Classmate Profiles (1956)

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Sharon Barry (Vineyard)
Mary Carey (Dahlin)
Margaret Cunningham (Graf)
Suzanne D'Arcy (Puttman)
Patricia Dawson (Camp)
Frances DeLich (Sachen)
Patricia Dodson (Musil)
Janet Donahoo
Michaela Dulohery
Jeanne Foy (Ray)
Rose Franke (Abbick)
Dorothy Franko
Jean Fritts (Perkins)
Diane Haderlein (Kessler)   
Diane Hill
JoAnn Hiller
Catherine Jurkewicz (Gergich)
Jacqueline Kies (Hillhouse)
Elsbeth Kokott
Sr Mary Kuzmic
Jackie Leiter
Judy Maskill (Moore)
Mary McShane (Smith)
Judith Meyer (Hardgrow)
Angel Perry
Sheila Ryan (Effertz)
Connie Sanford (Mutter)
Mary Shine (Tarwater)
Margaret (Peggy) Sousley (McElh…)   
Judith Steele   
Julie Valdez
Elsie Vandergaer
Barbara Vanneman
Mary Weiss
Mary Welch

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