25th Reunion Photos

The Class of '63s 25th Reunion was started out with joining the Jubilee Day's Parade, July 1988.  In the evening we gathered at the Elks for dinner, dancing, and camaraderie.  On Sunday we were at Washington Park to enjoy a picnic.

Front Row:  Osea Nelson, Ann Christensen Williams, Warren McClennan, Sandy Bartlett Bommer, Mike Mahaffey, Jeanie Schneider Mahaffey, Rick Wagner, Mary Thomas Hodge, Linda Halfhill Paintin, Rozanna Brown Fanelli, Sherry Cotton Rodriguez, Marjorie Cramer Mickelson

Middle Row:  Jeanie Perkins Petrik, Earnie Nelson, Robin Alford Nelson, Nancy McCarrell Kipper, Karren Knight Smith, Judy Zook Spiegelberg, Beverly Duncan Wagner, Jo Roum Humphreys, Tom McCullough, Rick Ward, Gail Henderson Hilston, Mary Payne Crum, Linda Paintin Keeney, Rosalyn Hadeen Mogensen

Back Row:  Sandy Ludwig Burton, Susan Strannigan Diehl, John Spiegelberg, Bruce Dudley, Bill Hoyt, Rusty Varineau, Larry Dueweke, Patty Wadlow Nelson, Linda Burwick, Chuck Guthmann, Ken Griffin, Rita Beman

Patty Wadlow Nelson, Linda Paintin Keeney, Bruce Dudley, Linda Burwick, Larry Dueweke, Sandy Hilston, Karren Knight Smith, Ann Christensen Williams, Ken Griffin

Jeanie Schneider Mahaffey, Mike Mahaffey, Sandy Bartlett Bommer, Unidentified, Rick Wagner, Mary Thomas Hodge, Patty Wadlow Nelson, Linda Paintin Keeney, Bruce Dudley, Karren Knight Smith

Jo Roum Humphreys, Ann Christensen Williams, Mary Thomas Hodge, Karren Knight Smith, Linda Burwick, Larry Dueweke

Jeanie Perkins Petrik, Sherri Cotton, Rodriguez, Marjie Cramer Mickelson

Marjorie Cramer Mickelson, Rita Beman Harvey

Sherri Cotton Rodriguez, Barnetta Bird, Jeanie Schneider Mahaffey, Mike Mahaffey, Sandy Bartlett Bommer, Jo Roum Humphreys, Mary Thomas Hodge, Patti Wadlow Nelson, Ken Griffin, Sandy Hilston, Gail Henderson Hilston

Mary Thomas Hodge

Mike and Jeanie Mahaffey, Sandy Bartlett Bommer

Sharon Kellogg Johnson and Patsy Hidalgo Vigil

Chuck and Linda Shawver

Mary Thomas Hodge had to stop at the Laundromat to do her business and ran to catch up!!!

Mom Lillian McCullough, Tom and Cathy McCullough with Lyndsay and Todd

Rick Wagner

Tom McCullough


Janet Cutherbertson Hoyt, Cathy McCullough, LJ Guthmann

Osea Nelson, Mary Payne Crum, Tom McCullough

Ann Christensen Williams, Judy Zook Spiegelberg, John Spiegelberg

Susan Strannigan Diehl, Gail Henderson Hilston, Bruce Dudley, Michelle Dudley

Sorry Sandy but I don't have another one for you.

Cathy McCullough, Sandy Ludwig Burton, Tom McCullough

Linda Burwick and Larry Dueweke

John and Judy Zook Spiegelberg, Karren Knight Smith

Rozanna Brown Fanelli

Ken Griffin

Mary Thomas Hodge and Dave Hodge

Sorry Mary, it's the best I've got!

Greg and Nancy McCarrell Kipper

Chris and Lee Martinez

Joe and Linda Halfhill Paintin

Robin Alford Nelson, Osea and Emily Nelson

Jerry and Karren Knight Smith

Gail Henderson Hilston and John Harrison

Bernard Forest, Unidentified, Jack Patterson, Tom McCullough

Mike and Jeanie Schneider Mahaffey

Picnic Time!!!

Bruce and Michelle Dudley Family

Joe and Linda Halfhill Paintin Family

Sandy and Gail Henderson Hilston

Susan Strannigan Diehl with Kelly and Marci

John and Judy Zook Spiegelberg with Vaughn Spiegelberg

Carol and Dave Hall

Olive Thomas with Dave and Mary Thomas Hodge and Nancy McCarrell Kipper

Tom and Cathy McCullough with Lyndsay and Todd

Ann Christensen Williams

Ernie and Robin Alford Nelson

Larry and Patty Wadlow Nelson Family

Stacey and Karren Knight Smith

Harold Mogensen and Roselyn Hadeen Mogensen

Rick Ward, Dixie Ward, and Olive Thomas

Linda Burwick

Dee and Margie Cramer Mickelson Family

Richard and Betty Cunningham Family

Ken and Carolyn Griffin Family

Jim and Jo Roum Humphreys and Jodie

Sandy Bartlett Bommer and Melissa and Kevin

Jim and Vicki Hamilton with Jeff and Jenni

John Harrison and son (let me know his name)

Cricket and Warren McClennan

Bill and Janet Cuthbertson Hoyt with Jennifer and Jeff

Rita Beman

Henry and Sandy Eike

Ken Hull, Chuck and LJ Guthmann

Sherri Cotton Rodriguez and Family (names?)

Rusty and Phyllis Varineau

Chris and Lee Martinez

Jeanie Perkins Petrik

Osea and Emily Nelson and Osea

Mrs. Mallory and Kathy Mallory

Ann and Beverly Duncan Wagner with Karren Knight Smith and Stacey

Lynn and Neil Stratch and Family

Jim Hixon

Linda Burwick, Larry Dueweke, Bruce Dudley

Rick Lucas

