In Memory


Jim Ransom

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02/25/15 09:27 PM #1    

Randy Brown

One of my best memories of times with Jim, Kearney Youth Center during Jr. High, Snowflake dance.

Jim had a date with Marilyn Launer, I was with Lana Horn.  We all took a break together at a booth in the snack area.  After having seated myself first on one side of the booth, Jim taught me that a gentleman would allow his date a seat first and that I should sit on the outside next to her.  Lo De Oh Dote Doe... Jim seated Marilyn and then himself.  I figured it out, got up, seated Lana, and stored the learning.  

Our small talk somehow worked it's way around to each of our getting ready for the big evening. Lana and Marilyn shared they had bathed using Ivory and Dial soaps.  Jim added he had taken a shower using Lava to help get the grease off his hands.  I reluctantly admitted I used the bar on the tub that mom always kept there, Sweetheart.

Laughter, Friends, and Memories. Bye Jim......


02/26/15 07:54 PM #2    

Douglas Milo Thunberg

Hey ol' Jimmy boy,

First met you @ Methodist youth group functions & your infectious smile abounded @ all times!

Remember being an imp on the Jr. High play ground, you taking out after me, so I turned high heel & ran, looked back to see your bright, infectious smile Jim ( there was nothing malicious in your demeanor)!

Certainly, the Heavens are more enlightened with your bright smile, gentleman James!

Love always wins ,

Douglas Milo

02/26/15 10:12 PM #3    

Roy Livingston

I first met Jim when we played on the football team. Jim was not the star of the team but he was the kind of player that every coach wants on his team. He always tried to improve himself. He played hard every down and he always had a great attitude. I also knew Jim from high school choir. It was the same exact story there. He was an easy guy to like. Jim was a regular visitor at my house. In the early days my mom considered Jim to be Kearney's equivalent to Eddy Haskell but he eventually won her over. Jim stood up with me when I got married. I will miss his laugh and his stories of days gone by. Thank you Jim for being my friend.

02/27/15 03:48 PM #4    

Martha Rivero (Helton)

How awful to once again hear a classmate has passed way too young. I remember Jim as a kind and joyful person. Praying for his family. ????

02/27/15 06:19 PM #5    

Gary Paine

Jim Ransom, always "Jimmy" to me, was a typical kid that never grew up, just grew old.  He remained young at heart until that old ticker gave out.  He was an ornery cuss, from kindergarden on.  His little giggle laugh and smile would twist and turn and worm it's way right into your core and tickle you until you couldn't help but laugh along and buy into the little prankster's moment.  Almost before you knew what had happened you both were in trouble.... again.  I actually thought my own Mother was the worst Sunday School teacher we ever had, but it turns out Jimmy and I drove her nuts.   We had to be separated into different classes.  When he was being funny, he was uncontrolable no matter how many times you shussed him trying to save your own butt.  I wouldn't change a thing about that trait he had, those times are what I remember most.

I mentioned on the forum, not long ago, that Jim had selected my phone number by accident from his list, but recognized my voice as not the one he was expecting to hear and we talked for over an hour.  We talked about the joys and sorrows of life.  He told me many times that day and I quote, " I love my kids."  We talked about everything we could remember. Talked until his cell phone died.  Now Jimmy has died.  I am  thankful that he called me that day, it was a conversation to remember and then he called me back after plugging his phone in to the charger.   Wish I knew how to re-charge this empty space I feel inside? 

Jim was a good guy, and always seemed so happy on the outside.  He told me that he carried his share of hurt on the inside.  An old friend tells it like it is..... Well  Friends, I'm here to tell you, that I've just added some more hurt to mine.  Another unforgetable if not "unsinkable" 69er.  -painer

02/28/15 08:06 AM #6    

Janet Browne (Rose)

Painer.  Thank you for your lovely eulogy about Jim.  You captured what I feel inside.  He and his family were a solid brick in the wall of Kearney people who shaped us all.  Jim nicknamed me "Cowboy" in high school and I never knew the reason.  It was a secret, and he thought it hilarious, so he used it at every opportunity!  And for the record, I thought Eileen was a great SS teacher and remember being impressed at her knowledge of what she was teaching us.  Not surprised she had to break up the rabble-rousers!!  

You were so fortunate to reconnect with a misdialed phone call.

God Speed, Friend.  A part of me goes with you.

03/07/15 10:16 AM #7    

Barb Franz (Meyer)

I always called him Jimmy too. Look up good guy in Webster's it will say Jimmy Ransom. He was always the one, in those long lonely hallways, in Jr. High, to show his big smile, say Franz, and ask how you were doing? One of the best hugs I've ever gotten, was at one of our reunions, I tapped him on the back, he immediately jumped up and gave me the biggest bear hug ever, a memory I still cherish. See ya later, have the hug ready when we reunite in Heaven. Franz

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