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•   Kathleen Quinlan (Spicciati)  7/24
•   Ronald Blum, MD  3/23
•   Dasa Koenig (Taulker)  1/8
•   David Smith  11/29
•   Fred Heitman  6/24
•   Thomas Marlin  4/10
•   John Robert (Robert)  12/24
•   Sharon Miller (McGuffee)  4/27
•   John Ruppel  4/26
•   Peter Varga  1/25
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1 lives in Alabama
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113 location unknown
76 are deceased

Kenmore West Senior High School
Class Of 1962

Hi Classmates of Kenmore West Class of 1962 - Our website with classcreator at KenWestClass1962 will be closing, I believe, on December 14, 2022.  Our committee constructed the site for our 50th Reunion in 2012 and it has been wonderful but I have been acting as administrator now for the last ten years and its time for me to remove my name as administrator along with my credit card information, which has been required to keep the site going. There is a small fee each year, which I have been absorbing, but they are now suggesting security additions which I am not prepared to take on, nor do I feel knowledgeable enough to tackle the "computerese" involved in doing so. I have asked several times for someone else to step in but understand that it is not something many of us might want to take on at this point in our lives even though it is fairly user friendly. It is possible the site will continue to exist but may be more difficult to find but its possible we may lose our domain name entirely - I trulthfully don't know, but wanted to give you a heads up. They say nothing goes away once it's online - I guess we'll find out!

I hope you all have enjoyed the site and wish you the best going forward, in your life, health and family.

Jean McCormick '62


Hi All - While we were planning our reunion, it was agreed that we use the site only for information pertaining to the reunion.  Since that phase has passed, I would like to propose that we begin using the site to share "news" whether it be happy occasions or news which might inspire us to send good wishes or sympathies, or offer up a prayer.  To post an announcement, you would go to the Member Functions on the left menu and click on Post Announcement.  Type out what you would like to say and, within a day or two, it will be posted on our Home Page (see:Mike Logue's recent comment above).  It is simple - and a nice way to keep in touch - that's what friends are for......

Kenmore West Website Administrator Wanted!!!

Hi- We are looking for someone to take over or assist with our website. This site was created primarily for our 50th Reunion but we intend to keep it active for at least for another five years. Class Creator, who provides the basis for the site, has many tutuorials & is very "friendly" to work with and SO much more can be done with the site than is being done because of the limited knowledge & time of the current administrator (which is me!). You really don't need much experience - I had virtually zero website experience when we started it - there are tons of tutorials and support is available for virtually any issue.  I feel that someone with more time/experience can make this into such a better, more interactive site for our classmates to connect and share.  I will keep it running, but I really don't have the time to do much more & am hoping someone will step up.  Please contact me with any questions or if you would be willing to take it on or help.  Thanks so much!

Jean Maccubbin McCormick


To view our Kenmore West Class of 1962 Fiftieth Reunion photos or to add some of your own, please  look for access information to our KenWest snapfish account by clicking the "Links, Ideas & Info" tab on the left side menu after you sign in.  Information includes the snapfish website address, username and password so we need to keep it on a hidden page so that it is available only to our classmates.


Just wanted to bring to your attention the "Message Forum" button on the left menu - 2nd one down - and make sure everyone understands the difference between the "Message Forum" and the "Message Center" which is also a button on the left but is listed under Member Functions.  The Message Center is used in the event you would like to contact an individual classmate - it would only be viewed by you & the person with whom you choose to communicate.  The Message FORUM, on the other hand, is an open communication for all classmates - a place to raise a question to the class in general, make a comment, share an event, open an idea for discussion or just for sharing whatever.  It is viewed by everyone in our class who clicks on the button & I encourage you to check it out whenever you visit the site. 


Access to photos from the 50th reunion will be available soon.  The plan is to connect with a photo sharing site (snapfish?) and provide access for all classmates registered with our website.  You will be able to view photos, order prints if you wish & upload any photos you may have taken so that we can all see them.   We will have a shared access name and password. 

We would like you to know that If you recently received an email from "" that it has no affiliation whatsoever with our KenWest 1962 website - it is basically a search engine looking for information.


Please check out "Links and Ideas" on the left menu - you will find links to check out where we will be celebrating so you can see the great venues planned.

As a result of our recent postal mailing, several names have been added to "Missing Classmates" as their invitations were returned with no forwarding address.  Take a look!!

Welcome to the Kenmore West Senior High Class Of 1962 web site. We are creating this site to help you re-connect before, during and after our reunion and to help us keep you up to date on Reunion Activities. Hope you're as excited as we are!

Our KenWest Class of 1962 Reunion is being planned for August 10-12, 2012. Please register here so we can keep you up to date. Your Reunion Committee: Ken Blair, Sharron Enslin Doerr, Roger Forden, Sharon Kibler Gorczyca, Bob Lannen Harvey Lichtblau, Jean Maccubbin McCormick, Anita Mahaney Ventura, Bill Schneider, Mickey Tiedemann..


Theodore Berg  9/24
Robert Ives  9/24
Richard Yorke  10/1
Richard Vullo  10/5
Dennis Clements  10/8
Keith Rohring  10/8
David Wilhelm  10/9
Susan Fayle  10/10
Robert Lannen  10/11
Judy Lods  10/11
Bruce Marshall  10/15


TO Classmates of the KWHS Class of 1962,


Sadly – but with an abundance of caution regarding the coronavirus – I am cancelling the 9th Annual FL-KWHS Mini-Reunion scheduled for Monday, March 30, 2020 at DeRomo’s Gourmet Market and Restaurant in Bonita Springs.      We will certainly miss seeing each other this year and experiencing the camaraderie of long-time friends.   We wish everyone to take care and stay well.  


Mary Lou (Carroll) Mullins

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