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Ellerbe Ackerman Jr
George Allman Jr
Bob Anderson
John Apperson IV
John Arnette
Alison Arthur (Woodard)
Sherry Baldwin (Banz)
Pat Ball (Randall)
Bill Barry III
Jean Baxley (Vaughan)
Richard Beck
Bob Bercaw Jr
Donald Blanchard
Bob Bouldin
Larry Bowers II
Doug Braun
Betsy Bridgers (Mofield)
Jean Brock (Alford)
Betsy Brong (Murray)
Eleanor Brown (Bigger)
Clem Bullard Jr
Betty Bullock (Romano)
Jim Burby III
Charles Burlew
Lawrence Calhoun
Judi Carmines (Curbow)
Jane Carter (Buckner)
Sharon Castle (Blankenship)
John Cater
Kathryn Chestnut (Nevin)
Howard Chipman
Nada Cleary (Lawrimore)
Katherine Cody
Sara Constantine (Nugent)
Donald Cooper
Mike Cotten
Ann Covington (Hunter)
Carol Crawford (Rudolph)
Cooper Davis (Davidson)
Roger Dixon
Dottie DuBose (DuBose-Blum)
Shelley Eanes (Palmer)
Carolyn Ebhardt (Hackett)
Albert (Buddy) Elmore
Elaine Elwell (Warner)
Mary Katherine Field (Oliver)
David Fisher
Mary Fisher (Lemons)
Tina Florer (McNeice)
Pam Floyd (Callahan)
Llynda Fogle
Betty Ford
Martha Ford (Ethridge)
Agnes Fowlkes (Blakeslee)
Ted Foy
Mev Fraser (Shieder)
Abbie Gibbons (Covington)
Lane Gillespie (Cooke)
Phyllis Goodhart (Cornell)
Lawrence Gordon Jr
Helen Gregory (Wise)
Donna Grier (Stuart)
Frank "Knarf" Grier II
Phil Hamilton
Alan Hancock
Clara Harper (Robertson)
Michael Harrison
William Hart
William Heizer
David Hendricks
Sally Herndon (Berger)
Shannon Hershberger (Staub)
Nancy Hitt (Helm)
John Holt, Jr
Joyce Horsley (Johnson)
Judith Hough
Carol Hovis (Pharr)
Bill Hubbard
Dianne Huff (Tuttle)
Sheila Huff (O'Briant)
Mary Anne Jackson (Tyndall)
Frank Joerg III
Barbara Johnson (McLean)
Gay Johnson (Wyche)
Rick Johnson
Brenda Keel
Alice Kelly (Fonvielle)
Sharon Kelly (Hilgeman)
Mary Kessler
Nancy Lackey (Farmer)
Zoe Ann Lawson (Dudley)
Timothy Leonard
Tony Leonard
Trula Leventis (Wright)
Lou Lewis (Whitt)
Ann Lowman (Yang)
Suzanne MacLeod (Dedrick)
Sherry Mansfield
Larry Mathes
Jim Mathews Jr
Kay McClanahan
Harriet McCormick (Dozier)
Pam McDaris (Burby)
Bill McInnis
Virginia Mckenzie (McKenzie)
David McKinney
Cheryl McNeill (Wooddell)
Duncan Mills
Abbie Moore (Pitt)
Nelia Morgan (Butler)
Jim O'Brion
John Odiorne III
Joe Overton III
Graham Padgett
Bill Padgett Jr
Betty Parker (Valek)
Elizabeth Parker
Sula Parks (Hicks)
Walter Parrish III
Mary Kaye Pearson (Johnston)
John Pfaff
John Phillips
Reuben Pierce Jr
Sue Pope (Neelly)
Anne Pritchard (Acuff)
Carol Privette (McConnell)
Pal Pruitt (Moore)
Linda Purcell (Alford)
Martha Quate (Rountree)
Alice Ragland (Decker)
Dyer Ramsey II
Caryl Rehm (Dellinger)
Frank Reid Jr
Mary Lou Richardson (Cox)
Eloise Ristau (Overton)
Bruce Robertson
Athos Rostan Jr
Jim Saleeby
Roy Sandidge
Hilda Savage (Barry)
Sue Scarborough
Lynda Scott
Carolyn Shaw
David Shaw Jr
Norman P Sholar
Carolyn Smith (Morgan)
Harry Smith
Laurence Smith
Minnie Smith (Bowden)
Janet Smoak (Hess)
James R. Smoot
Adger Smyth
Donna Southers (Garrison)
Charles Sprinkle (Sprinkle)
Charles Sprinkle Jr
Jackie Stafford (Davis)
James (Sharky) Stedman
Mark Steil
Tray Stephenson Jr
Dick Stone
Beverly Strawn (Gudger)
Angela Stronach (Todd)
Frances Stroud (Jackson)
Frank Stuart
Shirley Suttle
Mary Raine Sydnor (Moore-Smith)
Patty Taffar (Patterson)
Lil Tandy (Bowers)
Susan Tate (Carter)
Vann Taylor II
Lynne Terry (Misenheimer)
Mary Thompson (Hammond)
Bill Townsend
Skip Tredick Jr.
Tom Trow
Tillie Van Dyke (Brockwell)
Steve Wainscott
John Walker III
Scottie Warren (Cannon)
Neal Watkins Jr.
Robert Whitesides Jr.
Carolyn Williams (Smith)
Dean Williams (Helmintoller)
Margaret Wilson (Boylin)
Roy Wilson
David Winkler
Bill Wooddell
Anne Wyatt (Twisdale)
Vicki Young (Reddick)
Guest Members
John Duncan (Class Of 1966 Gu…
Bonnie Greer (Johnson)
Michael Lawing
Ed Minnich
Thomas Patterson
Anne Strickland (McQuiston)
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