, I understand that they are now closed.

Kathy Culpepper - I just looked up your sister, who was a classmate of mine.  I definitely remember her.  I am sorry that you lost her so young.  It is cool that you remember her driving you around.  I used to take my sisters with me to Baileys, even though they were much younger.  My sister remembers those good times.  My twin brother, Coady (also a 1965 classmate) passed away in 2009 at the age of 62.  I know how sad that can be. Being a twin, we always had each other to play with, he was Roy Rogers and I was Dale Evans.....sweet memories.  

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