Registering for and using this website is free, and always will be.
It's up to you whether you want to join all the others whose names you'll find on the Classmate Profiles page but, whether you decide to or not, if you ever feel you'd like to make a donation towards the cost of the work involved in maintaining the website, I'd be more than happy to receive it. Please do so using the button to the right of the Home Page. If you do decide to register you can also send me a cheque in my name, Mark Foulsham, to my home address, which you'll find on my Profile under 'What is your full address?', after registering.
If you're not sure you really want to join us........
Benefits of Registering for the site -
As a REGISTERED CLASSMATE you'll be able to participate in the USER FORUMS and NOTICE BOARD and voice your opinion on any subject you want, have access to the information others have entered on their PROFILES, exchange Email messages with other members via the MESSAGE CENTRE or their PROFILE and use the INSTANT MESSAGING and LIVE CHAT features to have 'real time' conversations with anyone else who has logged on to the site at the same time as you. After registration, other pages, which have been 'password protected' to prevent access to potentially sensitive information by unauthorised people, will be available to you once you've 'logged on'.
Frequently asked questions -
There's only one question that seems to concern potential members and that's -
If it's a subject that might make you re-consider becoming a member, please put your mind at rest by reading the piece I've written about it that you'll see after clicking on the link below -
If you do decide to join us.......
IMPORTANT: Before Registering For The Site
To ensure that you receive a response to your application as well as any future messages from the site, please 'whitelist' the email addresses and so that your own e-mail program providers don't classify mail from that address as 'spam'. 'Whitelisting' simply means you are telling your email program to accept all emails coming from our website and other Classmates. The technique for 'whitelisting' varies by email provider, but generally you will see the term 'Whitelist', 'Safe List', 'Allow emails from', 'Safe Senders','Set Up Filter', or something similar, within your email program and this is where you want to add the email addresses and
As an added precaution you can also add to your email address book under the name Sloane Website and under the name Sloane Facebook but no one will be able to send any emails direct to those addresses.
Register For The Website
Please don't be put off if this all seems a little complicated and long-winded. It takes less time than you think and is necessary.
First of all, make sure we haven't been expecting you by looking to see if your name is already listed in the list of Missing Classmates. If it is, click on it and follow instructions for completing your Profile and starting the registration process to become a Member.
If your name's not already listed on the Missing Classmates page click on the button you'll see there to be taken to the Contact Us page where you can send me a message asking me to add it.
IMPORTANT: Please also ensure that you enter your complete, correct e-mail address in the 'Your Email' section of the Message Box, as I'll be sending your registration instructions to that e-mail address. Please check, then double check, before sending the message to me. The most common mistake is ending Email addresses with .com rather than, and vice versa.
When you're finished, remember to click on Send Message. If you've convinced me of your eligibility to beome a member, I'll then send you an email confirmation that I've added your your name to the Missing Classmates list. I'll also attach instructions to help you complete your own Profile, create your own Password and make the most of the website.
After you've completed your Profile you'll receive an Email asking you to verify your Email address (due to Anti-SPAM regulations ) by clicking on a link within the Email. You still won't be able to access all site pages until I've verified your membership but when I have you'll receive a welcoming Email message and you'll be to Log In to the site and make full use of it.
All emails sent through this site are valid and you will not receive Spam mail because of them.
Please be assured that any information you add to your Profile can only be seen by other registered users. If you'd rather even they didn't know something, then don't enter it. Your Email address cannot even be seen by other registered members meaning anyone sending you a message via this website will not be able to see the Email address it is going to.
AND FINALLY:- Everyone registering for this website is expected to respect the privacy of other Classmates. Please do not divulge your Password to anyone else and allow them to view the Classmate Details and Profiles of others. Also, please do not pass on any of the information you have been privileged to read without the consent of the Classmate the information concerns.