

Forum: Places from our Past


Princes Drive In

Created on: 08/22/09 02:43 AM Views: 2276 Replies: 3
Prince's Drive In 9409 Jensen
Posted Friday, August 21, 2009 09:43 PM








Connie Redden69

Edited 12/15/14 12:38 PM
RE: Prince's Drive In 9409 Jensen
Posted Tuesday, August 25, 2009 08:25 PM

Gosh how I miss the Prince's ....since leaving Houston and Texas altogether I miss Princes, Shipley's donuts, and Jack in the box tacos....everytime we have ever come back for a visit we stop at JIB and get tacos to take to my sister's house....

Prince's is where I met my future (and still) husband...44 years ago.  (and he is from here in Tennessee.)..

Wish we had a time machine and could get in it and dial back the years we would like to go back to and visit....wouldn't that be great?!

RE: Prince's Drive In 9409 Jensen
Posted Thursday, August 27, 2009 08:14 AM

Sherri Cosgrove Drake wrote:

Gosh how I miss the Prince's ....since leaving Houston and Texas altogether I miss Princes, Shipley's donuts, and Jack in the box tacos....everytime we have ever come back for a visit we stop at JIB and get tacos to take to my sister's house....

Prince's is where I met my future (and still) husband...44 years ago.  (and he is from here in Tennessee.)..

Wish we had a time machine and could get in it and dial back the years we would like to go back to and visit....wouldn't that be great?!

can i also wish i looked like i did then?  lol

Connie Redden69

RE: Prince's Drive In 9409 Jensen
Posted Thursday, August 27, 2009 08:51 AM

you sure can!  I am always wishing I looked like I did when I was 40!  and a pic of me at 40 is in my profile......... with the gold shimmery blouse (it was New Years Eve)  ..Speaking of wishing....We all need to make a BUCKET LIST!   put it here on the site...and be realistic....We are letting life pass us by....just because we have reached a certain age...I think we need to do our "bucket list" while we still can....not sit around in a nursing home wishing we had .....we can't ever get back the good times...sad   :(

