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Greetings again, Classmates!

First off, my apologies to Lois for not writing with more clarity about price and the Directory. Lois has done the amazing job of possibly getting the price down to $69 in the first venue. This is where I injected my dream of reducing the cost of the Reunion to $50 IF we classmates members could find fun ways to inject funds to put into our ECG69 checkbook. The venue will still have to have $69 if such a low cost can be confirmed. I had no idea venues and food were so expensive until I dove into the deep end first jump-starting this event.

Also, Lois had suggested to me a paper stapled copy of the Directory, and that's a great and more economical option. I'm still pushing for a paper copy to those who wish one because it will serve as a sturdy and beautiful kind of phone book for the rest of our lives. As I have called people to double check their contact information, I'm am shocked at how many changes of address and/or phone numbers I have had to make. I would love us to head into the future with as reliable a Directory as we can have. A Directory like our 50th Reunion one will probably have to require a classmate to pay for printing and postage if mailed. But I don't want to get too detailed about it now because obtaining a venue, deciding on food and pricing the date we want (we're hoping for Friday, October 4) is of the utmost importance first. Last night I heard back from the second venue we're considering. The events coordinator was swamped with June wedding receptions and will contact me as soon as possible about whether October 4 is available there.

This morning I received a response from Jim Ackley about a fund he has suggested to me we consider that goes directly to teachers at Glass in helping them cover the expenses for teaching supplies (hoping I'm remembering right; I haven't had time to look at the link). Many of us were teachers and know full well how much we all spent out of pocket to give our students the best possible education. I have asked Jim and Al Coleman to serve as an advisory committee on what sounds like a cause we could consider. High school Reunions traditionally try to give a donation to a worthy cause. Jim said we can learn more from this link:

I finished last night's email in the middle of the night and didn't get to bed until 3 am again. It was too late to run it by Lois and Randy, and I apologize. I was thinking with my heart, which I'm feeling strongly after the recent deaths of so many of our classmates. I can relax once we have a confirmed date and price and start thinking with my brain again.



After hours of hard work, Audrey Haugan has completed part two of the 50th reunion videos!

Use the "Videos" link on the menu or click here:

Thank you Audrey for this lasting tribute to a wonderfully successful gathering of the EC Glass High School class of 1969. 



50th reunion photos are now available on the website! 
You may access from the "Photos" menu on the left or click on this link.


In case you did not get a program about our reunion weekend I thought it was important for you to see the contributions made by so many individuals to our reunion.    - Susan Wright





For those who had their pictures taken at the photo booth, I have listed steps below to access and download them, if you haven't already.

Go to this website link.


Click on EC Glass icon.


Enter the password:  1012


You will see the small thumbnail sized shots.

You may notice a “Buy” button.

Ignore these.

You must scroll way down to see and download the large pictures.

There are 4 pages of pictures. Use the navigation bar at the bottom by clicking the next number or use the > and < symbols.


At the bottom right of each picture you will see some icons.

Click the “download” icon to get your picture. 





***Class directory now available. Click link in menu at left.***

E.C. Glass High School

Lynchburg, VA


Welcome to the class of 1969 

(Please click on the "JOIN HERE" link at the top right of page and find your name)

(Use the "Edit Contact Info" link on left to go in and change name. Be sure to scroll down & SAVE)


“It’s a beautiful morning
at the greatest high school
in the United States.”

-Jimmy Bryan