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Jane Chance [erased them]

Profile Updated: September 11, 2020
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Class Year
Residing In
Houston, TX USA
Carl NItzsche, 1966, Paolo Passaro, 1982 (can't remember) divorced both
Andrew W. Mellon Distinguished Professor Emerita of English, Rice University (=retired!)
Therese Chance Nitzsche James born 1967
Dr. Antony Damian Passaro, born 1982
Joseph Sebastian More…Passaro, born 1986

Seven grandchildren! Two born this year!
Yes! Attending Reunion

OMG! Seriously? Studied at Purdue; went to U Illinois for grad school; graduated in '71. Received a D. Litt. from Purdue in 2013. Married twice, three children, five grandchildren. Taught in Canada two years; rest of time at Rice U. in Houston (38 more years). Had a year each in London, Rome, Princeton, and Salt Lake working on books of various sorts. A Guggenheim romance in Rome led to much younger husband #2, born in Italy. Traveled many places for conferences; wrote many academic books and some poetry; took up photography in retirement, when I lived in Galveston and thought I'd stay (but didn't). Still love traveling, of course. Regret nothing; had a great time.

School Story

Writing poetry, started a memoir

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Jane Chance [erased them] posted a message. New comment added.
Sep 13, 2020 at 2:05 PM

Posted on: Sep 11, 2020 at 5:54 PM

Still following in my footsteps, aye Paul! It's o.k., just enjoy every minute of doing whatever you feel like!

Sep 11, 2020 at 5:53 PM

Still following in my footsteps, are you? Ha ha! Congratulations! Enjoy every minute of doing what you feel like doing!
