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•   Brenda Barton (Tenny)  10/16
•   Tricia Stephens (Altimore)  10/14
•   Phyllis Richardson (Brahinsky)  10/10
•   John Helsley  9/18
•   Paul Wilson  9/12
•   Janet Flemmons (Troutman)  9/12
•   Linda Friel (Bylow)  9/11
•   Jan Umphress (Hobbs)  9/11
•   Steve Adrian  9/11
•   Sue Banks (Owen)  9/11
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•   Robert Worcester (IHS 1970)  2024
•   Susan Howse (Brewer) 
•   Tona McCaffrey (Gentry)  2023
•   Bobby White  2022
•   Joan Darby (Fisher)  2023
•   Gary Eby  2023
•   Bobby Morris  2021
•   Stan Harris  2015
•   Margie Taylor  1998
•   Leslye Wright (Thomason)  2016
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1 lives in Alabama
2 live in Arizona
4 live in Arkansas
9 live in California
2 live in Colorado
1 lives in Delaware
10 live in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
1 lives in Illinois
2 live in Indiana
1 lives in Kansas
4 live in Louisiana
1 lives in Maine
1 lives in Michigan
2 live in Minnesota
2 live in Mississippi
2 live in Missouri
2 live in New Hampshire
5 live in New Mexico
1 lives in New York
2 live in North Carolina
1 lives in Ohio
4 live in Oklahoma
1 lives in Oregon
2 live in South Carolina
1 lives in Tennessee
275 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
1 lives in Vermont
2 live in Virginia
2 live in Washington
1 lives in West Virginia
1 lives in Indonesia
1 lives in Mexico
138 location unknown
71 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 45.3%

A:   224   Joined
B:   270   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

The MacArthur High School Class of 1970 welcomes you to our website.  This is going to be the premier destination for all our classmates.  Look around, there are photos from past reunions and even some from our days in elementary school.

This site is maintained by volunteers and paid for by the reunion committee and your donations.  If you wish to contribute by writing stories or helping with the html, please let us know.  

Whether you went to school with us - graduated or not, you are welcome to join in on the fun.  If your name is not on the list, let us know and we will add your name.

If you have knowledge of anyone listed as MISSING, please let us know or contact them and ask them to join the website.  To invite someone, here is the link:

If you know details of a deceased classmate, please let us know. 
To have a nice and accurate memorial page we need to know dates and obituaries.

For your privacy, you control whether or not members (or the public) can see your information.  The information you fill into your profile is not visible unless you choose for it to be.  To edit your privacy settings, click on "Edit Profile" on the left of this page.

If you forgot your password, click here

Here are the dates, times and location for our 2024 Quarterly Gatherings.  Please note that we have 2 lunches and 2 dinners.  We hope this will accommodate the folks still working and unable to get to the lunches.  Also, we wanted to make sure the dinners were in the daylight hours so no one has to drive in the dark.  All events going forward will be held at: 

NEW LOCATION:  Lupe Tortilla's - 3131 Regent - Irving;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZANMT0NVSTExNFQyXzEEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1708300555/RO=10/


Hope to see you there!

DATES: (3rd Thursday)

January 18th Lunch - 11:30 am

April 18th Dinner - 6:00 pm

July 18th Dinner - 6:00 pm

FINAL for 2024 October 17th Lunch - 11:30 am SEE BELOW

For questions please call Linda Mangum at 682-597-8898

You can also follow all events on our FB Page:

MacArthur High School Class of 1970 50th Reunion

Our LAST Quarterly Gathering will be in October - 17th and it will be a LUNCH! 11:30 am - same location - Lupe Tortillas in Los Colinas. That being said, and given, unless someone wants to come forward and take the reins for another reunion, I was asked to schedule some ADDITIONAL options for the weekend of October 18-20th as sort of a mini-reunion. Keep in mind, that next year, 2025 would be our 55th. And if anyone would like to take on planning a reunion, I am certainly happy to pass the baton. At our last QG, several mentioned they liked the idea of meeting quarterly and thought it was more intimate. However, those that show up, ALWAYS show up (THANK YOU) and few new faces attend. Utilizing the entire weekend in October with other things to do as a group may entice some out-of-towners to come. I am proposing the lunch on Thursday, possibly a boat rental on Lake Grapevine (or Lewisville) on Friday, a live music venue on Saturday evening (maybe even a trip to Winstar on Saturday for some) and brunch on Sunday. If you would like to participate in any of these, please let me know. I especially need to know if you want to be on a leisurely boat ride on Friday as I will have to get rental prices based on the number willing to go. (Price per person based on size of boat required).


You must be logged in to submit this survey. Please use the login box in the upper right corner.

1)   Would you be interested in extending the Quarterly Gathering in October throughout the weekend? (Oct. 17, 18, 19, 20)

2)   Would you be interested in extending the Quarterly Gathering in October throughout the weekend? (Oct. 17, 18, 19, 20)

3)   Would you be interested in extending the Quarterly Gathering in October throughout the weekend? (Oct. 17, 18, 19, 20)

4)   Would you be interested in extending the Quarterly Gathering in October throughout the weekend? (Oct. 17, 18, 19, 20)

5)   Would you attend any or some of the proposed events? If so, which ones?

6)   Would you attend any or some of the proposed events? If so, which ones?

7)   Would you like to go out on a boat on the lake on Friday afternoon (probably a 4 hour rental). Price based on number of people.

8)   Would you like to go out on a boat on the lake on Friday afternoon (probably a 4 hour rental). Price based on number of people.

9)   Do you have anyone in the area that performs music that we could possibly support on Friday or Saturday night of that weekend (Oct. 18/19)?

10)   Do you have anyone in the area that performs music that we could possibly support on Friday or Saturday night of that weekend (Oct. 18/19)?

11)   Are you interested in organizing a 55th reunion for 2025?

12)   Are you interested in organizing a 55th reunion for 2025?

13)   Are you interested in organizing a 55th reunion for 2025?

14)   Are you interested in organizing a 55th reunion for 2025?

15)   Do you have any suggestions for the weekend of Oct. 18-20 that I have not mentioned?

16)   Do you have any suggestions for the weekend of Oct. 18-20 that I have not mentioned?

17)   How did you feel about the arrangements for this year's QG? Location? 2 Lunches, 2 dinners - and do you have any suggestions for 2025?

18)   How did you feel about the arrangements for this year's QG? Location? 2 Lunches, 2 dinners - and do you have any suggestions for 2025?


Our 50th Reunion is one for the history books.  What a great turn out and an amazing weekend.  Friday night we hosted a "meet and greet" for all that were registered.  There was approximately 60+ who attended and got an early start on reacquainting with friends from both Irving High School and MacArthur.  Cash bar, lots of laughs, a few doggies and most out of towners gathered from 6:00 until 9:00 pm.  Then a late-night stop at Esparza's Mexican Food Restaurant in Grapevine for those still not wanting to end the night.  

Saturday was 'do your own thing' for most, but for the Committee it was show time to decorate and get ready for the big evening.  Doors opened at 6:00.  Registration went smoothly, thanks to Pam Flynt Knight, Becki Campbell Gilliam, Elaine Barham Vowel and others.  A full fajita buffet opened at 6:30 and although the line was slow moving, the food was delish!  I know our out-of-town guests enjoyed having good ol' Tex-Mex again and free margaritas!  

Close to 200 were in attendance for the evening and our DJ, Bryan Martin and MC, Monica Demar kept the music and activities lively!  Individual photos for an impending memory book (I hope you got yours taken) as well as group photos of Irving's Baseball team and class photos of both Irving and Mac will be included.  If you were not able to make it to the reunion, you will still be able to order a memory book in the next few weeks.  I will send out an email to everyone on how to do that.

MHS even had two very special guests, Melalee Camak and Tracy Youngblood, former teachers at Mac joined the fun and reunited with their now 70-year-old students.  So nice to see them both and reminisce.  

Also, a very special thanks to Patsy Farris Kirkpatrick and Robert Worchester on the beautiful “In Memory” display of our departed friends.  The list grows ever so sadly.

The evening included special dances for those married 45+ years, those that married their high school sweetheart and all singles (where were the single guys???)  Then wound down with the presentation of awards and recognition of the Committee who helped make the evening possible and CAKE! 

To all that made it, thank you!  Coming and having a great evening with us made the 3 year long planning well worth it!  To those unable to come, please enjoy the photos we have posted on FB and here, on our website.

Will there be another reunion in 2025? 


Your AMAZING Committee Members!

Mark Wagner, Linda Mangum Hastings, Robert Worchester, Patsy Farris Kirkpatrick, Pamela Flynt Knight, Elaine Barham Vowel, Becki Campbell Gilliam, Dave Patrick, Larry and Rhonda Stevens, Candace Glavin Kinsey and Ed Rios



Don Martin  10/26
Donald Martin  10/26
Rick Bird  10/29
Mike Neill  11/5
Chris Clear  11/6
Jody Yarbro  11/7
Nanette Bagby  11/8
Rhoda Walker (Golden)  11/10
J. T. "Jim" Nealy  11/12
Debbie McCarley (Fox)  11/14
Gary Edwards  11/17
Stephen Buckley  11/19
Connie Price  11/20
Anne Myers (Deem)  11/21
Eddie Hutson  11/24
Charlie Walker  11/24
