In Memory

Edward "Eddie" Humenic

Of Blessed Memory

Passed on February 11, 1979

Died in an accident in Alaska; interment in New Jersey.

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12/06/10 08:09 AM #1    

Karen Abrams

Of Blessed Memory: February 11, 1979 (Age 25)

"Eddy" moved to Fairbanks, Alaska in 1977. The following year, he moved to Seward (AK) to attend Avtec, a technical school, to be a heavy equipment mechanic.  Eddie's father was a tug boat captain in the New York City harbor, and since Seward was a fishing town, the sea called to Eddie up North.

He died when the crab boat he was on caught fire.  All four men aboard, including Eddie, the Captain and his two sons, made it to land, however, Eddie's hands got second-degree burns, and he succumbed to pneumonia the next day.

Eddie's dear friend, Bob Ransom, who he moved to Alaska with in the late 70s, accompanied Eddie's remains to  Jersey City, for his final resting place.

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