

Forum: Places from our Past


Hermann Park

Created on: 08/22/09 03:45 AM Views: 1447 Replies: 1
Hermann Park
Posted Friday, August 21, 2009 10:45 PM

I took art the 3 years I attended Sam Houston.  I was in Jeannie Blankenship's class for those 3 years and we had a small group of about 7 or 8 of us along with Miss Blankenship in which we called ourselves "The Food For Lunch Bunch" simply because we ate our lunch in her art classroom.  I can remember how we all gather one Saturday and re-painted the walls of the classroom and then another time we all went to Hermann Park for the day.  I remember a boy named Alan who was "horsing" around on the swings and split his pants.  I happened to have one of those small sewing kits in my purse and so he went to the restroom, took off his pants and I did a temporary patch work on them.  Then all of us went to the stables to ride the horses that they had back then.  Alan got on a very spirited horse and mine was old pokey until someone slapped her on the rump.  We all had a wonderful day and I will always thank Miss Blankenship for her friendship and kindness to all her students.

Katherine (Kathy) Wood Unander

RE: Hermann Park
Posted Tuesday, August 25, 2009 08:12 PM

I remember Ms. Blankenship too, and loved her...Sharon McLeod and myself really gave her "fits" in class...but she was one of my favorite teachers...Does anyone know her whereabouts now?  I would love to get in touch with her.

Edited 08/25/09 08:13 PM